Gimme your 5-Star ratings... for chick flicks


If Titanic counts, then I got one five-star. Yes, I know I'm in the minority here. But, to quote an online review I read: James Cameron directed the HELL out of that movie. And I gotta say, while the romance plot wasn't the most amazing story, it as really easy to feel for Jack and Rose, and a lot of movie romances don't have feeling, let alone making it easy.

Awe... Think Spader is a great actor. Hence, maybe why you hate him in Pretty in Pink"...
Ppl say I hate him because he played the character to a T. I have seen a few if his other movies like Less Than Zero ( he's a d*ck again!), The Secretary and Age of Ultron ( ok he lends his voice).

Ppl say I hate him because he played the character to a T. I have seen a few if his other movies like Less Than Zero ( he's a d*ck again!), The Secretary and Age of Ultron ( ok he lends his voice).
True, his resume leans that way (2 days in the Valley, Crash, along witht the ones you mentioned). But also enjoyed him in Stargate, Critical Condition, Mannequin, Lincoln and Sex, Lies & Videotapes.

True, his resume leans that way (2 days in the Valley, Crash, along witht the ones you mentioned). But also enjoyed him in Stargate, Critical Condition, Mannequin, Lincoln and Sex, Lies & Videotapes.
I do love the Stargate movie. Didn't care for the TV series.

Ok Stargate, The Mummy series and The Pyramid are a few favorites.

Mannequin is still a fun film. I watched it less than a year ago.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't use either term anyway, but let's just not deviate from the main point of my post, which is the fact that Mean Girls is great.
Mean Girls is great!

Trouble with a capital "T"
If Titanic counts, then I got one five-star. Yes, I know I'm in the minority here. But, to quote an online review I read: James Cameron directed the HELL out of that movie. And I gotta say, while the romance plot wasn't the most amazing story, it as really easy to feel for Jack and Rose, and a lot of movie romances don't have feeling, let alone making it easy.
I'm with you, I love Titanic for a whole lot of reasons including the romance.

It’s interesting. I do genuinely believe, as far as personal experience goes, that men enjoy films about ‘romance and relationships’ less. Is that controversial? I also feel like films centred around female characters with few or no male characters tend to be less plot-driven or full of ‘action’. Which are pretty definitive characteristics.
Not controversial at all. I agree.

My point was that when a movie about those topics is well made and well received (think It Happened One Night or even something like Portrait of a Lady on Fire), people don't put the label "chick flick" on it.

I'm merely suggesting that asking for examples of 5-star, amazing "chick flicks" is a tricky proposition, because (to me at least) the term seems to describe movies that are inherently middle of the road .

I think that when it comes to fluffy romance stuff, women have a lower baseline for watching those films. It's like me and horror or me and mystery books. I will watch a horror movie even if I go in knowing it will probably only be a
kind of film. That's where I feel like "chick flicks" sit. They are movies that people who are interested in those topics will seek out, but not high-quality enough to be distinguished apart from their plots.

It all comes down to how you're defining the term. I've always heard "chick flick" used as an insult, to imply that a film is just kind of a fluffy, trope-y movie in the romance or romantic comedy genres.

It's kind of like the term "b-movie actioner". There are plenty of movies in this description that I like. They can certainly be elevated by performances or fight choreography. But kind of by design they aren't going to be 5-star, amazing movies.

Chick flicks are romance films that women dream of the perfect guy.

One of my 4 stars is Pride and Prejudice (2005). Mr Darcy is an ass but by the end, you want to be Elizabeth Bennett.

I just enjoy Matthew MacFadyen's acting. I loved him on Ripper Street.
Yep, that and Sense and Sensibility easily count in this discussion. Hell, anything remotely related to Jane Austen probably counts.

I'm surprised at how popular this thread got.

Yep, that and Sense and Sensibility easily count in this discussion. Hell, anything remotely related to Jane Austen probably counts.

I'm surprised at how popular this thread got.
Yeah, when married or dating women go see a chick flick, at some point of the film, we want to cuddle up to the guy.

I think City of Angels is a very good chick flick.

Memoirs of a Geisha is one too.

If that's sort of the route you're going, for me Far from the Madding Crowd (2015) is a 5-star film.

I'd also throw in:
Little Women
Dirty Dancing
Pride and Prejudice

I guess I'm not entirely clear on what separates a "chick flick" from a romance or romantic comedy.

Guess I'm also intrigued to learn more about what constitutes a chick flick. If I enjoyed all the Sissi films with Romy Schneider, does that make me a sissy?

There is nothing wrong with a guy who enjoys chick flicks.

I know one who enjoys Connie and Carla . 😆

Victim of The Night
Portrait Of a Lady On Fire
Black Swan
Kill Bill
A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night
La Femme Nikita

(I have more.)

Jeanne Dielman
23 Quai de Commerce
1080 Bruxelles

And When Harry Met Sally is also good.