Outdated Homepage


I recently browsing over the homepage of MovieForums.com and saw that many of it's top storys and reviews where outdated.Movies like SAW,The Incredibles,and Shark Tale seem to be the newest reviews right now and have been for a weeks maybe even months now.

I also saw links to the "new" trailers of "Meet the Fockers" and "The Village"."The Village" trailer should've been put away for months now and so should "the Fockers".Replace them with something new like the "Fantastic Four" teaser or the "WAR OF THE WORLDS" teaser.

Anyways,I was just making a kind suggestion that would help make the website a little more enjoyable and hip

Just visit jrs' Blog for all the latest movie news and trailers. It's updated everyday and really helpful. Thanks again, jrs.
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Originally Posted by Mose
Yoda is working on it
All I want to know is how the hell do you have more rep points than I do and I've been here longer than you?
Everything I do, I do to make my second stepdad proud.

I just know they're coming to kill me.
Originally Posted by Sinny McGuffins
What's that got to do with it? Are we all supposed to give you rep for just stickin' around?
No I was just wondering. I must not be popular enough. Oh well.

I really hope people don't give you rep for that post. I know that's what you want, even if you say you don't.

People need to stop letting this rep system get to them. After all, they're just little green dots (or a little green bar).

when i first came to mofo i was all obsessed with getting rep but now i dont give a damn.
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

Quality, not quantity MovieMaker5087

HellboyUnleashed's Avatar
May The Forks be With Us
I think the homepage is just fine Punker69. i mean what does the cover or a site do. it might actually keep people out. the last thing we need is a buncha new noobs joining becuase our site looks good and then new coming back. now i am a noob in a way. only beings here for a short amount of time compared to alot of people but i come regularly.
"An Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
-Ben Kingsley, GHANDI

"Snozberries taste like snozberries"

Originally Posted by HellboyUnleashed
I think the homepage is just fine Punker69. i mean what does the cover or a site do. it might actually keep people out. the last thing we need is a buncha new noobs joining becuase our site looks good and then new coming back. now i am a noob in a way. only beings here for a short amount of time compared to alot of people but i come regularly.
Whats wrong with noobs?Everyone has been a noobie at what time,thats what forms a successful forum.

HellboyUnleashed's Avatar
May The Forks be With Us
What I meant to say is that is better that we have noobs trickeling (sorry for spelling) in at a slow rate than a boom of em because our site is the best. There would too much confusion with too many noobs. I don't even know half of the people who have joined this forum since Christmas. I think the front page is like a warning sign. It keeps people that will just post on here for the hell of it off of our forums. It makes since. Would you rather have a constant flow of new people, making up new names that make an introduction thread and then leave or have one or two come in a week and get to know them and see if you like them? That's really what I was thinking when I posted my previous statement.

If the noobs realized that this was a really good website then maybe they wouldnt want to leave after a few days.A place where they can get the latest reviews and hottest new trailers should be the attraction and the edge.Not new Shamalayn polls and reviews on old pixar films.

Oh my God!I just looked at clicked on the box-office icon at the top of the page and even thats out-dated.It's still showing figures of last summer as new stuff.I also checked out the dvd page.Wow the "new" stuff on there right now are Terminator 3 dvd totals and totals for "Finding Nemo".For christ sake their new dvd review is for "Freddy vs Jason"!

Originally Posted by jrs
Jrs, you still haven't answered my question i asked awhile ago. How did you get full access to the blog? How did you get it started?

Originally Posted by Punker69
Oh my God!I just looked at clicked on the box-office icon at the top of the page and even thats out-dated.It's still showing figures of last summer as new stuff.I also checked out the dvd page.Wow the "new" stuff on there right now are Terminator 3 dvd totals and totals for "Finding Nemo".For christ sake their new dvd review is for "Freddy vs Jason"!

We know it's outdated, okay?

Yoda has many sites that he's created and maintains, this isn't the only one. Too bad that the site's front page suffers, but the strength of this site is, and always will be, its community of regular members.

Quit stressing something that WE ARE ALL aware of.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Originally Posted by Escape
Jrs, you still haven't answered my question i asked awhile ago. How did you get full access to the blog? How did you get it started?
Basically it's with Chris' help. He is the one that brought up the idea for it to me. Knowing that I was the type of person who brings the news and info the ya'll, he assigned me to do this.
I actually do not have full access to the blog. I post yet Chris does the rest such as fix the technical things (problems) and add ons and such. Although yes....I kinda own it mostly by posting in it.

Originally Posted by jrs
Basically it's with Chris' help. He is the one that brought up the idea for it to me. Knowing that I was the type of person who brings the news and info the ya'll, he assigned me to do this.
I actually do not have full access to the blog. I post yet Chris does the rest such as fix the technical things (problems) and add ons and such. Although yes....I kinda own it mostly by posting in it.
That's cool. Since you do such a fine job with the blog, mabe he can also allow you to help out with the Box Office and Dvd boxes above too.

Originally Posted by Escape
That's cool. Since you do such a fine job with the blog, mabe he can also allow you to help out with the Box Office and Dvd boxes above too.
Box Office results are in the Blog every weekend. . The DVD box...sure.