The Official NFL Thread


WARNING: spoilers below
From an incredible last few seconds save, Kansas City wins.
This was an EXCITING game.

Felt like 49ers had control of that game until the last play.

Epic under hits because of no extra point attempt 😉

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.

Anybody know why Mahomes is often seen with his hand raised moving his fingers? Is that a nervous twitch or does that actually mean something?

That final pass. That was epic. I am SO glad I had those free Paramount Plus months for this. I mean, the 49ers put up one HELL of a fight the whole time, typically just ganging up on the right people because they were DAMN GOOD that game. But this final play overcame ALL of that with godly timing.

Mahomes is the Michael Myers of pro football. You just cant kill the bastard.

49ers players say they didn't know Super Bowl overtime rules

So, this is a weird claim. The only thing it would theoretically change is whether they want the ball first or second. Under the old rules, you always want it first, under the new ones, I suppose second, but only because of a small marginal advantage about knowing what you need on your own drive.

Also, the comments in the piece suggest that wasn't what they were talking about, at least not entirely. Like this one:

"They put it on the scoreboard, and everyone was like 'Oh, even if you score, they get a chance still,'" Armstead said.
Like, huh? Because this makes it sound like Armstead thought a field goal wins it. And that isn't a new rule change, that's been different for awhile now. And I assume he wasn't, ya' know, celebrating when that kick went through the uprights.

Anyway, kinda silly.

Not much to say, when you lose a game this close you obviously didn't have to do much different to change things. Mahomes played unbelievably well. He really is emblematic of what great modern QBs are, and need to be, but so is Allen. But this is a real signature win for Mahomes, one of those years where you know they're just not as strong, and he just puts the team on his back and they win anyway, even when they don't have "it."
So, this, but again. I'm extremely impressed. The first Super Bowl he won he was surrounded by insane weapons. Last year, much less so but most of the guys around him were fairly competent.

But this year, it felt like he had very little to work with outside of Kelce. I read a bonkers stat, that Mahomes' receivers this year had the worst collective drop rate of any team in the last decade. And even with that receiving corps, he pulls them through. They might not be done, but I doubt we'll see a better win from Mahomes, one that he's more personally responsible for than this one.

I'm still happy Tyreek Hill got to watch the Chiefs win another one from his couch haha

Jimmy Garoppolo suspended for 2 games for a PED violation. This means the Raiders don't owe him his 11.25 million guaranteed salary for 2024. I guess he won't have any of that "Don't let the doorknob hit ya on your way out" money when they release him.

Just when you think things can’t get any better for the Panthers, we lose Brian Burns for almost nothing.

The Arizona Cardinals are building two-story private villas in the south end zone.

• 20 guests
• Valet parking
• VIP entrance
• Unlimited food & beverage
• Access to a private garden club

Ticket holders can enter 3 hours before kickoff and stay 1 hour after the game ends.

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Last Movie Watched: The Watchers (2024).
Last TV Show Watched: Ghosts US (S3:E4).

Stefon Diggs traded to Houston? And here I thought the Bills were in their contending window. Not that this is mutually exclusive with that, but it's surprising. Makes me think Diggs specifically wanted out or something.

Panthers just gave a DL a big contract!
Hey, wait a sec…