The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame V: Comedy Edition


Trouble with a capital "T"
4th place
Takoma: 29 Points

Brand Upon the Brain
1st - Phoenix
A Nous La Liberte 2nd – Edarsenal
The Extra Girl 3rd - Allaby
Good Morning, Vietnam 3rd – Siddon
Blade of the Immortal 5th – Cricket
Twentieth Century Oz 6th - Ueno
The Bank Dick 7th - Citizen

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I've not seen Diner, but surprised it was so low but I guess like Ed just said it's more drama than comedy.
I think you'd enjoy it CR. It's a solid film, dramatically speaking.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Diner would have scored SO MUCH higher for me in a Regular HoF but I voted with the amount of laughter per film for the majority of placements.
I almost nominated it for you in general personal rec

Trouble with a capital "T"
Takoma chose A Nous La Liberte for me?! How awesome!!
When I seen that picked for you, I though it would do well. Takoma did pretty good for her first time out in a PR.

Trouble with a capital "T"
We're just about done now...

3rd place
Edarsenal: 30 Points

ictor Victoria 2nd – Citizen
Harold and Maude 2nd - Ueno
Chicken Run 3rd – Cricket
Swiss Army Man 4th - Phoenix
Death at a Funeral 4th – Siddon
Auntie Mame 5th - Allaby
The Pink Panther Strikes Back 6th - Takoma

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I almost nominated it for you in general personal rec
in a general HoF/Personal Rec, it would have easily done upper middle or a spot or two higher depending on competition.

Trouble with a capital "T"
2nd place
Phoenix: 34 Points

ake the Money and Run 1st – Citizen
Quo Vado 1st – Cricket
Boy 3rd – Edarsenal
The Castle 4th – Allaby
A Man Called Ove 4th - Takoma
Schizopolis 4th – Ueno
Used Cars 5th - Siddon

Trouble with a capital "T"
It's Rigged I tell ya!!!

1st place

Citizen: 35 Points

1st – Ueno
Christmas in Connecticut 2nd – Allaby
Ocean's Eleven 2nd - Cricket
Avanti 2nd - Siddon
The Player 3rd – Phoenix
Holiday 5th - Takoma
Kiss Me, Stupid 6th - Edarsenal

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Here's how I voted for the noms sent to me:

1# Blithe Spirit (1945)
2# A Nous La Liberte (1931)
3# Boy (2010)
4# Symbol (2009)
5# Alfie (1966)
6# Ready or Not (2019)
7# Kiss Me, Stupid (1964)
8# Diner (1982)

Drop Dead would have been my #1
and Bananas would have come between Symbol and Alfie for me