Movie You're Watching Tonight


We seem to be getting ready for Halloween, so it's my favorite of those sort of movies, Bram Stoker's Dracula. I have a secret taste for Victorian-era pot-boilers and few pots have ever boiled more vigorously in a neck-biting movie than this one. Unlike most people, I have read Stoker's book and accounting for how people in our era need things to be more explicit and emotionally rending, this is a pretty good version of the story, if a bit abbreviated.

The Pyramid (2014)

This is so good, Alfred Hitchcock's The Rear Window (1954). A restless news photog, played by James Stewart, is laid up in a plaster cast, with a broken leg he got on assignment. His Greenwich Village apartment overlooks an alley where he watches pieces of life go on in neighboring apartments. Notably, he has an attractive neighbor (Grace Kelley before she became a princess) as his well-dressed, well off girlfriend. It's very hot, so a neighboring dancer rehearses, dressed scantily and windows are open. He has a therapist who visits him. She is a fountain of common sense wisdom. There's piano music coming from someone's apartment.

Things happen, criminal things, and the photog sees some of these things. He becomes a target of a bad guy, while he's laid up with a broken leg.

This movie in its non-digital glory, has one of the greatest sets ever done. All of these views of people's apartments are part of a big set. It has that great saturated Kodacolor glow. The movie builds to a typically Hitchcock climax and I'm not telling what happens.