Movies you couldn't even finish.


The trick is not minding
Oh yeah, I was watching Pinocchio. I forgot. I guess that counts for this thread because its been days and I'm probably not going back to it.
Del Toro’s Pinocchio? Or the also recent Garrone? Or do you mean, by some odd chance mean Benigni?

I presume del Toro, but I could be wrong.

Del Toro’s Pinocchio? Or the also recent Garrone? Or do you mean, by some odd chance mean Benigni?

I presume del Toro, but I could be wrong.

del Toro.

I know people like him, and maybe I do to a tiny bit....but he's such a bore.

The trick is not minding
del Toro.

I know people like him, and maybe I do to a tiny bit....but he's such a bore.
I haven’t seen his early films before Blade 2, yet, nor his last two films (Nightmare Alley, Pinocchio) but I’d have to agree with you, outside of Pan’s Labyrinth, I haven’t “loved” his other films. I will say he has a nice visual style, often.

I hope to watch Cronos and The Devil’s Backbone at some point this year.

I haven’t seen his early films before Blade 2, yet, nor his last two films (Nightmare Alley, Pinocchio) but I’d have to agree with you, outside of Pan’s Labyrinth, I haven’t “loved” his other films. I will say he has a nice visual style, often.

I hope to watch Cronos and The Devil’s Backbone at some point this year.

They're all good movies. He makes good movies (except Shape of Water). But I am always only just barely interested.

Very stressful weekend. So not in the mood for this yesterday.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I watched this about a year or so ago.
I remember seeing commercials for it when it first came out and thinking it was some kind of head-trip or sci-fi movie! (mostly because they featured dream sequences in the commercials).

But I never saw it until recently.

It's probably dated by today's standards, but since it featured a contemporary (I was around the same age as MJ Fox) parts of it were interesting. Plus it had Phoebe Cates (but as a kind of unlikable character)!
There are some good performances and some good and bad casting, but the story is unfocused and I never really bought Michael J Fox playing the bad boy.

So mad at the Times & The New Yorker. They both creamed themselves about this movie - a masterpiece, wonderful, blah, blah, blah. It’s none of these things!

Cheapskate Sean Penn involved in a 2021 movie that has no subtitles. Who does that these days! It got terrible reviews (though his daughter was kindly looked upon) so I didn’t miss anything.

Huge effort went into this, but just not my cuppa tea. Even Brad Pitt couldn’t make me finish it.

Ana de Armas is very good as Marilyn Monroe, but I can’t watch this for 3 hours. Probably improved when Bobby Cannavale appears as Joe DiMaggio, but I couldn’t wait that long.

Huge fan of everyone involved here from the director to the actors, but couldn’t make heads or tails of it.

Has anyone else seen this movie?

Got halfway through & lost the plot. I really liked the first Knives Out movie, but this one was very different. Great cast, but I got mighty confused with what was going on.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Got halfway through & lost the plot. I really liked the first Knives Out movie, but this one was very different. Great cast, but I got mighty confused with what was going on.
That might mean I'd like it as I really disliked the first Knives Out movie.

Seriously, I couldn't get to the 40min mark. I don't know what I was expecting really, I hated the first one.
There has been an awekening.... have you felt it?

Two strong leads & a good director, but this movie is a hot mess.

In the context of the poster image, this makes it sound... ...intriguing.