The best "female" horror movie


What Lies Beneathe

Originally Posted by joshuafor
Carrie or Ju on
They get my vote.

I never saw the movie but I heard that "I Spit On Your Grave" (1978) was a very nasty flick about a woman being beaten, raped and left for dead and then going for her attackers to slaughter them one by one.

Originally Posted by Magnum P.I.
I never saw the movie but I heard that "I Spit On Your Grave" (1978) was a very nasty flick about a woman being beaten, raped and left for dead and then going for her attackers to slaughter them one by one.

"I Spit On Your Grave" was a pretty nasty flick I own it on dvd, Wes Craven's "Last House On The Left" is along the same lines as "I Spit On Your Grave" also.

Another good Wes Craven film about a female is called "Deadly Friend"

Arresting your development

That crazed out bath tub ghost from THIR13EN GHOSTS. Too bad she wasn't slashing people up with her butter knife.
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by Escape
I'm taking the Blair Witch Project.
I like the Scooby Doo version of Blair Witch.

I don't know if this counts, but it definatley deals with what has to be a mothers worst fear...a really ugly baby.

Mmmmmm...this is a tasty burger!

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Originally Posted by tommygun
I don't know if this counts, but it definatley deals with what has to be a mothers worst fear...a really ugly baby.

What part of "The best "female" horror movie" does It's Alive play into?

I'm not saying I didn't enjoy this movie in a kind of Plan 9 from Outer Space way.

SolidGold85's Avatar
Good boy/terrible girl
Originally Posted by nebbit
Well it was the first NC-17 film. It's got my vote for sure.
Also the movie They is one of those cheap scare/hot chick films but hey, it works.
There are two types of people in this world: Those with guns and those to dig. . . You dig.

Originally Posted by Anonymous Last
I like the Scooby Doo version of Blair Witch.
There was a kind of parody to the blair witch done in the first scooby doo film? I haven't seen it yet.

Movie Forums Member
The Eye
in my opinion though in ways alot like Sixth Sense i think The Eye did a better job because i liked the main charachter and there was this one twist in the movie that really suprised me

The Girl near the end... Creepy escpecially with her voice going "Kiri Kiri Kiri" meaning Deeper deeper deeper in English

Well Sue me i really enjoyed Ringu and actually Alot of asian movies usually tend to use a Girl as a main charachter of the movie like

A Tale of Two Sisters which in my opinion is one of the best asian horror movies that star a good actress

The Phone
which if you get a chance you should pick it up because of the Little Girls acting which is Superbly VERY GOOD and really reminds me of a young Dakota Fanning
Though the story isn't really anything new i think it was worth it to buy the movie and watch the little girl act.
Her name is YOUNG-SHIN which is a korean name, Pick it up if your into asian horrors =)

Well Sue me i really enjoyed Ringu and actually Alot of asian movies usually tend to use a Girl as a main charachter of the movie like

the ringu
Dark Water
the eye
The eye 2
a tale of two sisters
the phone
takashi Miike's "the Box" in Three
and many more

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Not really Horror per se...but Silence of the Lambs.

I HATE horror flicks where all the women are stumbling screaming victims. Foster, one of my very favorite actors and one of the most beautifully strong female presences ever put to celluloid, Is vulnerable in this film, but hardly a victim.

Ohhh yeah Audition....shiver...

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Box and Phone are crap!

Just because it's Asian doesn't mean it's automatically good. It seems like every Asian film you watch you think is good. I love the recent stuff coming out of Asia, especially the Korea 'New Wave', but it isn't all great. Just seems to me like you're a little blinded here...

Especially if you consider Box one of the best female horror films.
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Women are never not that scared enough in most of the horror movies that I see. They're always so brave. Last night, SabreMan79 and I watched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, and we were cracking up over the lead female, Caroline Williams, because what she was doing was so ridiculous. Leatherface and his brother attack her at her radio station. While she's there, Leatherface gets horny looking at her bare legs and starts thrusting his chainsaw at her crotch... so she talks dirty to him! This leads to Leatherface masturbating, then deciding not to kill her and leave... but she chases after him rather than go for help, change her identity and get far away from Texas as possible. She ends up at his house, an underground cavern at a theme park or something, gets chased a lot - at one point, she reaches a dead end and tells Leatherface, who's behind her with the chainsaw, "Alright! Alright! Let's talk about this!" It's funny, but why isn't she more afraid? At the beginning of the film, she's talking to two guys on the radio, they get killed by Leatherface on the road - it sounds as ghastly as it looks, she gets herself involved with a crazy guy hunting Leatherface, who tells her to play the tape recording of the two guys getting killed on her radio show - and she does it, SEVERAL TIMES! She should be afraid of the killers finding out what she's doing and then coming to kill her - which happens. She should even be afraid of ruining her radio career. But Stretch, the lady I'm talking about, is the most fearless woman in any horror movie - and awfully slutty if she can talk dirty to Leatherface!

Rosemary's Baby is a great movie about a woman's fear, but so is The Blair Witch Project, when Heather realizes fiction is really fact and she's assisted in bringing two guys to their deaths, and that it looks like she will never get out of the woods.

Some great ones already mentioned (Rosemary's Baby, Carrie, Ginger Snaps, The Brood) but two that spring immediately to mind are:

Director Lucky McKee's minor masterpiece MAY (8.5/10) which plays out a like a hybrid of Carrie and Fraqnkenstein. It works as an examination of female loneliness and delves deeply into a troubled female psyche. Cant believe there is no love for this horror delight full of insight and originality.

SCRAPBOOK (8/10) "Makes I Spit On Your Grave look like Disney film". The director of this set out to do to the serial killer genre what Clint did with UNFORGIVEN. Sick of killers portaryed as intellectual genius' who are always smarter than there pursurers and somehow glamorous and cool.
Instead he shows them for the self gratifying, uncontrollable animals that they are. Operating purely on instinct and lacking any self control. The female POV in this film is one of the most harrowing positions any audience will ever have to sustain. A must see only for those with very strong constitutions.
******"The Majority Is Always Wrong" Steve Mcqueen in Enemy Of The People******

Thanks OG, nice to be back...

been off the radar for a while. Tons of distractions over the last year, hopefully ill have more time to post in upcoming months.

To continue the topic I would also add the harrowing Japanese Horror FREEZE ME to the list of "Best" Horror Films with a focus on the fairer sex. It's another expansion on the "I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE" routine (rape/revenge) that will smack your head around long after the final credits.

I've wanted to see Freeze Me for a while now another good reccomendation just may make me check it out. Though the rape/revenge theme is a bit tired in my mind, and I have had my fill of asian horror. I do have a problem with the whole rape thing being so prevelant in female related storylines, I have "enjoyed" films with this prevelant theme but I guess after you have seen enough permutations and variations on a theme it just gets well...tired.

I prefer more subtile (ha, ha) stories like Fatal Atraction, which again, Isnt a horror film per se, but it is harrowing in its depection of a female psychopath. Personally I think a jilted woman makes a much more multidimentional "Psycho" than one who has been raped. And I don't care for rape scenes in general, though I did sit through Baise Moi.

Hey "Othelo",

Director Takashi Ishii's (EVIL DEAD TRAP) film FREEZE ME (8/10) is definetly worth checking out.

It has enough fresh ideas and original angles to keep you interested throughout. It's dark, disturbing and harrowing but it's all hyper-real and laced with (IMO) a black comedy edge to it.

All the chareceters are so haneous and over the top evil, the crime itself so brutal and the psychological retribution so bizzare and twisted, you cant help but laugh some times.

Hell the, "Its your fault you were raped" attitude many charecters in the film believe may or may not reflect the asian cultural belief but it certainly was to much for me at the time and I had to laugh at the craziness of it all.

So be warned it is a twisted little number that Im sure will entertain and offend.