What's the best genre of film?


Horror when it's done to it's greatest capacity

Science Fiction.

All the big ideas.

All the action.

All the pretty images.

I'm not into genres. I'm into movies.

So, you are into genres. You are into a genre of art called "film."

It's subjective.
I mean, I hate romancey chick flicks, but some people only watch those movies.

For me, sci-fi, horror and fantasy. Maybe a touch of drama thrown in for good measure.

They're interchangeable, and not only meld well together, they also stand alone well too without needing the others to back them up.
I think when they're meshed together, is when the best results are garnered.

Alien, Predator and The Thing being three of the greatest sci-fi horrors ever made. And yes, I hold Predator up there with Alien and The Thing. It's like Alien on steroids. Great movie.
RoboCop is sci-fi-action, with drama laced through it, with horror at the beginning.
Blade Runner melds sci-fi with drama, and throws a couple action scenes in for good measure.
The Cabin In The Woods incorporates horror with fantasy, and has sci-fi laced through it, and borders meta at the same time.
Then there's stuff like Moon (2009) and Pan's Labyrinth, sci-fi and fantasy, with drama and small hits of action, and also have horror laced through them (Moon only ever slightly so near the beginning of the movie)... and the classic storytelling with LOTR that has a touch of every genre you can think of except actual sci-fi.
Even Jurassic Park to an extent has drama to it, most of the first hour is just talking and learning the background of the park.
There's also full-on sci-fi drama that incorporates action to enhance the story, like the new Planet Of The Apes trilogy.

I think real world movies, as in, anything not sci-fi, have never fully appealed to me because I watch movies to escape the real world.
There's a couple like There Will Be Blood and No Country... but those are exceptional movies anyway.

I'm not into genres. It's genres that are into me.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I know a Fulci follower when I see one….👀
That eye scene in Zombi 2 may have had enough gore, but it didn't show enough blood, so it didn't cut it for me. Fulci needs to try harder.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
It's a toss up between musical, comedy, horror, or drama.
u should Repo! The Genetic Opera

"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

The trick is not minding
That eye scene in Zombi 2 may have had enough gore, but it didn't show enough blood, so it didn't cut it for me. Fulci needs to try harder.
Fulci shakes his head in disapproval of your criticisms.

Any genre that allows a movie to flex its muscles a bit. Musicals and horror are good ones, in that they are less beholden to reality, and can operate as pure film. They can alternately toss us back and forth between making us believe in what we are seeing on screen, then pulling the curtain back, and allowing the movie to be seen as the complete artifice that it really is. But out of the two, since horror can also be done fairy effectively on the cheap, it wins. The more we can put what has traditionally been a rich mans medium in the hands of regular people, the better.

Any genre that allows a movie to flex its muscles a bit. Musicals and horror are good ones, in that they are less beholden to reality, and can operate as pure film. They can alternately toss us back and forth between making us believe in what we are seeing on screen, then pulling the curtain back, and allowing the movie to be seen as the complete artifice that it really is. But out of the two, since horror can also be done fairy effectively on the cheap, it wins. The more we can put what has traditionally been a rich mans medium in the hands of regular people, the better.
Nicely summarised.

I'm all about action and Tarkovsky (what a combination, I know).
"Some people just doesn't understand the dangers of indiscriminate surveillance."