The Fantastic Four


Originally Posted by Zzat
4 Heroes Vs. 1 Villian... That seems a bit unfair? I was never really into Fantastic Four so is Doctor Von Doom really strong?
Picked this off of a website:

Known Superhuman Powers: While in his armor, Dr. Doom can lift (press) approximately 2 tons. He is one of the smartest men in the world and has an almost endless variety of weapons and equipment at his disposal. At the very least, Doom's armor contains a force field and concussion beams -- though more weapons may also be included. Dr. Doom also has the ability to switch minds with another person and he possesses a small amount of mystical knowledge as well.

Originally Posted by Escape
Picked this off of a website:

Known Superhuman Powers: While in his armor, Dr. Doom can lift (press) approximately 2 tons. He is one of the smartest men in the world and has an almost endless variety of weapons and equipment at his disposal. At the very least, Doom's armor contains a force field and concussion beams -- though more weapons may also be included. Dr. Doom also has the ability to switch minds with another person and he possesses a small amount of mystical knowledge as well.
.....and he can do a mean face lift and boob job

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
yeahhhhhhhhhh... i would NOT try taking off his armor......... ugh!
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

I hope this one is good. From the trailer it doesn't look to pretty.
Evil lives...

I thought that the trailer looked alright, nothing special but it'll give you a little taste of what the actual movie will turn out like

Someone Save Us College Kids
Has anyone seen the recent issue of Game Informer, the front cover is the cast as the FF4. They look alright, and the game doesnt look so bad either.

Originally Posted by Piledriver
Well, I just viewed the trailer (thanks jrs) and I'm going to wait until I actually see the film before making any hasty judgements, but there are two glaring weaknesses already. The first is the Thing's "special effects" make up. It looks too much like a rubber suit
I thought the same thing when i first saw the trailer on this little girly 15" computer monitor of mine, but when i saw it in the theatre, he does look like the rock man he should be.

There are those who call me...Tim.
Originally Posted by Escape
Known Superhuman Powers: While in his armor, Dr. Doom can lift (press) approximately 2 tons. He is one of the smartest men in the world and has an almost endless variety of weapons and equipment at his disposal. At the very least, Doom's armor contains a force field and concussion beams -- though more weapons may also be included. Dr. Doom also has the ability to switch minds with another person and he possesses a small amount of mystical knowledge as well.
Yeah, but can he do this? *rolls tongue*
"When I was younger, I always wanted to be somebody. Now that I'm older, I realise I should've been more specific."

Originally Posted by JANthology
I didn't read ALOT of ff comics, but I kinda regarded them as this high class 25+ aged group (cept for johnny storm) of titans, who fought the more sophisticated villans. These guys look like they're a bunch of teenagers thinking they're powers are 'kinda cool'. I donno maybe I'm not givin it much of a chance, and I'm still willing to to pay to see it, but the trailer at least, hasn't got my hopes up.
Personally, I thought the trailer was great.

I've heard that they are basing this film off of the new Ultimate Fantastic Four comic series. I don't care for Marvel's Ultimate line even though most of them are best sellers but I can understand an origin film in which the characters are younger. I also like the concept of Dr. Doom being enhanced in the same accident as the FF. Since the FF's origin was based on their desire to get to the moon back in 1961, they certainly needed to update it.

This film seems to be on the right track and I've liked everything official that I've read and seen so far. Following on the heals of The Incredibles, I think this movie will be a huge hit. Since The Incredibles was just an imitation of the FF, why wouldn't everyone who enjoyed The Incredibles not want to see the FF?

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"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

wanna bet this movie looks more fake than the entire CG movie the incredibles and be way less entertaining. Any takers?

This movie looks like it is goin to be real good and the cast is pretty good.

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Originally Posted by Shadow Otaga
wanna bet this movie looks more fake than the entire CG movie the incredibles and be way less entertaining. Any takers?
I just saw the trailer for this movie again, and Jessica Alba aside, I'm agreeing with you, the SFX aren't looking too good. I'm still not sold on the casting either for this flick Although he just got done playing a comic hero, Ron Perlman would've been a much better fit as Ben Grimm, or even Michael Duncan Clarke would've been a better choice than Chiklis as the Thing.
It may turn out to have some entertainment value, although I'm sure it's only gonna be to see Jessica Alba back in a form fitting leather uniform (since her DarkAngel days).
If Marvel was gonna release a new superhero team flick in hopes of capturing some major dollars this spring/summer, they shoulda pushed up there making of "The Ultimates". Now THAT'S a movie I'm looking forward to seeing
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Movie Forums Member
i really can't wait to see Jessica Alba in Fantastic Four and i hope the movie is as Fantastic or better then the Cartoon series

Originally Posted by Piledriver
I just saw the trailer for this movie again, and Jessica Alba aside, I'm agreeing with you, the SFX aren't looking too good.
I have to disagree. When i first saw the trailer on the computer, i wasnt too impressed witht the cgi's. But then i saw it on the big screen and it looked awesome. I'm hoping it stays that way for the entire show.

Another thing i thought was that "The Thing" was created in a cgi form until a friend of mine who was an extra in it and was on set alot, saw him upclose and says it was an actual suit. He told me the suit looked genuine and was FANTASTIC. heh heh get it....fantastic? oh never mind.

Originally Posted by Escape
I thought was that "The Thing" was created in a cgi...a friend of mine says it was an actual suit.
He is right. It is Michael Chiklis from F/X's The Shield inside that costume. Although in some scenes, CGI was probably needed.

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Jessica Alba, again?
i wonder why, yeah...
1) i know how difficult it is to find a REAL blonde nowadays ( i know that myself...), but *****, Jessica is not even close to being ashblonde... and The Invisible Girl has always been, in the comics at least
2) come on, she's no model either, seen her in Elektra too, and she DOES have fat on her tummy! considering her age, wait till you see how she looks when she's 40, she's no Uma...
3) and it won't be because of any acting talent either... or they better could 've taken anyone else...
Jess =

Originally Posted by chicagofrog
Jessica Alba, again?
2) come on, she's no model either, seen her in Elektra too, and she DOES have fat on her tummy! considering her age, wait till you see how she looks when she's 40, she's no Uma...
You've confused temporary "it girls" of the moment Jessica Alba and Jennifer Garner.

Jessica Alba was TV's "Dark Angel" who appeared in comic book movies Sin City and the upcoming The Fantastic Four. Jennifer Garner is from TV's "Alias" who appeared in the comic book movies Daredevil and Elektra.
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chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
oh, *****, yeah. ........ i really need one more coffee this morning... i always kinda get them mixed up, because of the tv shows Alias and Dark Angel i happened to see a few times (without really watching either) on TV around the same period.
my excuses... to all fans of Jessica!
i like her a bit more than Jennifer - after all, she plays in Sin City!!, and is a lil bit less Barbie-like to my eyes.
(point 1) is still relevant though. and point 3), like i said, less maybe, especially considering that i don't expect much from the acting in F4.)
now, i'm getting my coffee, nope, no sugar!!!!!!!