Rate The Last Movie You Saw



SF = Zzz

[Snooze Factor Ratings]:
Z = didn't nod off at all
Zz = nearly nodded off but managed to stay alert
Zzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed
Zzzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed but nodded off again at the same point and therefore needed to go back a number of times before I got through it...
Zzzzz = nodded off and missed some or the rest of the film but was not interested enough to go back over it
lucky me and my support worker didnt choose that movie when it came out while ago

For a movie with a budget that appears to be roughly the size of my last grocery bill, this was impressive. One take, pretty much two room film about a cafe owner who lives above his cafe and discovers that the tv/monitor in his room shows two minutes into the future and the tv/monitor in his cafe is showing two minutes from the past. As with most time travel films things start out neato for the cafe owner and his friends but go downhill the more they tinker with it. This is just a fun movie, a movie where the less you know going in the more fun your bound to have. It's kind of a One Cut of the Dead type of fun, with a bit of Primer and a touch of Being John Malkovich.

Moneyball (2011)

Not being a fan of American sports, I was a bit apprehensive watching this. Glad I did, a really intriguing story of how to cut the unsurmountable odds in your favour for a change. Brad Pitt is excellent as the cock-sure General Manager who knows the sad turn-around of the sporting dreams for many.

Uncharted: Predictably forgettable. Spider Man seems like Spider Man. Marky Mark seems like Marky Mark (Say "Hi" to your mother for me"). It's like watching an extended video game cut scene, which makes sense given the source material.

Victim of The Night
The Boogens (1981)

A run-of-the-mill American horror with an apparent target audience in teenagers. It's not bad, but I'm not into this "let's drink some beer and have a laugh while watching a horror film" subgenre that lessens the value of US horror as a whole. The monster itself is pathetic. Can I sue the people in here who told me this is better than The Strangeness?
It is better than The Strangeness. It's not my fault you don't like fun.
The Defense rests.

Victim of The Night

By [1], Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4035442

The Jerk - (1979)

I watched this yesterday before submitting my votes for the Comedy top 100 Countdown, as it has been ages since seeing either this or The Man With Two Brains. Now, I was expecting something pretty lackluster with dated jokes - something that wouldn't hold up to how I felt about it back in the day. Boy, was I wrong. Although some moments fall flat, especially at the start, this has enough goofy charm and funny moments to still be worth watching. That complicated my list even further, with several films vying to break into a 25 I'm pretty solid on. It'll be even worse if The Man With Two Brains holds up (used to be a favourite of mine) although somehow I'm doubting Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid. Laughed quite a bit watching The Jerk without really expecting to.

Glad to hear it, it's been a few years for me too.
I think you'll be pretty safe with Two Brains, I still think it's fun but I don't think you're gonna feel like it's a classic or anything.

Victim of The Night
I can't see how it wouldn't. It's got some of the most quotable lines of any comedy including this one ...

That is pretty funny.

By [1], Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4035442

The Jerk - (1979)

I watched this yesterday before submitting my votes for the Comedy top 100 Countdown, as it has been ages since seeing either this or The Man With Two Brains. Now, I was expecting something pretty lackluster with dated jokes - something that wouldn't hold up to how I felt about it back in the day. Boy, was I wrong. Although some moments fall flat, especially at the start, this has enough goofy charm and funny moments to still be worth watching. That complicated my list even further, with several films vying to break into a 25 I'm pretty solid on. It'll be even worse if The Man With Two Brains holds up (used to be a favourite of mine) although somehow I'm doubting Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid. Laughed quite a bit watching The Jerk without really expecting to.
It's not on the same level, but The Lonely Guy is another Reiner/Martin collab worth seeing, mostly for Charles Grodin's performance.

I forgot the opening line.
It's not on the same level, but The Lonely Guy is another Reiner/Martin collab worth seeing, mostly for Charles Grodin's performance.
You've just sparked an ancient memory from deep within me, of Grodin's character telling Steve Martin's that "Even Hitler had a dog" and Martin asking "Adolf Hitler?" I didn't even remember this film at all when I decided to go back to all those old films Martin is in to see if they're still funny. I'll look forward to seeing that again.

I can't see how it wouldn't. It's got some of the most quotable lines of any comedy including this one ...

Glad to hear it, it's been a few years for me too.
I think you'll be pretty safe with Two Brains, I still think it's fun but I don't think you're gonna feel like it's a classic or anything.
Comedies really date with me, and I often see them again years later and the humour has gone stale, but with these Carl Reiner/Steve Martin films, they still give me a lot to laugh about, and I really think I'll have to include one in my voting list for the Comedy Countdown. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid has a decent rating on the IMDb and Letterboxd, and I used to love that one too, so I've got a bit of catching up to do.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.
We miss you Takoma

Latest Review : Mona Lisa (1986)

I forgot the opening line.
My router was hit with a computer virus, so I've been watching movies until it was fixed. I'm gonna try and be quick.

By Scene Creek, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=61065617

Ready or Not - (2019)

This one is slick. Maybe a little too slick. It also has an ending that reminded me of all the bad things about the ending of the remake of Suspiria. But aside from that it's energetic and fun, giving off action, comedy and horror vibes in equal measure. A little too much CGI damn it, so those flaws really cost the film in my opinion - I can't give it a flat out 7 - but it's in that ballpark.


By The poster art can or could be obtained from the distributor., Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=52901272

Life, Animated - (2016)

Really cute, intelligent and involving documentary about a young man with severe autism and the battle his parents have waged to raise him. When all was nearly lost, when this guy was a boy, his autistic-aligned mind grabbed hold of all the Disney animated films, and he learned everything he knows from them. Unfortunately, life is more complex than a Disney cartoon would make out. Learning about the challenges they've faced, and watching them confront new ones as this guy moves away from home, was really interesting, and I enjoyed this doco.


Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4164911

Rome, Open City - (1945)

It's a shame to brush by this one with speed, but I watched it last night and it was the last act that really surprised and moved me. Some mark this film as the beginning of Italian neo-realism, but it was still somewhat larger-than-life with resistance leaders and priests becoming martyrs to the anti-fascist cause. I need to see it again one day, then the rating might go up.


Foreign Language Countdown films seen : 84/100

By Lionsgate - https://www.cbr.com/john-wick-chapte...bellum-poster/, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=59676695

John Wick Chapter: 3 – Parabellum

I loved the beginning and end, which had the usual smart and daring action sequences, and the unusual new world that's being constructed - a John Wick assassin universe with complex rules and always those consequences. The movies are slowly getting longer though - I think the 100 minutes of the first film should be a maximum. I don't want to see a 130 minute John Wick movie (which is basically what I've just watched.)


Resolution (2012, Justin Benson, Aaron Moorhead)

This is a prequel to Endless and was apparently shot in the same locations. It's not as good as the latter film (which I thought was a flawed but very intriguing sci-fi time-loop mind bender) but there are some good aspects to it, and I just generally tend to dig these type of indie sci-fi films because of their own quirky, weird, but unique vision and cinematic language, so even with all the flaws I can still appreciate them. There are some standout moments — the scene in the French archaeologist's trailer is definitely my favorite, very Lynch-esque.

X (2022)

This was good fun in a kind of homage to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre way. The added in angle of the porn didn't really have much to do with the story apart from going through an economic depression trying to earn a buck. Stylish (in a Tobe Hooper stylee) and witty, only some of the elements of the "slasher" parts let it down, a bit daft.

Finch (2021)

Finch is everything that is wrong with streaming films. The film has a lot of potential, Tom Hanks plays the last man on earth (apparently) who decides he needs to go on a road trip from St. Louis to San Fransisco. He creates a robot named Jeff and he grabs his dog Goodyear to go on this adventure.

Finch has a lot of really good ideas and you have a good a story here but it's a bubble movie with Hanks going it alone. It's one of those films that reminds you of better films...and when that better film is I am Legend than we have a problem. Hanks is great but the Robot is weird...it doesn't move like a Robot should move it moves like a CGI character.

The film has some really powerful scenes with potential for horror and suspense but the filmmakers chicken out. And Hanks doesn't go overboard with his 15 years of isolation...he's still Tom Hanks...and that's a problem. This could have been a masterpiece instead it's just content for Apple.

(2021, Petersen)

"We keep living our lives. You're the one missing out."

In 1969, psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross introduced the "five stages of grief" model, which states that people that are grieving experience five different stages or emotions: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Although contested and criticized by some, the model is widely referenced by fellow experts, but also in popular media.

Four is a short film that follows Ross (Eoin Macken), who seems to be going through this process, while his wife (Rachel Lyn Murray) tries to reason with him. The title is a reference to the stage he's currently in, but also a reference to the four family members, which also include their two children: Naomi and Ben.

With an 8-minute runtime, the short is fairly simple but it has a solid emotional core. Macken and Murray are not excellent, but they are competent enough. It does give the impression to romanticize certain things in the aftermath of the grieving process, but maybe that was a matter of my perception, and not the short film's intention. Still, it's a solid short film to check out.

Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Victim of The Night
My router was hit with a computer virus, so I've been watching movies until it was fixed. I'm gonna try and be quick.

By Scene Creek, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=61065617

Ready or Not - (2019)

This one is slick. Maybe a little too slick. It also has an ending that reminded me of all the bad things about the ending of the remake of Suspiria. But aside from that it's energetic and fun, giving off action, comedy and horror vibes in equal measure. A little too much CGI damn it, so those flaws really cost the film in my opinion - I can't give it a flat out 7 - but it's in that ballpark.

I absolutely agree with the "too slick" part.
I really thought this movie was winking and patting itself on the back far, far too much for what was actually on-screen.