What film character is most like you?


There are many relatable movie characters but some characters we see parts of ourselves in. Then there are characters who we may find too relatable weather we like it or not. Although it may be tempting to say you see yourself in Clark Kent let's be honest 😄👌

The character I see myself in the most is Travis from taxi driver. I'm 29 so roughly the same age as him and I've been a loner for most of my life. I often see the worst in people but thankfully I'm nowhere near as pessimistic as Travis. Also despite being told I'm good-looking I've spent most of my life single and craving a relationship. I am not like Travis though in regards to his negative views on women and if there's a girl I like I don't put her on a pedestal. I also live a healthier lifestyle than Travis although I used to suffer from insomnia like him.

Trouble with a capital "T"
There are many relatable movie characters but some characters we see parts of ourselves in. Then there are characters who we may find too relatable weather we like it or not. Although it may be tempting to say you see yourself in Clark Kent let's be honest 😄👌
The character I see myself in the most is Travis from taxi driver. I'm 29 so roughly the same age as him and I've been a loner for most of my life. I often see the worst in people but thankfully I'm nowhere near as pessimistic as Travis. Also despite being told I'm good-looking I've spent most of my life single and craving a relationship. I am not like Travis though in regards to his negative views on women and if there's a girl I like I don't put her on a pedestal. I also live a healthier lifestyle than Travis although I used to suffer from insomnia like him.
That bolded part is funny when read togehter and just goes to show that, truth is really self evident.

I'd say there's just as likely of a chance that someone might honestly identify with Clark Kent (honest, fair, polite, law abiding) as Travis from Taxi Driver. Any well written movie can have characters that people can readily identify with...or at least identify with some aspects of their character's personality or situation. So the relative question is 'why' does someone identify with a character and what aspect of that character do they identify with.

Me? Clearly a mix of Clint Eastwood, Humphrey Bogart & Sally Fields

That bolded part is funny when read togehter and just goes to show that, truth is really self evident.

I'd say there's just as likely of a chance that someone might honestly identify with Clark Kent (honest, fair, polite, law abiding) as Travis from Taxi Driver. Any well written movie can have characters that people can readily identify with...or at least identify with some aspects of their character's personality or situation. So the relative question is 'why' does someone identify with a character and what aspect of that character do they identify with.

Me? Clearly a mix of Clint Eastwood, Humphrey Bogart & Sally Fields

I'm referring more to the character rather than what the character looks like, as I'm not comparing myself to looking like Robert De Niro Lol. Also I'm talking about when you find a character that you relate to, to a scary degree like it's you in alternative reality.

I’m most like that guy in that one movie who likes to watch movies.

What Jim Carrey in The cable guy Lol

I identified with #6 in The Prisoner in my teens. Not because I am a secret agent, or a very fit man. I am none of those things. But I did feel extremely alienated from everything as a teenager. I was recently diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder so this may explain that feeling of alienation. I think my nephew has it and was hoping my getting diagnosed would inspire him to do the same. But no soap.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm referring more to the character rather than what the character looks like, as I'm not comparing myself to looking like Robert De Niro Lol. Also I'm talking about when you find a character that you relate to, to a scary degree like it's you in alternative reality.
Yeah, I didn't think you meant physically resembles a character. I took the OP to mean has similar personality traits. I liked the way you explained why you relate to Travis in Taxi Driver. Much better than just saying I'm like Travis.
But I know someone on MoFo who reminds me of Clark Kent. Not in looks and not with any super powers but the nice guy, polite, civil and moral aspects. Maybe he'll post on this thread!

But I know someone on MoFo who reminds me of Clark Kent. Maybe he'll post on this thread!

Can't be me. I don't wear glasses.

Glasses wouldn't be necessary to share some personality traits with Clark Kent or Buddy Holly

I definitely cherry-picked from your quote to make that response.

And I can't sing.

Stating what character you're most like is kind of like picking your own nickname. You don't get to do it. Someone else has to do it for you, and if it sticks, that's it.

Yeah, I didn't think you meant physically resembles a character. I took the OP to mean has similar personality traits. I liked the way you explained why you relate to Travis in Taxi Driver. Much better than just saying I'm like Travis.
But I know someone on MoFo who reminds me of Clark Kent. Not in looks and not with any super powers but the nice guy, polite, civil and moral aspects. Maybe he'll post on this thread!

Ahh I got ya now 👌 Clint Eastwood and Humphrey Bogard would be an interesting mixture though. My favourite Clint Eastwood film is unforgiven how about yours?

Stating what character you're most like is kind of like picking your own nickname. You don't get to do it. Someone else has to do it for you, and if it sticks, that's it.

Only you could decide what character you most relate to. So yeah not like picking a nickname Lol

While I'd like to say Matt Murdock (Daredevil) or Nick Parker (Blind Fury), it's probably more like Walter Mitty, and the daydreams of alternative lives that might otherwise lived had I not lost my sight when I did.

Only you could decide what character you most relate to. So yeah not like picking a nickname Lol

That's a different question. The OP is an appeal to vanity. Which character is most like YOU? If we were really like these characters, we would not need to watch movies and imagine ourselves better than we are. Yeah, we're in nickname territory.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ahh I got ya now 👌 Clint Eastwood and Humphrey Bogard would be an interesting mixture though. My favourite Clint Eastwood film is unforgiven how about yours?
I was joking about having personality traits like Eastwood and Bogart...But it's an interesting question and one I've thought about before and still don't know what character I would say was most like me?

I like just about all of Eastwood's films, I'd say Unforgiven is right at the top of this movies.

I was joking about having personality traits like Eastwood and Bogart...But it's an interesting question and one I've thought about before and still don't know what character I would say was most like me?

I like just about all of Eastwood's films, I'd say Unforgiven is right at the top of this movies.

I heard when Clint Eastwood first read The script of Unforgiven he felt he was too young to play the main character so he waited 10 years 😄 One of the reasons why I like Clint Eastwood he doesn't rush into things.