Halloween (1978) vs. The Warriors (1979)


Halloween (1978) vs. The Warriors (1979)
11 votes
7 votes
The Warriors
2 votes
Tough Call
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More fair comparisons would be; The Warriors vs The Outsiders or Rumble Fish you know action movies with youth gangs that fight..

And Halloween VS Black Friday or Suspiria..

This action vs horror comparison doesn't make any sense to me, like comparing broccoli with bananas and socks VS. boxershorts..

Gotta go with Halloween if only for the incredibly innovative soundtrack.

One is top 100 (and I love it) the other is nearly top 10 and so, the choice is easy but sad.
Maybe if I made this Halloween vs. Charlie's Angels it would be a tough one for you to choose , I would pick Halloween over Charlie's of course
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More fair comparisons would be; The Warriors vs The Outsiders or Rumble Fish you know action movies with youth gangs that fight..

And Halloween VS Black Friday or Suspiria..

This action vs horror comparison doesn't make any sense to me, like comparing broccoli with bananas and socks VS. boxershorts..
I'll admit this is not the best comparison because it's like comparing a popular movie vs. a less popular movie but I just compared these movies because there both my favorite movies of all time

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'll admit this is not the best comparison because it's like comparing a popular movie vs. a less popular movie but I just compared these movies because there both my favorite movies of all time
It's cool, it's just for fun and gave us all a chance to hang out and post some light and fun stuff

Maybe if I made this Halloween vs. Charlie's Angels it would be a tough one for you to choose , I would pick Halloween over Charlie's of course
No, that's even easier. Halloween is the one which is top 100, The Warrirors is just outside top 10. Though if I remade my list, it's possible it'd be top 10 now.

I'll admit this is not the best comparison because it's like comparing a popular movie vs. a less popular movie but I just compared these movies because there both my favorite movies of all time
These comparisons tend to get some traction, because we all know what the weaker film is, and so it draws out the apologist in us, and we reflect on fond memories and noble aspects of the underdog.

Welcome to the human race...
I would think The Warriors should be put up against Escape From New York, that's a match-up that makes sense.

Anyway, as for this one, I pick The Warriors.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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I would think The Warriors should be put up against Escape From New York, that's a match-up that makes sense.

Anyway, as for this one, I pick The Warriors.

I just feel that The Warriors' 80's visual style was done better by some Ninja Turtles villains I can name. Also, the villain had no development and his acting sucked. I like the premise, it just needed better delivery. Halloween, however, reveled in its own simplicity and sense of paranoia, like The Conversation but with a more straightforward approach to the teens.

I should check out The Warriors someday. I've heard lots of great things about it. Halloween would be a hard film to beat though.

Perhaps a better comparison for The Warriors would be Streets of Fire.