Alec Baldwin accidentally kills crew member with prop gun


Give a kid a break, right?
Presumably you’re referring to the armorer who is 24 years old. She’s not a “kid”.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Presumably you’re referring to the armorer who is 24 years old. She’s not a “kid”.
She looks young.

And 24 is young enough to prime youth-empathy in many (myself included).

She looks young.

And 24 is young enough to prime youth-empathy in many (myself included).
She’s a grown adult woman. That’s all I’m saying.

She’s a grown adult woman. That’s all I’m saying.
I hear what you're saying. It's all good.

Did you hear this?

Exactly. What a cluster****, a wonder (a tragedy, really) that people didn’t walk out earlier.
If anything good comes out of this, it will be a sea change in how a film crew handles the armory.

NBC News
'Fast and loose': 'Rust' crew member quit over lack of safety day before fatal accident

Lawyer for 'Rust' assistant director accused of handing gun to Alec Baldwin said it wasn't his job to check if there were bullets in it

by the way, the shooter NEVER did help the dying woman and only was worried about Alec Baldwin the star actor's own reputation

what a nerve!!

She’s a grown adult woman. That’s all I’m saying.
Agreed. So fed up with 24-year-olds being designated “teenagers”. You just wait and that’ll be the legal status of under-25s. The number of times I hear about the supposedly fragile “under-25” brain on a weekly basis is sickening. One would have had a couple of kids by then only a few decades ago.

This is getting a little too far afield. Let's stick to the topic and the news that emerges, please.

I realize some of that is inevitable, but there's a key distinction between "naturally touches on cultural and political issues" and "is used as an excuse to talk about them at length."

NBC News
'Fast and INSIDER
Lawyer for 'Rust' assistant director accused of handing gun to Alec Baldwin said it wasn't his job to check if there were bullets in it
And now responsibility is a hot potato. The armorer claims it was not her fault. The AD claims it was not his fault. The actor has been retweeting articles that have headlines proclaiming his own innocence (on the basis that it was someone else's fault). In truth, everyone is to blame to some extent, but if were are looking for 100% responsibility we may indeed find that no one is entirely responsible. The implication which immediately follows, however, (i.e., that no one is responsible for it) is obviously unacceptable. This looks like a prisoner's dilemma where everyone is defecting. If I were a lawyer, I'd be salivating.

So, so far nobody involved seems to be answering the must pungent question, which is why there would EVER be live, real ammo on a movie set. Blame's being passed around as to who saw the weapon last, who checked to see if it was OK, but the bottom line is that live ammo never appears on a set, not to mention a prop gun.

So, somebody put it there. Anybody with the slightest amount of sense would know to not do that. So, maybe some staff members were doing target practice with the gun before the scene and, again, nobody checked. The level of negligence here is almost astonishing. The only reason that I doubt some sort of murder mystery plot line is that, if someone deliberately loaded the gun, the would not have any way to know who would be the victim, so the British murder mystery plot line doesn't seem plausible.

What does seem plausible, however, is that someone wanted to wreck the production. A killing on the set just might do that, leaving so much disarray, controversy, legal complication that the movie goes down the toilet. It didn't sound like a very good movie anyway. It would not really matter who got shot, as long as somebody did and it was big news.

Look for either the Mafia, which didn't get paid off or a studio exec that didn't want to squander more money and wanted someone else to take the fall. When all the dust settles, there will probably be a movie about the movie, based on the book about the movie.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Anybody with the slightest amount of sense would know to not do that.
That's Hollywood for you. A bunch of brainless idiots who don't have a clue what safety means.

Using this to take swipes at huge groups of people pretty clearly falls under the "using this to say the things I already wanted to say" thing I mentioned earlier. And this is a tragedy, so I find the merchandising to be in very poor taste, personally.

I'd probably close the thread now except a lot of news is still coming out that'll be worth discussing, but I think we should be sticking mostly to that.

Trouble with a capital "T"
So, so far nobody involved seems to be answering the must pungent question, which is why there would EVER be live, real ammo on a movie set. Blame's being passed around as to who saw the weapon last, who checked to see if it was OK, but the bottom line is that live ammo never appears on a set, not to mention a prop gun.

So, somebody put it there. Anybody with the slightest amount of sense would know to not do that. So, maybe some staff members were doing target practice with the gun before the scene and, again, nobody checked. The level of negligence here is almost astonishing. The only reason that I doubt some sort of murder mystery plot line is that, if someone deliberately loaded the gun, the would not have any way to know who would be the victim, so the British murder mystery plot line doesn't seem plausible.

What does seem plausible, however, is that someone wanted to wreck the production. A killing on the set just might do that, leaving so much disarray, controversy, legal complication that the movie goes down the toilet. It didn't sound like a very good movie anyway. It would not really matter who got shot, as long as somebody did and it was big news.

Look for either the Mafia, which didn't get paid off or a studio exec that didn't want to squander more money and wanted someone else to take the fall. When all the dust settles, there will probably be a movie about the movie, based on the book about the movie.
I like you skizzerflake and the first part of your post ask some valid questions about why there was live ammo on the set? But the part in your post that I bolded is a wild assumption. I was just reading the other day about why conspiracy theories are so popular, then seen your post...People really seem to have a hard time believing that a chain of unrelated mistakes can lead to a tragedy, so they then 'connect the dots' and blame a super entity/power. I'm sorry but I have to call the idea that the mafia or someone else planted bullets in the gun as baseless, wild speculation.

Agreed. So fed up with 24-year-olds being designated “teenagers”. You just wait and that’ll be the legal status of under-25s. The number of times I hear about the supposedly fragile “under-25” brain on a weekly basis is sickening. One would have had a couple of kids by then only a few decades ago.
I was gonna say something like your kids comment & invoke Princess Diana, but decided against it.

Look at the ages of people who’ve gone to war & back. The majority of First Lieutenants in the U.S. military are age 25.

I was gonna say something like your kids comment & invoke Princess Diana, but decided against it.

Look at the ages of people who’ve gone to war & back. The majority of First Lieutenants in the U.S. military are age 25.
I felt it was worth saying. Good point re: the military too.

That's Hollywood for you. A bunch of brainless idiots who don't have a clue what safety means.

What a sadistic and appalling thing to create.

Several years ago, an adolescent in the community where I teach thought a gun was unloaded and fatally shot his brother.

Maybe someone could make a hilarious shirt about that.

Well, sabotage is now a defense being offered by at least one of the parties.

SOP of Gun Handling on Sets (Interview)