R.I.P. James Caan


Only heard the news today. For as great as The Godfather is and as great as he is as Sonny, he's always been Jonathan E to me. From the age of about 9, that's what I see regardless of what he's doing. Even in his 60's and 70's, he was still Jonathan E.

R.I.P Mr. Caan.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I still need to see Thief ...
Oh my, yes. At your earliest possible convenience.

Registered User
Almost all the leading players in "The GOdfather" are now gone. Only Pacino and DIane Keaton remain.
Next to the Godfather, "Thief" was his best performance.

Very sorry to hear it. Caan's death really took me by surprise because he was one of the actors who we have the feeling that he'll be around forever.

Trouble with a capital "T"
A week ago I ran into a movie link that sounded interesting so I watched it. It was Red Line 7000 (1965)...about Nascar drivers and racing. It was interesting but kind of uneven and the acting wasn't great. But one actor stood out as excellent and memorable, a young James Caan.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
This is so sad. He was in so many great movies. My favorite James Caan movies are Brian's Song, Freebie and the Bean, and Kiss Me Goodbye.

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