Whats the weather like today where you live?


Maryland is known for its schizophrenic weather, but Sunday it was about 60 degrees and sunny, yesterday it dropped down to the low fifties but with strong enough winds that the midday windchill was 39 degrees, and this morning it was 28 degrees and this big, gorgeous cloud that is reflecting the sunrise was also spitting snow flurries. Projected high tomorrow? 61 degrees.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

52 & drizzling in CT. The snowflake in Sunday’s predicted weather better disappear PDQ.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Maryland is known for its schizophrenic weather, but Sunday it was about 60 degrees and sunny, yesterday it dropped down to the low fifties but with strong enough winds that the midday windchill was 39 degrees, and this morning it was 28 degrees and this big, gorgeous cloud that is reflecting the sunrise was also spitting snow flurries. Projected high tomorrow? 61 degrees.

Beautiful photo!

A typical Finnish spring, a cold spell with moderate snowing.
Here in Connecticut we have the same, but no snow. Unless one counts yesterday’s rainy snow.

Weirdly dark and cool for about three minutes this afternoon

75 now rising to 78. In my mind the nicest day in CT this year so far. Winter was endless & I am happy now to wear spring/summer clothes. Mine are so pretty & I feel so nice in them.

Fabulous here in Connecticut. 83. Gonna be 87. Love it!

Went to look for baby goslings or ducklings. Nada.

Crap. Feels like late March/April.

I was talking to my mum today and mishead 'it's not due till September' as 'it's not June till September.' I'm starting to think she knows something I don't.