Things that annoy you...


Trouble with a capital "T"
The stings are mightily painful, but why did you have to kill them?
So they didn't sting me again. I have to pick the raspberries on a daily basis until they are done fruiting and yellow jackets are aggressive and sting quite readily. Also for other people who might be allergic to them.

Aww don't kill wasps, that's shitty. They are important creatures just like bees.

If you are bothered about people who have an allergic reaction, get someone in to move the nest to somewhere out of the way instead of death, they mostly only attack to defend their nest. Which they were doing with you.

I've got a yellow jacket wasps nest above my front door right now, it's high enough to be out of the way of people coming to the door, and none of them bothered me while I was up on the ladder cleaning the wood around the area.

Aww don't kill wasps, that's shitty. They are important creatures just like bees.

If you are bothered about people who have an allergic reaction, get someone in to move the nest to somewhere out of the way instead of death, they mostly only attack to defend their nest. Which they were doing with you.

I've got a yellow jacket wasps nest above my front door right now, it's high enough to be out of the way of people coming to the door, and none of them bothered me while I was up on the ladder cleaning the wood around the area.

Totally agree with you. Only thing I will kill is flies inside my house. Unacceptable, dirty things. And mosquitoes, which I loathe with a passion because my skin is very soft & their sting is sneaky & painful.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

^ I can't even kill flies, I've got a little clear pot that I catch insects in and then let them fly out of the window.

Nearly killed a spider last night when getting it out of the bath, as I was transporting it out it jumped out of the thing I caught it in and landed in the toilet... so had to fish it out of the water and dry it off. It survived!

^ I can't even kill flies, I've got a little clear pot that I catch insects in and then let them fly out of the window.

Nearly killed a spider last night when getting it out of the bath, as I was transporting it out it jumped out of the thing I caught it in and landed in the toilet... so had to fish it out of the water and dry it off. It survived!
Are you a Jain?

^ I can't even kill flies, I've got a little clear pot that I catch insects in and then let them fly out of the window.

Nearly killed a spider last night when getting it out of the bath, as I was transporting it out it jumped out of the thing I caught it in and landed in the toilet... so had to fish it out of the water and dry it off. It survived!
I don’t kill spiders. I take a small glass & sweep it into the glass quickly & cover it quickly & take it outside.

Why does Dunkin Donuts keep turning on the AC when it’s cold outside? Two days this week it’s been like the Arctic in there & the windows are all fogged up. Drives me nuts. Next time I’m gonna ask them to turn it off.

Why does Dunkin Donuts keep turning on the AC when it’s cold outside? Two days this week it’s been like the Arctic in there & the windows are all fogged up. Drives me nuts. Next time I’m gonna ask them to turn it off.

I hate going from super cold to super hot. It always gives me stomach cramps.

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
Forum moderators closing threads because there is no point in arguing..yet they leave their opinion right before closing the thread along with explaining why they closed it.

That doesn´t make any sense. If there is no point in arguing or discussing the topic that is going to be closed, why even leave an opinion before closing the thread?

Forum moderators closing threads because there is no point in arguing..yet they leave their opinion right before closing the thread along with explaining why they closed it.

That doesn´t make any sense. If there is no point in arguing or discussing the topic that is going to be closed, why even leave an opinion before closing the thread?

Forum moderators closing threads because there is no point in arguing..yet they leave their opinion right before closing the thread along with explaining why they closed it.

That doesn´t make any sense. If there is no point in arguing or discussing the topic that is going to be closed, why even leave an opinion before closing the thread?
It’s @Yoda’s website. He makes the rules.

Forum moderators closing threads because there is no point in arguing..yet they leave their opinion right before closing the thread along with explaining why they closed it.

That doesn´t make any sense. If there is no point in arguing or discussing the topic that is going to be closed, why even leave an opinion before closing the thread?
Oh boy, where to start.

First, it's lame and frankly a little cowardly to post this in here without mentioning me. If you've got a complaint, come out and say it to me. You might remember I even messaged you directly to talk about it, too.

Second, in every case you could conceivably be talking about, I gave my opinion and left you ample time to respond, and you ignored it. At no point did I ever snipe you with some argument and then close the thread before you got your side in. Not once. Complaining about thread closure after conspicuously not engaging with those opinions makes little sense. In fact, your failure to engage with other opinions is often one of very the reasons for the closure: most threads are closed when it's become clear you're not really interested in discussion.

Third, your question at the end implies a contradiction where none exists. This has been a recurring problem in our exchanges, where you suggest there's some kind of tension between two ideas when there simply isn't.

Oh boy, where to start.

First, it's lame and frankly a little cowardly to post this in here without mentioning me. If you've got a complaint, come out and say it to me. You might remember I even messaged you directly to talk about it, too.

Second, in every case you could conceivably be talking about, I gave my opinion and left you ample time to respond, and you ignored it. At no point did I ever snipe you with some argument and then close the thread before you got your side in. Not once. Complaining about thread closure after conspicuously not engaging with those opinions makes little sense.

Third, your question at the end implies a contradiction where none exists. This has been a recurring problem in our exchanges, where you suggest there's some kind of tension between two ideas when there simply isn't.
As I’ve said before, this guy loves negative attention.

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
It’s @Yoda’s website. He makes the rules.
I have been talking about the regular kind of forum moderator these days. Is this forbidden? Did i touched a "weak spot" somewhere?

And who are you?

Oh wait!

Aren´t you that guy who kept going on how much he loves the enormous summer-heat out there, while the rest of the world starts to go up in flames already?

You´re begging for attention yourself and you are probably just jealous because i am getting fare more of it than you ever did in both, your real and virtual life.

Oh boy, where to start.
Closing a thread without leaving your final opinion about the (closed) topic at hand, would be a good start. But this is probably a more or less useful tip maybe, since this is your turf here.

First, it's lame and frankly a little cowardly to post this in here without mentioning me.
First, i was talking about forum moderators in general, not you personally. But second and most important of all, it is lame and frankly a little cowardly to close a thread, making sure no one can continue to post his opinion, while a moderator is posting his (one last final) opinion right before he is closing it. So why not just closing the thread, without leaving a one final and last opinion?

As far as i remember, moderators do not want others to continue posting their opinions in a thread, so that is why they closed it.

If you've got a complaint, come out and say it to me. You might remember I even messaged you directly to talk about it, too.
There is a closed thread with approx. 80 responses and about 4 posts have been mine, so i guess the matter at hand is concerning more users than just me here.

Don´t want me to say this? Why? Are you one of those moderators who think he is 100% right with everything he says? Welcome to the internet then, where everyone is 100% right!

As soon some people start to "fight" or any discussion getting too hot, you guys think the whole forum is instantly thrown into anarchy and chaos and so you end up closing, editing and erasing threads or posts, to do your own way of righteousness justice.

So anyway, what would be happening, if moderators do not close a thread where people "fight"?

As I’ve said before, this guy loves negative attention.
Oh! You again!

Are you still trying to get some attention?

From all the users here, your nickname usually pops up whenever there is a "trouble" at hand so it looks like you are looking for "trouble" after all.

First, i was talking about forum moderators in general, not you personally.
This feels highly disingenuous. Whether I was the only moderator in mind, obviously I was included in that group, and obviously your experiences here are what prompted it.

But second and most important of all, it is lame and frankly a little cowardly to close a thread, making sure no one can continue to post his opinion, while a moderator is posting his (one last final) opinion right before he is closing it. So why not just closing the thread, without leaving a one final and last opinion?
Once again, you're asking a question I've already answered. I'll say it yet again: in all those cases you essentially ignored the argument/opinion when it was posted. It would be cowardly if I dropped in, said what I wanted, and then closed the thread before you had a chance to respond. But that literally never happened. You were explicitly encouraged to respond, even, which is the exact opposite of what you're implying.

As far as i remember, moderators do not want others to continue posting their opinions in a thread, so that is why they closed it.
No, this is one reason why we close threads. Another reason is to demonstrate to other people why threads get closed, so as to avoid such things in the future. This is particularly important for any decision that is necessarily subjective, to illustrate with real-world examples how the rules are applied.

The idea of punitive action as not just stopping something, but acting as a future deterrent, is such a basic part of any system of rules that it shouldn't even require explanation.

As soon some people start to "fight" or any discussion getting too hot, you guys think the whole forum is instantly thrown into anarchy and chaos and so you end up closing, editing and erasing threads or posts, to do your own way of righteousness justice.
So anyway, what would be happening, if moderators do not close a thread where people "fight"?
These rules aren't based in theory. They're not even just based on observing other forums. They're literally based on this forum, because we went close to two decades with much more permissive rules. Most were implemented as a last resort, when it became undeniable that they were necessary.

So I know for a fact what happens, because it's already happened. The fights get uglier, they become bitter. That bitterness travels to other threads and sabotages them. People leave because they're tired of threads being hijacked, or being constantly attacked. It's happened many times. The forum becomes about only those controversial topics, because all the yelling about them crowds out everything else. Oh, and moderators like me get death threats sometimes.

Now, I don't expect a new person to know this site's history, but I do expect them to have enough humility not to swoop in to a place that's been around 23 years and throw out simplistic moderation policy ideas as if nobody's ever thought of them before.

Also, I have no idea why you're now responding to me privately and publicly (and why the public stuff is, surprise, much more confrontational), though I guess if you keep doing it, I'll keep responding.

But, preemptively, if you're going to keep responding, you should start incorporating my responses into yours. I'm answering what you're saying directly, so just repeating what you said the first time doesn't advance the discussion. Respond to the response, otherwise this is pointless.