The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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Jokes on you...I'm off tomorrow so I'll wait for your hint post...

I don't have a lot of time to update my ballot with the unwatched entries. I'm trying to rush through the 40's Lassie series so I can watch the MST3K episode The Painted Hills. And on top of that, there are the B-movie works of Dustin Ferguson, who I discovered through the Nemesis films. This guy is one of the shittiest filmmakers on Earth, and I've only checked out four of his movies so far.

Man, I watched Certify Copy for the 2010s list and it was a total miss for me. I couldn't finish it & I highly doubt it would've made a difference for me. Just too self-conceited for me.

Haven't seen Toy Story 3 or the prequels from a young adolescence
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched Certified Copy for the Group Watch thread, and it started out good, but after a while it became uncomfortable to watch, and a little confusing.

Toy Story 3 is probably my second favorite of the Toy Story movies, (after the first movie). It's a very emotional movie, and I love the ending, but it didn't make my list.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I forgot the opening line.
84. Certified Copy - Always a pleasant surprise to come across a film I've yet to hear about during a Countdown - it's like a multi-recommendation, and I really liked Close-up, so Abbas Kiarostami's stuff might be right up my alley. Will definitely check this out later on down the road.

83. Toy Story 3 - The Toy Story series of animated films have been quite the phenomenon, and while I've still got to get around to watching number 4, I saw the third chapter quite recently after catching up with 2 again. Lots of laughs, and as always a meaningful, emotionally powerful, story. The best thing about them is the degree to which you can enjoy them as an adult, even without the participation of youngsters - it's such a delicate job, speaking to grown ups and kids at the same time on the same kind of level, and a lot of Pixar films manage to carry that off better than any other animated studio's films. I don't have any animated films on my ballot however, therefore I know definitively that this film didn't get any points from me.

Seen 15/18
Films on my radar : 1
Films I've never even heard about : 2

#93 - My #15 - It Follows (2014)
#96 - My #1 - Hereditary (2018)
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

I saw 'em, but I don't think they're easy.

I'll try The Revenant for 82 and War Horse for 81.

Changing my 82 to About Time, even though I have no idea if it's any better than my previous guess.

Following your line of thinking for #82, it could be Edge of Tomorrow (2014).

Could be. I was thinking about one of the characters that had something in common with the hint.

Edge of Tomorrow is probably more likely to make the countdown, though.

Or thinking outside the box, #82 could be something like Only Lovers Left Alive (2013).

I thought maybe Midnight in Paris, but somebody already guessed that before the hints were even revealed.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I thought maybe Midnight in Paris, but somebody already guessed that before the hints were even revealed.

I think someone guessed that because of the time that the hint was posted, not from the actual hint.

All I know is that I'm terrible at guessing these hints, so it's probably none of the movies that I mentioned.