26th Hall of Fame


The trick is not minding

On August 1st, 1966, A disturbed man climbed atop the clock tower in Texas University campus and preceded to open fire on anyone that moved. He terrorized the campus for 90 minutes before he was finally shot to death by two police officers.

This documentary tells the tale, through rotoscope animation and archived footage, as well as eye witness accounts.

Why follows is a emotional roller coaster as we relive those 90 minutes of terror with the survivors. It isn’t an easy journey. It’s not meant to be.
What’s refreshing about this one is it doesn’t make any judgement on the shooter, Whitman, and doesn’t go into his possible motives. Instead, it sticks with the narrative of how many felt during that time, and how they coped afterward. By sticking to the witnesses accounts, it avoid reaching any conclusions on the incident.
Instead we get tales of heroism, bravery, and survival. Dread. Fear. It’s all there. And it’s almost like I was there too, as I found myself almost a witness to these events as well. So much so I could see myself also hiding behind cover.

I tested up a little. It’s almost impossible not to.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Surprised Ed didn't like Daises...I had him pegged as a fan. Poor Daises it ain't too well loved
I was expecting to as well figuring a little nonsense would be fun, but it was not to be
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
A quick head count for Daisies fans: Wylde, ueno, CR, Allaby all really liked it. While Phoenix, Speling, JJ appreciated it. Can it manage to survive the dreaded last place???

A quick head count for Daisies fans: Wylde, ueno, CR, Allaby all really liked it. While Phoenix, Speling, JJ appreciated it. Can it manage to survive the dreaded last place???
So far, four films are candidates for being in last place as they have a difference of a few points.

Also, I have a question for those who didn't like Daisies: How would you guys compare it against Themroc (provided you were in the last HoF)? Would you guys say that Daisies is an improvement, about on the same level of quality, or worse?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Also, I have a question for those who didn't like Daisies: How would you guys compare it against Themroc (provided you were in the last HoF)? Would you guys say that Daisies is an improvement, about on the same level of quality, or worse?
I enjoyed Daisies much more than Themroc...To be fair to Themroc it did achieve what it was trying to do and that style of French commentary/satire comedy doesn't work well for me...but still I would not call Themroc a bad movie, just a movie that wasn't for me.

You all have five days to finish this thread. Here's where everyone stands as of now:

@BooBooKittyFock (5/12)
@edarsenal (11/12)
@jiraffejustin (10/12)
@seanc (10/12)
@Siddon (9/12)
@Wyldesyde19 (10/12)

As a reminder, I won't extend the deadline again.

I would have assumed Themroc would be more liked since it has a clear, straightforward narrative.
I was under the impression that Daisies would receive better reviews here since it's more well-known and widely considered to be a classic of the Czech new wave.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I would have assumed Themroc would be more liked since it has a clear, straightforward narrative.
With Daisies you have 7 members that liked it, (8 counting BooBoo who won't finish). I can't remember anybody really liking Themroc, but I don't think it got as much hate either? Don't remember really.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Going back to my review of Themroc, it does seem like I had a curiosity as to where it was all going as opposed to a WHEN with Daisies. Though, considering my annoyance, I did let out a YAY with its ending and the chandelier. So, there's that.

And in a broader spectrum of seeing films, I would never choose to on my own, on so many varying genres they do hold to that for everything good, wrong, and WTF that I consider as one of the many reasons I continue as a participant in these HoFs.

Going through a small list of potential HoF nominations I threw together 2022 should be a lot easier for y'all in terms of the stuff I'm picking for these. Stuff that'll land in the 2-2.5 star range instead of half a star.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I would have assumed Themroc would be more liked since it has a clear, straightforward narrative.
Perhaps, but then a meandering one can make for a greater payoff in the end and it all comes down, for me, in the experience aka The Ride Itself.
So even a "Wait? What?" experience can do wonders and again, it comes down to any given audience's final appreciation/frustration/intrigue/confusion.