The Conners


Season 6, Ep 8. To paraphrase Sally Field in Steel Magnolias, I wouldn't even know how to go abut making gray icing. "It's unhealthy food but the good new it's prepared badly." Who is Jackie to be making fun of Darlene's job. "Haven't you heard, sitting is the new cancer." "So you're going to own before it is mold in the shape of a house?" "Passing down toilet knowledge? I'm getting emotional." Curious as to how Dan got strangers to attend his toilet class. Loved Marge the food service lady, she reminded me of Kay Medford. A lot of people don't know I'm here, I don't get a lot of information." Why would getting a promotion affect Mark's tuition break? That makes no sense. Enough of Ashley, thanks. So it looks like Darlene has free reign to run the cafeteria to me, but for some reason, she doesn't want to. I can't believe Harris didn't give Darlene the grief I was expecting. "I don't remember eating these fries and that's not like me." Louis really really loves Dan. Could Jackie have taken any longer to offer to help Harris?

Season 6, Ep 9. Those cheeseballs are the first thing I've seen on this show for the longest time that made me think of Roseanne. "Coming up with good excuses for sucking is the hardest part of being sober." I thought Ben's store was doing OK. Jackie seems to be slipping into Bev mode again. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's nothing that we can't male worse." Harris is hiding something. Becky and Jackie trying to help Harris is the blind leading the blind, case closed. What am I missing? why can't Becky study in the same room where her daughter is sleeping? "Like when you call Ben your big bad wolf and you have him blow your house down." I understand Dan wanting to help Darlene, but he has to remember who Darlene is and know that if she needs help. she'll ask for it. Loved Darlene all hyped up on caffeine. "This wasn't working before that image." Cannot believe Darlene taking relationship advice from Becky. " never ends." I feel for Darlene, but she's being really selfish with Dan and Louise. This episode was really funny.

Season 6 Ep 10. "Wow, Sis, burger queen and janitor, who knew we would be living out our dreams?" "The last time you wrote something was wash me on a dirty car window." Dan writing an article is definitely going to spark something between Dan and Ben that's not going to be pretty." Ben and Darlene reading Dan's article was hysterical. Maybe the magazine didn't know that Ben had writing experience. "There was a four horse accident at Hawthorne's and we only have three tranquilizers." Liked that Louise was upfront about not wanting to work with Jackie. Jackie and this life coach thing is played out, when is someone going to tell Jackie what crap that is? Jackie came off as such an idiot at that meeting. Ben really wants to piss off Dan, "Where is the petty and vindictive Darlene I fell in love with?" Loved Neville's advice to Jackie, but talking to Jackie these days is like talking to a brick wall. Thrilled that Ben got offered a monthly article and LOVE the way it happened.

I went to two different websites to watch Ep 11 and they wouldn't work. Life's too short so I'm moving on to ep 12. How awesome to see Dan pay his house off. The dialogue in the opening scene was a little above the Conner pay grade. "I'm going to get you cash and I'm going to get someone else to bring it back to you." OK, how are we going to get Mark into the University of Chicago? The University of Chicago is a top 12 school? "Did I do something with my face that looked like an invite?" Jackie and Dan flying to New Orleans together? Haven't we been down this road before? I hate that what Dan did with that guy may have gotten him in some serious trouble. "And we had to fold him up like an origami swan just to get him in the back of the car." Ames over played his drunk scene a little, but he seemed to be really enjoying himself. "Punching this guy in the face is my decision. Loved the Good Will Hunting reference.

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The girl in the pink jacket on her phone in the airplane scene was Glenn’s niece.
“Knock over a convence store..”- Mark Healy

Season Six, Ep 13. What makes Becky think she's any kind of expert in women's issues? Can't believe this is the first episode where Ames McNamara's shooting up in height was addressed. "I want to know what it's like to smoke weed in the comfort of my own home." "Don't you have a gothic perch to sit on somewhere?" Mark working for a repo company? No good can come of that. I can't believe Jackie invited herself to accompany Mark and Dan. Did Harris actually think Darlene was gong to co-sign for an apartment for her. Did Harris really pull the "Mom always liked you best" routine? It's official, they've turned Jackie into a bigger idiot than Becky. "If it ambulance comes to the house, don't ask, just get in." Is Mark ever going to catch a break? I feel bad for him. When did the hardware store burn down? Why do I have a feeling that Mark's move into hacking is going to land him in jail? Is Jay R Ferguson gone? Darlene feeling deserted is definitely a new concept for her. "Mom just gave me a hug and told me she loved me? Be careful." From what I understand, this was the season finale and the show is scheduled to return for a seventh and final season.

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I hated how Darlene threw a jab at Becky and Mark’s marriage. Becky and Mark dated for two years before they eloped. And Becky knew mark through and through.

She hardly knows Tyler and just likes him because he nice that is the only thing Tyler has going for him, nice.

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Not to mention the fact that Lecy Goranson and Sean Astin don't have a shred of chemistry.
Yeah, she had more chem with Glenn than any guy put on the conners, especially Sean astin

You ready? You look ready.
always like seeing this thread pop up. means i got a new episode waiting for me when i get home.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza