What is the most boring movie ever made?


Btw, this was the version I watched. I muted the soundtrack.

I think that is a version that someone reshot. It looks much too clean, and I don't think it's ever been restored. The composition of the shot also looks different. And the original was completely silent.

Essentially I don't know how much that really matters though. The purpose is the same and its effect can't be that drastically different, even if it is a redo. This seems to also be speeded up so as not to take up an eight hour runtime, which would at least prove you're not insane by watching the whole thing.

But even if it is a counterfeit, just tell yourself it's the Gus Van Sant version of Warhols film, and that's Vince Vaughan as the Empire State Building. No need to seek out the real deal as a corrective. As was proven with GVSs remake of Psycho, sometimes you don't lose anything if you make sure all the shots are exactly the same. And this is close enough.

But I do sentence you to now watch Warhols The Nude Restaurant for your error. Enjoy!

No films are boring.

They're all somewhat good.

Every film is needed,

in your neighborhood!

Every film is interesting.

Every film is great.

When a film's neglected,

Crumb gets quite irate!

Never said every film is somewhat good. Especially when I think the complete opposite.

This is about boredom. Specifically boredom brought about by movies. Being discussed by people who are movie fans. And finding a movie boring in that context, regardless of if it's great or awful, simple or complex, makes little sense to me. But just because I think there are no boring movies in theory, doesn't mean I think all or even most movies are good. Not even close. They are almost completely separate points.

For example, Babydriver is a miserable piece of shit. But I could never say I was bored by it. I was let down and annoyed by its existence, but not bored. My hatred of it and everything it represents has clearly nourished me for a number of years now. That's something. It made me try and understand exactly what it was that was so repellent to me. And that's something. You could almost say I'm glad I watched the worst film ever made. Because it was something. It was a movie.

Now you don't have to explain my opinion is in the minority here. I know people are bored by movies all the time. But that's not going to stop me from looking at them funny whenever they say such an absurd thing.

My hatred of it and everything it represents has clearly nourished me for a number of years now.

This is the most Crumb sentence ever.

I love ya man. I don't know if you need a hug or electroshock therapy, but we're all mad here, so it's all good.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I can definitely see the potential for boredom with Rules Don't Apply...I had a lot of issues with that film.
Yeah there are better films about Howard Hughes and I don't mean The Aviator....I'm talking about Melvin and Howard (1980) Worth a watch.

I want to be like Mr. Beast (here's hoping someone else gets that reference).

Actually, I'm a completionist when it comes to movie lists, so since it was on a movie list I was using, I decided to go for it.
I am on Youtube a lot so I have heard of Mr. Beast, but I never clicked on any videos concerning him. Should I?

I think that is a version that someone reshot. It looks much too clean, and I don't think it's ever been restored. The composition of the shot also looks different. And the original was completely silent.

Essentially I don't know how much that really matters though. The purpose is the same and its effect can't be that drastically different, even if it is a redo. This seems to also be speeded up so as not to take up an eight hour runtime, which would at least prove you're not insane by watching the whole thing.

But even if it is a counterfeit, just tell yourself it's the Gus Van Sant version of Warhols film, and that's Vince Vaughan as the Empire State Building. No need to seek out the real deal as a corrective. As was proven with GVSs remake of Psycho, sometimes you don't lose anything if you make sure all the shots are exactly the same. And this is close enough.

But I do sentence you to now watch Warhols The Nude Restaurant for your error. Enjoy!
EDIT: I meant to link this version as the one I watched as I did, in fact, sit at my screen for 8 hours. Didn't realize I linked the 2.5 minute version.

I don't know if it's the original version, but close enough.

I am on Youtube a lot so I have heard of Mr. Beast, but I never clicked on any videos concerning him. Should I?
I don't know if most people who watch him are from the younger generation, but I enjoy most of his videos and find them entertaining.

One of the top of my head is Leatherheads. Maybe it's the most forgettable. Literally don't remember a thing about it. Clooney is weird. When he hits it out of the park some of my favorite movies...Out Of Sight, Up In The Air, O Brother. But man when he stinks the place up he really stinks.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

As was proven with GVSs remake of Psycho, sometimes you don't lose anything if you make sure all the shots are exactly the same.
Bruh, the Psycho remake was one of the worst, most unnecessary, redundant films ever made. He lost everything. And I like Gus van Sant, but he really botched that one. Only worth it for Anne Heche's butthole reveal if you're a pervert.
I am on Youtube a lot so I have heard of Mr. Beast, but I never clicked on any videos concerning him. Should I?
So you are capable of conducting yourself in an honorable way online. Why would you want to break your vow of brain cancer celibacy? Don't ever watch it.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Come on Crumb. Bring it in. It's hug time. It's not your fault.

Bruh, the Psycho remake was one of the worst, most unnecessary, redundant films ever made. He lost everything. And I like Gus van Sant, but he really botched that one. Only worth it for Anne Heche's butthole reveal if you're a pervert.

I've never even seen the Psycho remake. Although, much like Empire, it's a brilliant movie in theory.

It's a movie that, out of the gate, is designed to fail. And its failure forces us to think about where the magic of the original can be found.

If Hitchcock's greatest genius was his storyboarding of scenes, and this is just completely copied to the technical teeth, why does it now completely suck?

The part of Lord Of The Rings where Frodo and his mate are traveling alone across a continent is agonizingly boring and takes up at least an hour of screen time. My only complaint about the trilogy. You could cut that out and save an hour of your life.

If Hitchcock's greatest genius was his storyboarding of scenes, and this is just completely copied to the technical teeth, why does it now completely suck?
Because you can copy the original seemingly frame by frame. But you cannot copy its atmosphere, its actors, and its feel. That's why most remakes suck.

Because you can copy the original seemingly frame by frame. But you cannot copy its atmosphere, its actors, and its feel. That's why most remakes suck.

Whether intentionally or not, the remake draws attention to those more ephemeral elements that make people care about Psycho outside of its technical mastery. Those impossible to define moments that you know matter, but can't prove to anyone.

I'm into any film that makes it a clear case how important those more elusive pleasures of a movie are.

I will never watch the remake of Psycho.