The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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I watched both Dredd and Melancholia in preparation for the countdown. Dredd is a decent action movie, but nothing special. I liked it well enough, but doubt I would watch it again. Melancholia was excellent. It looks great, Kirsten Dunst is fantastic and the rest of the cast are good too. Neither made my ballot.

Seen: 57/60
(Haven't seen The Raid 2, The Turin Horse, or The Act of Killing)

Crap. Finished the edit just after someone else guessed Boyhood apparently...

Thanks for the honesty!

You ready? You look ready.

Why is it so dang good? That sound design is so yummy. The opening slides you in from the void of the desert to the bustle of a city. Every cut introduces a new sound to the cacophony of noise that is a Mega City. Then a drone flys onto the screen and that bass line kicks in a little heavier and now you’re getting the sound of a Judge: leather and tactical gear crackling. Then a quick smack to the face when the title blows up and the guitar kicks in. Hold onto your pants!

If you didn’t see this movie in 3D did you even really see it?

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri is my #5 and I loved it. All the performances move me, none so much as Sam Rockwell's. For me, the man can do no wrong and his redemption arc is perfectly reasonable for me. On top of everything else, getting
WARNING: "" spoilers below
nearly burned alive will do it for you. I've personally seen people changed by lesser events.

Silence is one I haven't seen.

Dredd---I really want to see this. Another one of those I mentioned earlier in the countdown that I put off when it's on streaming then when I get to it, it's gone.

Melancholia As much as I like Kirsten Dunst, I won't see this movie. I'm do not like Lars von Trier or his films. No votes on the last three.

List so far:
#5. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri #44
#10. Hell or High Water #73
#11. Zero Dark Thirty #58
#15. Edge of Tomorrow #68
#24. Gone Girl #65
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

40. The Lighthouse (I really can't decide between my three different guesses)
39. The Everything Will be Okay trilogy


39. Annihilation

Original answer was a joke since it was already taken

I haven't seen The Lego Movie, Isle of Dogs, or Your Name, but I know they were well received.

From those that I mentioned, I wouldn't mind seeing Moana, which is one of my favorite Disney animated films. How to Train Your Dragon, Zootopia, and Frozen are really good too; especially the first one. Actually, How to Train Your Dragon is a very solid franchise overall. All three films are pretty good.

Surprised no one has mentioned Coco . Surely it has to make it.

Seen both Dredd (enjoyed it) & Melancholia (absolutely love it). But neither made my list.

As for the hints,

39. Inception Seed as in the idea

40. Incendies (The other good guesses are taken)

I forgot the opening line.
A great couple of reveals, one of which was on my ballot.

42. Dredd - Although it wasn't on my ballot, Dredd really is my kind of movie, and I've seen it a couple of times. One of the great defining characteristics of it is the drug that slows down time for the users, and the way that slow motion is used in a cinematic way. The film also captures the feel of the Judge Dredd 2000 A.D. comics in a way that makes up for the absolute idiocy of the Sylvester Stallone film Judge Dredd, which was one of the worst movies of the 1990s. The action is pretty thrilling, and the story really dark - as it should be. Here Dredd is paired with a rookie who is about to face the rampant criminality of a Mega-city head-on, with this cyber-punk vision of the future being full of depraved and shocking civilians who won't hesitate to murder, maim, rob and do whatever they want with anyone they come across. I remember borrowing hundreds of 2000 A.D. comics off of a friend of mine, and getting to know the characters. This film gets the action and the general tone so right that it's always a pleasure to watch.

41. Melancholia - Lars von Trier is something of a favourite of mine, and he gets everything in Melancholia so right that I feel it in my bones every time I watch it. It begins with a series of surreal images that don't exist inside of the narrative, and then takes us on a journey about depression which is slowly overshadowed by a world-ending catastrophe - one that inverses itself for those with melancholia, for what more could a person inflicted ask for but the end of the world itself? Kirsten Dunst and Charlotte Gainsbourg are really into their roles as sisters who are poles apart, with Dunst the one inhabiting a severely depressed person with a lot more sincerity than Hollywood has ever mustered - and it makes me wonder why depression is shied away from so often when it comes to mainstream films. It's more than just "feeling down" or sadness - much more, but that's not what movies would have you believe. Melancholia is my #16, and it's doom-infused, grey and blood-drained tone makes it the best film I've ever seen about the subject.

Seen 53/60

Films on my radar : 3
Films I've never even heard about : 4

Films from my list : 7

#41 - My #16 - Melancholia (2011)
#54 - My #11 - Under the Skin (2013)
#60 - My #4 - Joker (2019)
#64 - My #8 - Manchester by the Sea (2016)
#71 - My #12 - Ida (2013)
#93 - My #15 - It Follows (2014)
#96 - My #1 - Hereditary (2018)
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

mark f

I couldn't find any rating/reviews mark wrote for Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (Michael McDonough, 2017)

Deputy Sam Rockwell reacts to the billboards paid for by angry, grieving mother Frances McDormand.
I always wanted to be an f.

Thanks for the honesty!
No prob. Though I only really said so because I'd rather prove my victories if I get them. Competitive thing. I don't even use cheat codes anymore unless the game is just than much more wild and fun with them, like SSX On Tour. At least I can say I got it before I read your post, so if we're right that's still cool enough for me.

No prob. Though I only really said so because I'd rather prove my victories if I get them. Competitive thing. I don't even use cheat codes anymore unless the game is just than much more wild and fun with them, like SSX On Tour. At least I can say I got it before I read your post, so if we're right that's still cool enough for me.
Lol, did you accidentally reply to yourself?