Pair a major franchise up with a surprising director


For instance I would love to see Wes Anderson write and direct a James Bond flick that takes place in the 60s, and with the outrageousness of the 70s era Roger Moore films. I can only imagine how awesome an underwater or underground evil lair would look with the split in half aesthetic of Life Aquatic.

And I honestly think his humor could work.

"How tall is King Kong ?"
Timing is not my forte. But I'd like to see Hitchcock's take on the Alien franchise. I consider it a mistake to take outlandish filmmakers à la Caro or Jeunet or Gilliam or Lynch or whatever to make a film about this nightmarish creature's intrusion in our world, because its impact comes from the contrast between its horror and our tight environment, and a more sober, clinical cinematography in a more grounded scifi world should reflect that. The ideal approach to Alien is hitchcockian in my eyes, a clean life machinery thrown out of whack by the unexpected. Ridley Scott did it great. The franchise could have gone that way, instead of diluting the alien in fantasy self-indulgence.
Get working on your custom lists, people !

That does sound pretty great. I would want a new Joker-like supervillain film by Lynch in the style of Twin Peaks season 3.
I would watch definitely watch that.

Timing is not my forte. But I'd like to see Hitchcock's take on the Alien franchise. I consider it a mistake to take outlandish filmmakers à la Caro or Jeunet or Gilliam or Lynch or whatever to make a film about this nightmarish creature's intrusion in our world, because its impact comes from the contrast between its horror and our tight environment, and a more sober, clinical cinematography in a more grounded scifi world should reflect that. The ideal approach to Alien is hitchcockian in my eyes, a clean life machinery thrown out of whack by the unexpected. Ridley Scott did it great. The franchise could have gone that way, instead of diluting the alien in fantasy self-indulgence.
While I find I agree with this, I do kind of wish we would have been able to see David Cronenberg's Alien Resurrection (I seem to remember him being asked originally). His body horror roots would have perfectly complimented Resurrection's alien/human hybrid plotline.

An Alfred Hitchcock Alien is something I would have absolutely loved to have seen. On a similar note, I would have loved to have seen Brian De Palma Alien movie. He and Hitch have similar sensibilities, and just imagine the complex and claustrophobic tracking shots.

Trouble with a capital "T"
For instance I would love to see Wes Anderson write and direct a James Bond flick that takes place in the 60s, and with the outrageousness of the 70s era Roger Moore films. I can only imagine how awesome an underwater or underground evil lair would look with split in half aesthetic of Life Aquatic.

And I honestly think his humor could work.
That's a damn good idea. I really wish that would happen.

How about some Euro help for the DCU:

Nicholas Refn's Swamp Thing
Clare Denis' Dr. Fate
Leos Carax's Deadman
Tomas Alfredson's The Question
Gasper Noe's Wonder Twins
Luc Besson's Blue Beetle

That's a damn good idea. I really wish that would happen.
Dear Broccoli family,

It's me again...

To keep with the theme of placing a franchise in a point in history where it just feels right, I would love some DC films set in the 1950s. Especially Superman. Having just recently rewatched King Kong I think Peter Jackson could work, he certainly knows how to merge bombastic action with heart, which is what Supes sorely needs, and his recreation of 1930s New York was phenomenal. Then we could finally get a proper noir Batman detective story. Any thoughts from anyone on who could direct?

How about some Euro help for the DCU:

Nicholas Refn's Swamp Thing
Clare Denis' Dr. Fate
Leos Carax's Deadman
Tomas Alfredson's The Question
Gasper Noe's Wonder Twins
I love this.

Trying to wrap my head around Garpar Noe's Wonder Twins. It's utterly terrifying.

I love this.

Trying to wrap my head around Garpar Noe's Wonder Twins. It's utterly terrifying.
I decided to give him the more family-friendly property

There will be incest, and god help that monkey.

Kathryn Bigelow should direct a Green Lantern movie. Masculinity and abuse of power are themes she's an expert at depicting and this franchise would give her plenty to work with. I'm sure the studio would want her to tone down the likely homoeroticism between the hero and Sinestro, though.

I'd love to see where John Carpenter can bring Predator.

I wouldn't mind a Godfather spinoff by Brian De Palma.

If the Toxic Avenger ever comes back, SAM RAIMI.

In my wildest opinion, Robert Zemeckis should do a CGI preteen-to-teen oriented revival of The Land Before Time. This is based on his Spielberg connection and his film Beowulf, which I legit enjoyed. Obviously, don't make it as... horny as Beowulf was. We don't need a furry revival. I actually worked on one before as my first real attempt at writing a reboot, but I let it go after a while. The dialogue needed work, but the drama was great.

However, as far as TV goes, I want a Stranger Things and Riverdale style black comedy teen horror series based on Scooby Doo. If I ever get into entertainment, I'm making this.

And as far as big name franchises outside of film, I think if anyone's gonna direct the FNAF movie, the chosen director Chris Columbus is good, but I want someone known for cheesy horror puppetry, so I'd choose Peter Jackson. Braindead is a non-LOTR five star movie.

And finally: Joe Dante needs to do one video game movie before he dies. Which one?

While I find I agree with this, I do kind of wish we would have been able to see David Cronenberg's Alien Resurrection (I seem to remember him being asked originally). His body horror roots would have perfectly complimented Resurrection's alien/human hybrid plotline.

An Alfred Hitchcock Alien is something I would have absolutely loved to have seen. On a similar note, I would have loved to have seen Brian De Palma Alien movie. He and Hitch have similar sensibilities, and just imagine the complex and claustrophobic tracking shots.

This could have ****ing happened? Son of a... OK I thought Alien Resurrection was good, but as a Cronenberg movie it would've been scary as hell.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
For instance I would love to see Wes Anderson write and direct a James Bond flick that takes place in the 60s, and with the outrageousness of the 70s era Roger Moore films. I can only imagine how awesome an underwater or underground evil lair would look with the split in half aesthetic of Life Aquatic.

And I honestly think his humor could work.
I think Michael Bay would also be interesting to direct a Bond movie.

In my wildest opinion, Robert Zemeckis should do a CGI preteen-to-teen oriented revival of The Land Before Time. This is based on his Spielberg connection and his film Beowulf, which I legit enjoyed. Obviously, don't make it as... horny as Beowulf was. We don't need a furry revival. I actually worked on one before as my first real attempt at writing a reboot, but I let it go after a while. The dialogue needed work, but the drama was great.
I actually really really like this idea. It would be extra cool if Don Bluth was involved in some capacity too. Hell, this could be a really cool project that could bring Zemeckis. Spielberg, Lucas, and Bluth all back together in the most surprising way.

This could have ****ing happened? Son of a... OK I thought Alien Resurrection was good, but as a Cronenberg movie it would've been scary as hell.
Yup. Pretty sure you can find it on Resurrection's IMDB Trivia page. As much as I love Jean-Pierre Jeunet, I always found him to be a weird choice for Resurrection. The film has a level of cartoony camp that makes it feel a bit out of place compared to everything before it. I do still like it, though

Cronenberg on the other hand I feel would have given us this cold, gritty, and disgusting piece of horror. I think he was afraid he would just hate it too much on set with the studio breathing down his neck. Too bad, really.

I’ll say it again and again…

Refn would be the perfect director for a King Conan flick with Arnold giving his last hurrah.

I think Michael Bay would also be interesting to direct a Bond movie.
I mean... If it's a really good script... and he's told to stay really really far away from the script... Like, if the script was in some kind of vault at all times, and the script supervisor was armed and under orders to literally shoot Michael Bay if he tried to tamper with it. Then yeah, I'd be down to see a Bond flick with his style. Dude does have style.

Actually thinking about it he probably would have worked really well in the Brosnan era. Tomorrow Never Dies or World is Not Enough would have suited him pretty nicely actually.

I’ll say it again and again…

Refn would be the perfect director for a King Conan flick with Arnold giving his last hurrah.
Conan meets Valhalla Rising. Yup I love it

Kathryn Bigelow should direct a Green Lantern movie. Masculinity and abuse of power are themes she's an expert at depicting and this franchise would give her plenty to work with. I'm sure the studio would want her to tone down the likely homoeroticism between the hero and Sinestro, though.
The more I think about this one the more I like it. And Bring Reynolds back again for it. I'm sure he'd do it if Bigelow was involved. He'd just love the way it mirrored his experience with Deadpool.