Roger Corman - underappreciated legend


While some of his movies are hit-or-miss (The Raven was horrible, but The Masque of the Red Death was amazing), I will always admire his sincerity to what he does and the pure Americanness of his films. Besides, MST3k would not have been the same without him!

If we didn't have Corman, we'd need to invent him....they guy whose movies populated many late nights for me. Movies like It Conquered the World, Attack of the Crab Monsters, and the movie with the greatest of all titles, The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent. His Poe-themed movies are shamelessly cheesy and, some, of course figured the cheesiest of all ham actors, Vincent Price and his counterpart, Barbara Steele.

After a hard night of Citizen Kane, The Godfather and Shawshank Redemption, not to mention Schindler's List, you need to cleanse your brain. The Premature Burial or The House of Usher will do just that.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
He will forever be the King of B-movies...he even helped launched the careers of pro kickboxers to films such as Don "The Dragon" Wilson and Jerry "Golden Boy" Trimble to name a few in the 90s not to mention the legendary Jack Nicholson. I recommend the documentary Corman's World if you haven't seen it.
It's All About the Movies

I’ve never heard of him. Should I have?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I’ve never heard of him. Should I have?
Oh my! He's a legend but I doubt you'd like any of his films which are B films. I believe he has produced more movies than any other human, 511 according to IMDB.

Oh my! He's a legend but I doubt you'd like any of his films which are B films. I believe he has produced more movies than any other human, 511 according to IMDB.

I’ve never heard of him. Should I have?
Yes. How can you live without seeing flicks like CobraGator, Sharktopus vs Whalewolf, Sharktopus vs Pteracuda, The Haunting of Hell House or Vampirella. Really, Corman's movies are shamelessly and joyfully cheesy. No plot line is beyond good taste, logic or common sense. Seriously, the guy has made lots of movies that are enjoyable, especially with late night and beer.

He's the Bergman or Fellini of whatever genre he is and he's been involved in hundreds of movies, possibly the most productive film maker of all time. He has 511 producer credits and 56 director credits.

Yes. How can you live without seeing flicks like CobraGator, Sharktopus vs Whalewolf, Sharktopus vs Pteracuda, The Haunting of Hell House or Vampirella.
I guess I have lived without seeing any of them.

I recall seeing a bunch of them when I was a kid and didn't watch credits, so I never knew who Corman was, but I do recall seeing them and finding out later that they were Roger Corman products. Some of his Poe movies were Saturday afternoon favorites at my local small town theater and would be crowded with kids who screamed at the scary moments.

I’ve never heard of him. Should I have?
I think there is a rule in the MoFo charter that says anyone who's never heard of Roger Corman cannot be a member.

But wait, there is an amendment several paragraphs down that says, "should such member be a naturalized American citizen, visiting from another country or was not born in the U.S. yet resides in the U.S., then special compensation shall be granted for not knowing who Roger Corman is."

So, you just got by by the skin of your British teeth, Stich!

Man I grew up watching MST3k, Roger Corman has a special place in my heart.

This man is my personal hero, without him, Jack Nicholson, Francis Ford Coppola (and the Coppola family in general), Martin Scorsese, and so many others, would be nowhere close to as famous as they are now!
"Movies are windows to other parts of the world"

I tend to lump Corman in with my favorite local film maker, John Waters. Both have built lasting careers based on cheesy, not-to-be-taken-seriously plots and characters and both seem to have fun with their movies. Both have an audience that like their movies based on having those directors in charge. Having sat in the room with Waters a number of times (he grew up in a nearby neighborhood), I know what a great sense of humor he has. I can't imagine that Corman does not take a light view of his characters and plots. Nobody could do that stuff without a sense of humor.

I think there is a rule in the MoFo charter that says anyone who's never heard of Roger Corman cannot be a member.

But wait, there is an amendment several paragraphs down that says, "should such member be a naturalized American citizen, visiting from another country or was not born in the U.S. yet resides in the U.S., then special compensation shall be granted for not knowing who Roger Corman is."

So, you just got by by the skin of your British teeth, Stich!
Dual citizenship buddy!!!