Things that annoy you...


Also, I have no idea why you're now responding to me privately and publicly (and why the public stuff is, surprise, much more confrontational), though I guess if you keep doing it, I'll keep responding.

But, preemptively, if you're going to keep responding, you should start incorporating my responses into yours. I'm answering what you're saying directly, so just repeating what you said the first time doesn't advance the discussion. Respond to the response, otherwise this is pointless.
Sssssh, has he gone?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

When people on movie review sites (like Letterboxd) resort to personal insults because someone has a different opinion of a movie then they do.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I got bit by a spider! Way worse than a big sting for me. It left two fang puncture marks and raised a big red lump on my arm that itched! That was a week ago and it's still red, though it stopped itching after 5 days. Spider bites are scary and that was the second time I've been bit by a spider.

It's naturally that colour, beautiful thing. I do however think the brightness of the light has highlighted the blue. In natural light it's still quite blue.

I wouldn't hold it like that though!

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
otherwise this is pointless.
Yes, it is, totally!

Sssssh, has he gone?
Sorry, but unlike you, i am not here on a daily basis and that is because i have to live another life next to my virtual one.

So anyway, let it go dude and try to take it a little less serious next time.

I have deep fear of spiders, going back to childhood.
Same, but I outgrew my fear since they are good little creatures. I put them outside if there is one in the house. Talking about little spiders: a big one would terrify me.