What's the single worst film you've ever seen?


I guess you didn't vote for Musicals for the next countdown, then.

Mine is an obvious one: Monster a Go-Go. It's so bad, MST3K struggled to find anything to riff about it and that's saying something. Plus, it has the worst ending I've ever seen. It's not so bad, it's good, either. Just bad.

Suddely... there was no monster....

I'm going to go with "The Dark Knight Rises" though perhaps because I watched it in the cinema (I'm not an avid cinema goer) and I was miserable and bored out of mind for however long that thing lasted.

Worst superhero movie, definitely.

Triple posting like it's no big deal. 😎

My review of the worst movie made, period. I gave it a .5/5


As a longtime MST3K fan, I have to agree, it's got Manos and Monster A Go-Go beat. I could understand what was happening in the latter two movies.

Worst superhero movie, definitely.

I think the vast majority of superhero films were worse than this one.

I get that the other two films in that trilogy are better. And the first two original Christopher Reeves Superman movies. And Wolverine. And maybe Iron Man.

But after those, nah, Dark Knight Rises is king.

Trouble with a capital "T"
[The Beast of Yucca Flats] As a longtime MST3K fan, I have to agree, it's got Manos and Monster A Go-Go beat. I could understand what was happening in the latter two movies.
I watched The Best of Yucca Flats in it's original form (not on MST3K). I seen Manos the Hand of Fate and I think what's wrong with the picture is the dubbing which makes seem ridiculous. I suspect if one seen it in Italian with subs it would fair better. It was an Italian film wasn't it? Been a long time since I seen it.

"In the 19th century, siblings Abilene and Tod, orphaned on their western farm, become attracted to each other sexually."

It would be an incredibly scandalous movie, if it wasn't so ****ing boring.

It's possible it should have had more incest, which is clearly a ringing endorsement for any film.

It would be an incredibly scandalous movie, if it wasn't so ****ing boring.

It's possible it should have had more incest, which is clearly a ringing endorsement for any film.
Come to think of it, the incest in certain movies I won't mention so I don't spoil them didn't bother me that much. Not sure what that says about me...anyway, besides that movie likely not being on their level, the mere thought of the Monster a Go-Go guy toying with that subject makes me want to scream "no" to the hills.

I watched The Best of Yucca Flats in it's original form (not on MST3K). I seen Manos the Hand of Fate and I think what's wrong with the picture is the dubbing which makes seem ridiculous. I suspect if one seen it in Italian with subs it would fair better. It was an Italian film wasn't it? Been a long time since I seen it.

Nope, made in the USA. The creator/director was completely inept and screwed up recording the sound, so they had to redub every line post production, with only two voice actors. I agree, that with decent sound, it wouldn't have been quite as bad.

But Beast of Yucca Flats is incomprehensible and at the same time dull and forgettable. Torgo keeps Manos interesting.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Nope, made in the USA. The creator/director was completely inept and screwed up recording the sound, so they had to redub every line post production, with only two voice actors. I agree, that with decent sound, it wouldn't have been quite as bad...
Ahh, that makes sense, thanks.