Choose a Favorite Film and List 10 Reasons Why You Like It So Much


Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Lance McCool
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Couldn't agree more. I just re-watched this recently and was reminded what a great, fun, wonderful adventure it is.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favorite two, but a close second is Aliens because:

1.) It has the coolest badguys in any film.
2.) The movie is drenched with atmosphere. It does an excellent job of establishing the futuristic setting that is such an important part of the film.
3.) The pacing is excellent. Once it picks up the movie blends a lot of nail-biting action and maintains character development.
4.) Special effects were convincing, and not overdone.
5.) The sound FX added a lot to the film, it just wouldn't be the same without the all thoses hissing and snarling aliens. Also, the musical score really enhanced the atmosphere of the film.
6.) The movie is able to work in a lot of character growth with Ripley, an uncommon feature of action and horror films.
7.)The marines were an entertaining bunch, especially Hudson (Bill Paxton) . What else is there to say other then "Game over man!"
8.) Sigourney Weaver. This is the defining role of her career, and I think the character of Ripley is at her strongest here, both with her confrontation of the Aliens and her growth as a mother figure.
9.) Those guns the marines have...sweet. I built a bb gun replica from a resin model kit, its badass.
10.) I enjoy watching it!
Mmmmmm...this is a tasty burger!

Originally Posted by tommygun
...7.)The marines were an entertaining bunch, especially Hudson (Bill Paxton) . What else is there to say other then "Game over man!"...
"How the f*ck could they cut the power, man? They're animals!"

Welcome to the human race...
I'll go with Reservoir Dogs

1) An intriguing homage to 1950s American heist movies as well as that of 1980s Hong Kong heist movies.
2) One of the best ensemble casts in recent years - Harvey Keitel, Steve Buscemi, Mike Madsen and Tim Roth all give great performances.
3) The usage of violence is perfectly balanced.
4) Cheesy yet enjoyable 70s soundtrack.
5) A convoluted storyline that just works so well in the end.
6) The suits...the suits are just too cool.
7) An amusing opening scene about Madonna and tipping and crap. It was so fun.
8) Great timing, doesn't drag anything out too much - all over in 90 minutes
9) Mr Blonde. That is all.
10) I can't think of a tenth.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

In The Mouth of Madness (1995, John Carpenter)

“God's not supposed to be a hack horror writer!”
  • Sam Neill delivers his finest performance to date…which is something I really dig because I’m a big admirer of his work.
  • Jürgen Prochnow…nothing else needs to be said.
  • Perfectly conveyed dark and suffocating atmosphere.
  • It’s a great film that other mind **** horror movies could only dream of emulating.
  • Carpenter not only makes it creepy, frightening, and claustrophobic, but also makes it a wonderful little mystery.

“I think, therefore you are.”
  • The special effects are more subdued than flashy…only used when needed and not for showing off. I respect that.
  • John Carpenter is one of my favorite director’s for the thriller genre, but he doesn’t really have that many hits compared to all of his misses. So, when he has a hit, I love it all the more…just out of appreciation and love.
  • I’ve always loved H. P. Lovecraft tales.
  • It has a great score and the cinematography is all perfectly Carpenter.
  • One hell of a wicked ending that leaves me just sitting there while the credits role.

“I am not crazy!”
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

I got for good luck my black tooth.
I'm definatly gonna check that one out Slay.
"Like all dreamers, Steven mistook disenchantment for truth."

Cool. I hope you like it. There are just as many haters as there are lovers of it.

Chalk me up as a hater. Actually, "hate" is far too strong a word. I just find In the Mouth of Madness incredibly dull and a cure for insomnia. I'd grade it about a D+, a fairly solid if basic idea but executed so very badly.

I'm getting sleepy just thinking about it.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Chalk me up as a hater. Actually, "hate" is far too strong a word. I just find it incredibly dull and a cure for insomnia. I'd grade it about a D+, a solid idea but executed so very badly.

I'm getting sleepy just thinking about it.

You can eat my socks.

Originally Posted by Sedai
- The Score: Vangelis hits it all here. Bleak, spacey, wonderous, dark, tacky, and beautiful. One of my favorite scores ever.
Just got a copy of the score recently. I definitely agree with you.

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan

“I think, therefore you are.”
I never actually realized he was in this. He was great in Das Boot.

Just bought it on DVD. I know I rated it pretty badly, but it's like I said, it's been quite a while and I've changed quite a bit.

And it was only 5 dollars.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
In The Mouth of Madness

1. Sam Neil is immaculate in this film. Every twitch of the eye, every twitch of the hand and every variation of vocal pitch is delivered spot on.

2. The score is phenomenal.

3. The cinematography is retina consuming; it sucks you in.

4. The old man on the bike.

5. The creatures and effects are presented with a precision and craft that is elusive of 98% of all horror films.

6. John Carpenter is the best man for primal thrills in the genre.

7. A naked husband handcuffed to the ankle of a sweet, elderly lady.

8. This excerpt of dialogue:
'Trent stood at the edge of the rip, staring into the unlimitable gulf of the unknown, the stygian world yawning blackly beyond. Trents eyes refused to close, he did not shriek, but the hideous unholy abominations shrieked for him, as in the same second he saw them spill and tumble upwards out of an enormous carrion black pit, choked with the gleaming white bones of countless unhallowed centuries. Trent turned back from the rip as the army of unspeakable figures, toiled by the glow of the bottomless pit, came pouring at him - towards our world.'
9. It is one of few films that actually feels like the subject matter it is emulating. You may be watching a movie, but it feels literary; it feels like 'watching a book'.

10. At the begining of the film, everything in the environment is moving around Sam Neil. At the end of the film Sam Neil is the only thing moving around in the dead environment.
Horror's Not Dead
Latest Movie Review(s): Too lazy to keep this up to date. New reviews every week.

YAY!!! I'm not alone anymore.

10. At the begining of the film, everything in the environment is moving around Sam Neil. At the end of the film Sam Neil is the only thing moving around in the dead environment.
Ooohhh.....nice one. REP FOR YOU!!!

I'm starting to feel like a complete ass for even giving my seemingly uncultured, juvenile opinion. Heh.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
YAY!!! I'm not alone anymore.
I love that freaking movie! And after watching the void of enjoyment that is The Shining, I may just go watch In The Mouth of Madness right now.

Originally Posted by Garrett
I'm starting to feel like a complete ass for even giving my seemingly uncultured, juvenile opinion. Heh.
You're in the company of Sir Holden of Pike...don't feel bad.

Im gonna have to say my Favorite movie of all time would have to be Big Trouble In Little China.

My Reasons:

1) Kurt Russell plays Jack awsomely and acts like a real trucker would facing similiar situations.

2) The movie was the bases for Mortal Kombat on Sega.

3) The 3 Chinese guys with the typical straw hats... the man with the blue wall balls, the lightening man, and the sword weilder guy just play awsome villians.

4) The fight scene where the 2 guys fly around the room sword fighting was just awsome for its day.

5) when the man blows himself up because he just gets so pissed is hilarious!

6) The old man that owns the touring bus company is just the kewlest man ever.

7) That special drink sounded like it will do some serious things to you if drank so I want some.

8) The red headed reporter with Green eyes is just like a nosey reporter always trying to get what she wants no matter what people tell her... When the creature takes her its the best part in the movie. No more of her lip when shes stuck with those other girls.

9) When the gangs come together to start fighting in the beginning, the fight is pulled off well.

10) The old man , David Lopan was his name i think, played the part beautifully. From when he was being wheeled around in the wheel chair to when he was back into the spirit world as Lopan.

On another Note:

I was wondering if Anyone can give me the name of a movie that matches these kind of descriptions:

A family crashes on a planet and each member of the family has a bracelet that tells them the status of the other members of the family. The little boy finds an old man in the woods and befriends him and a little fury "rat" looking thing that runs really fast and eats crackers. I remember a scene when the rat was running around in the forest until he ran into a tree and got knocked out for a few seconds it was hilarious. Another part of the movie is when He befriends an "ewok" like creature and goes to the top of a mountain for some reason. Makes a hang glider out of an animals bones and glides down the mountain side. Thats All i can remember of the movie. no actor names or titles of the movie or anything. Im only 21 and I do believe it was made in the late 80's.

The other movie is about kids that rollerskate all over the place. Mainly in a desert like area. I thought the name of the movie was Rollerskate but I can't find anything on it. The part I remember the most is a machine that when you lay on it tricks your mind into believing that something is happening when nothing really is. The villian takes a soldier of his hands and throws it on the table and it appears to be desintergrating right in front of his own eyes. The kids in the movie roller skate everywhere they go in the movie. But I cant remember anything about it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

agreed with above

changing mine

Taxi Driver

1) Martin Scorsese amazing directing and his best movie IMO
2) Robert DeNiros acting is so believable and real
3) great story line that seemed so realistic
4) Dialogue felt so true to life
5) engages you throughout the entire film
6) Intense ending
7) great cast
8) brings you into the brain of a man who slowly looses his mind
9) characters you care about
10) A Scorsese and DeNiro collaboration(cmon when is it not great when they get together)
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

Originally Posted by AsusGamer
On another Note:

I was wondering if Anyone can give me the name of a movie that matches these kind of descriptions:

The other movie is about kids that rollerskate all over the place. Mainly in a desert like area. I thought the name of the movie was Rollerskate but I can't find anything on it. The part I remember the most is a machine that when you lay on it tricks your mind into believing that something is happening when nothing really is. The villian takes a soldier of his hands and throws it on the table and it appears to be desintergrating right in front of his own eyes. The kids in the movie roller skate everywhere they go in the movie. But I cant remember anything about it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Totally inappropriate thread for these types of questions, but the answer to the second one is Prayer of the Rollerboys (1991) starring that great thespian Corey Haim. And by the by, it's awful.