The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame V: Comedy Edition


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
CR voting list:
Phoenix - Take the Money and Run 1st
Edearsenal - Victor Victoria 2nd
Siddon - Ghost Town 3rd
Cricket - Knives Out 4th
Allaby - Bugsy Malone 5th
Ueno - Black Belt Jones 6th
Takoma - The Bank Dick 7th

Thanks to Phoenix I've become a Woody Allen fan and I use to not be able to stand his films.

Takoma chose A Nous La Liberte for me?! How awesome!!
I watched it last year for the 2021 Film Challenge. Glad you liked it! I felt, no joking, slightly physically ill trying to pick things people would find funny. Maybe because there's nothing worse than showing someone something you find funny and them not laughing.

Pink Panther WAS a long shot for Takoma. My second choice for her was Army of Darkness (1992)
Would have been a great choice, but I'd already seen it!

Also, honestly, I liked everything that I watched except for Jackass (which I knew was kind of a loving middle finger nom anyway, so I didn't feel too bad disliking it). It was just putting them in order, and there weren't huge gaps at all. A great set of films.

Thanks, everyone! Great hall!

Congratulations CR and thank you for running this, I really enjoyed it.

I voted like this with everything included-

1. Quo Vado
2. Don't Look Up
3. Ocean's Eleven
4. What We Do in the Shadows
5. Thank You for Smoking
6. Chicken Run
7. With Honors
8. Blade of the Immortal
9. Don't Talk to Irene
10. Wrong

And this was my original list of noms I sent in-

Citizen Rules
1. Knives Out (2019)
2. The Heartbreak Kid (1972)
3. Crazy Stupid Love (2011)

1. Dinner at Eight (1933)
2. Ninotchka (1939)
3. Crazy Stupid Love (2011)

John Dumbear
1. Beerfest (2006)
2. Bachelor Party (1984)
3. Wedding Crashers (2005)

1. Harold and Maude (1971)
2. Crazy Stupid Love (2011)
3. Tropic Thunder (2008)

Ueno Station
1. Happiness (1988)
2. Sightseers (2012)
3. The Last American Virgin (1982)

1. Diner (1982)
2. The Heartbreak Kid (1972)
3. The Flamingo Kid (1984)

1. Animal House (1978)
2. Trading Places (1983)
3. Observe and Report (2009)

1. Happiness (1988)
2. Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)
3. One Two Three (1961)

1. One Two Three (1961)
2. The Ice Harvest (2005)
3. Cedar Rapids (2011)

1.Adam's Apples (2005)
2.The Graduate (1967)
3.Smiles of a Summer Night (1955)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Congratulations CR and thank you for running this, I really enjoyed it.
Thanks, good to know.

I prefer your original method of using the MoFo list as a guide to what we choose for others. So many people said they had already seen their choices that my head was spinning and it was hard for me to keep track of it all. I hope you'll run the next one. Because damn this was a lot of work!

I forgot the opening line.
Oooooooh, 2nd! Not too bad, though I have to admit that one of my picks for someone who had to withdraw was a second-rate third choice I cooked up under pressure and wouldn't have gone well.

Congrats to @Citizen Rules and thanks to everyone for some great picks for me!

My voting list :

1 - Brand Upon the Brain! (2006)
2 - Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001)
3 - Kung Fu Hustle (2004)
4 - The Player (1992)
5 - Swiss Army Man (2016)
6 - Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)
7 - Frankenhooker (1990)
8 - Visitor Q (2001)
9 - The Hospital (1971)
10 - Arthur (1981)
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I watched it last year for the 2021 Film Challenge. Glad you liked it! I felt, no joking, slightly physically ill trying to pick things people would find funny. Maybe because there's nothing worse than showing someone something you find funny and them not laughing.

Would have been a great choice, but I'd already seen it!

Also, honestly, I liked everything that I watched except for Jackass (which I knew was kind of a loving middle finger nom anyway, so I didn't feel too bad disliking it). It was just putting them in order, and there weren't huge gaps at all. A great set of films.

Thanks, everyone! Great hall!
It was on my list for last year as well and didn't get to it si pretty happy when I saw it. Thank You.

And yeah it IS tricky to pick comedies for others but all all it worked out quite nicely.