The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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*********** and **********. Oops! I'm not supposed to say.

Why not?
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I forgot the opening line.
84. The Man Who Wasn't There : This movie kept on getting reinstated on my list every time I dared to use it to make way for another, such is it's lasting impact. It sits in my memory, with Billy Bob Thornton's voice easy-talking relatable narration married to incredible black and white visuals - and it sits there in the most wonderful way. Classic Coen Bros, and one of three Coen Bros movies to make my list (hence my many attempts to drop it in favour of balance - but I just couldn't.) So many familiar faces in this from their other movies, and they all fit, their roles probably being written with the particular actors in mind - which always helps a film. I've seen the colour version, just out of curiosity, but I'm willing to bet a lot of The Man Who Wasn't There fans would consider that a no-go, and I admit the black and white is superior. I had this film #21 and it's the first from my list to appear.

83. Iron Man : I have Iron Man on blu-ray, so I'm definitely not dismissive of it, but to me it's another comic book character come to life in a cinematic landscape littered with them - and I'm not so enamoured that I saw the 2nd or 3rd films, though I plan to one day. I should probably rewatch the first before doing it. I remember the first half, but things get sketchy after that. The character just never grabbed me, and I can probably say the same for Robert Downey Jr, although I am hoping to see Kiss Kiss Bang Bang show up here (my hopes for that will get dimmer and dimmer if it doesn't appear in the next 20 films or so.) This was never a chance to make my list. It's a good movie - definitely not bad, but not my kind of thing.


Films I've seen : 11
Films that have been on my radar : 4
Films I've never even heard of : 3

Films from my list : 2

#84 - My #21 - The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)
One pointer - World's Greatest Dad (2009)
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.
We miss you Takoma

Latest Review : Mona Lisa (1986)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I had no plans to watch The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, but I found the DVD at a garage sale after the Westerns Countdown, and I remembered the praise it for during that countdown, so I bought it. I watched it for this countdown. It took me a while to realize that it was switching between flashbacks and the present day, but once I realized that, I liked the movie. It didn't make my list, but I'm glad to see that it made the countdown.

I watched Caché after reading about it during the Foreign Language Movies Countdown. I liked it a lot, and if I had watched it before that countdown, it might have made my list for that countdown. However, it did not make my list for this countdown.

I watched The Man Who Wasn't There for this countdown. I've been mostly hit or miss with the Coen Brothers movies, so I didn't have high hopes for this one, but I decided to give it a try anyway because several people spoke highly of it in the recommendation thread. It turned out to be a very good movie, and I'm glad that I watched it, but it's another good movie that didn't make my list.

I've seen most of the MCU movies, and Iron Man is one of my favorites. It was a strong contender for my list when this countdown was first announced, but it just got pushed down as I watched more movies, and it eventually just got knocked off my list. However I credit this movie, and the casting of Robert Downey Jr. as the main reason why the MCU is so popular. I don't think anyone else would have been nearly as good as Tony Stark.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Have not seen Caché. The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada is an excellent movie and I had heard of it but was intrigued to watch it because of my movie-loving older sister, whom I've trusted on many films and have been rewarded almost every time, and my late Dad, who rarely recommended anything past the 80s for me, so when he did, boy was I definitely gonna see it! I love it and need to revisit it. I love the Coen's but still haven't seen The Man Who Wasn't There but definitely will as I intend to see everything they've made. And finally, my first entry had made it with Iron Man which I had at #20 on my ballot. I love this movie and it's primarily because of Downey Jr.'s comical take (with some seriousness) on Iron Man. Like some other MoFos here, I think this is top tier Marvel film-making before I started to suffer from superhero fatigue. I haven't actively disliked any of the Marvel films but then I've yet to see any in this next phase (what are we at, Phase Four?) with films like Black Widow, especially when if I miss them at the theater, Disney makes you pay through the nose to just rent them for streaming. Or buy them. And I'm not going to do that flat-out because I think Disney is a greed machine. But that's another discussion for another day.

Anyway, glad to have broken into the countdown.
#20 Iron Man 83
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Of the two next films, there's one I haven't seen, and the other I haven't seen in a very, very long time, which makes it harder to hand out hints, but here's something for tomorrow...

Film #82
WARNING: spoilers below

"It's the exact midpoint between Soul and Paprika. Mind melting goodness, total bliss."

"I feel like [redacted] decided to make this film while he was high and watching My Dinner With Andre."

Film #81
WARNING: spoilers below

"For those who love dogs, this is the film to watch."

"[redacted]... aka the master of portraying desperate miserable ****ed up people."

Four one-line reviews from film lovers and cinephiles, not film critics. Use Google if you want, but in the wise words of @John Dumbear

Also, tomorrow's two films, along with #80 and #79 are all in a four-way tie. Wow.

So sleep tight, peeps!
A couple of guesses, but here's some visual aid, while I prep the reveals...

WARNING: spoilers below

80 points, 5 lists
Waking Life

Richard Linklater, 2001


Trevor Jack Brooks, Lorelei Linklater, Wiley Wiggins, Glover Gill


80 points, 6 lists
Amores Perros

Alejandro González Ińárritu, 2000


Gael García Bernal, Vanessa Bauche, Goya Toledo, Álvaro Guerrero


I didn’t like Waking Life much but am definitely up for a rewatch at some point. The dialogue is dense.

I really like Innaritu, probably more than most, Amores is towards the middle of his filmography for me though. Good movie but didn’t make my list.

Both great films certainly deserving a spot on this list. Neither made mine, though.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

I've been meaning to get into more Linklater.

I saw The Man Who Wasn't There last night. Very realistic commentary on how life ****s people over. I liked how it stayed so mellow despite it's rough scenarios. All I have to say.

82. Seen 11/20

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