Hollywood and Ezra miller


It's amazes me that Miller is still The flash now alongside the legendary Michael Keaton. I think the main problem with this is that younger people who watch the film will look up to Ezra miller for playing a cool character like the flash which I believe young people deserve good role models. I think Hollywood should draw the line when someone has committed assault and burgery and not to mention the many many accusations of him being a groomer. He probably should be in prison. And yes I said HE Lol. What are your thoughts on Ezra are you a supporter of his? Do you think it was bad that they kept him on as the flash? Or do you not give a damm about it all? Let me know

Allow me to welcome you to the human race by reminding you that THEY in the dictionary means more than one person. So who's the second guy then? 😂 Also it's unwise to play into someone's narcissism like Ezra miller but you do you Lol

Allow me to welcome you to the human race by reminding you that THEY in the dictionary means more than one person. So who's the second guy then? 😂 Also it's unwise to play into someone's narcissism like Ezra miller but you do you Lol
Well, if Ezra wants to be called that, why not. I mean, it's showing respect to him, or her - well, in any case, to either of them.

Seriously, though, talking politics is forbidden here so...
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I thought Miller was terrific in We Need To Talk About Kevin. Personally, I don't think an actor's personal life/problems/scandals should affect their casting.

Well, if Ezra wants to be called that, why not. I mean, it's showing respect to him, or her - well, in any case, to either of them.

Seriously, though, talking politics is forbidden here so...

Well let's not discuss politics and agree to disagree. I have a bad habit of calling a spade a spade Lol but you do you. And yes a person could call themselves what they like but the person shouldn't expect others to join in. And that's my prerogative. Each to their own though

I thought Miller was terrific in We Need To Talk About Kevin. Personally, I don't think an actor's personal life/problems/scandals should affect their casting.

No denying he's a good actor. But as someone who has a lot of kids in the family it's important for me they have good role models. Also if it shouldn't affect his casting choices where should the line be drawn?

No denying he's a good actor. But as someone who has a lot of kids in the family it's important for me they have good role models. Also if it shouldn't affect their casting choices where should the line be drawn?
I don't think kids should be looking at movie stars as role models. If an actor is the best person for the role, they should be cast. If an actor has said or done something stupid or wrong in the past, I don't think that should disqualify them from a role.

I don't think kids should be looking at movie stars as role models. If an actor is the best person for the role, they should be cast. If an actor has said or done something stupid or wrong in the past, I don't think that should disqualify them from a role.

Well where should the line be drawn in that case? Because by that logic someone could be a murderer or a Predator and still get movie roles. If someone has only said words in the past though I think it would be rather extreme to deny that person a film role but when it comes to physical actions like burgery I think a line that has been crossed. And about the role models I agree but the reality is that many people don't have role models in their life so they look up to celebrities. I think ideally people should have standards in the people they're doing business with.

Welcome to the human race...
Allow me to welcome you to the human race by reminding you that THEY in the dictionary means more than one person. So who's the second guy then? 😂 Also it's unwise to play into someone's narcissism like Ezra miller but you do you Lol
If you took a second to think about this, then you'd know that words are capable of having multiple distinct definitions that are supported by established dictionaries like Cambridge or Merriam-Webster. To acknowledge the existence of they/them pronouns is not to indulge anyone's "narcissism" but simply to respect their identity (which, if your real problem is with said person engaging in illegal/immoral behaviour, isn't relevant).

Well where should the line be drawn in that case? Because by that logic someone could be a murderer or a Predator and still get movie roles. If someone has only said words in the past though I think it would be rather extreme to deny that person a film role but when it comes to physical actions like burgery I think a line that has been crossed. And about the role models I agree but the reality is that many people don't have role models in their life so they look up to celebrities. I think ideally people should have standards in the people they're doing business with.
If someone was convicted of a crime and served their time, then they should still be allowed to seek employment when released. If they are able to play the role, I don't think they should automatically be disqualified because they have a criminal past. If they were planning on committing crimes on the set of the film, then of course they should not be cast. If you found out that your favourite actor, that you wanted to cast in a film, had served time years ago, would you refuse to cast them?

If someone was convicted of a crime and served their time, then they should still be allowed to seek employment when released. If they are able to play the role, I don't think they should automatically be disqualified because they have a criminal past. If they were planning on committing crimes on the set of the film, then of course they should not be cast. If you found out that your favourite actor, that you wanted to cast in a film, had served time years ago, would you refuse to cast them?

Good question would I refuse to cast the person, if I found out they did a crime in their past. Well if that crime/crimes were severe like Bill Cosby severe then hell no I wouldn't hire them Lol

Good question would I refuse to cast the person, if I found out they did a crime in their past. Well if that crime/crimes were severe like Bill Cosby severe then hell no I wouldn't hire them Lol
What if they shoplifted as a teen? Or had one DUI twenty years ago? Or vandalised a property while drunk in college?

What if they shoplifted as a teen? Or had one DUI twenty years ago? Or vandalised a property while drunk in college?

Well that was my original point where would the line be drawn? As I said it depends on the severity of the crime itself burgery is where I would draw the line personally. Everyone has different standards though but I think standards are very important especially to whom we give platforms too.

You ready? You look ready.
Allow me to welcome you to the human race by reminding you that THEY in the dictionary means more than one person. So who's the second guy then? 😂 Also it's unwise to play into someone's narcissism like Ezra miller but you do you Lol
I highly doubt you’ve looked at a dictionary, but you do you

It probably is if you're asking from hardcore veggies
Vegan patties exist. Checkmate, vegans!

I highly doubt you’ve looked at a dictionary, but you do you

Assumptions are always a great start to a constructive conversation Lol. Let's keep things rational and civil.