Riddles Thread


I have no speed, but I hang on many feet.
I stand still waiting for something to eat.
First I swallow, then my father digests.
I am his baby, but I'm also his nest.

What am I?

Come on up, people. First person who gets it right gets a free soda! I mean, since I don't know where you live, I'll have to drink it on your behalf, but it still counts!

First I swallow, then my father digests.
I am his baby, but I'm also his nest.
Dunno what that is but that's some kinky ass sh*t.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

A hall of many minerals holds groups of would be kings
The kingdom of poor animals see them all as godly things
But they're devils when we're vegetables, first he hunts and then he sings
I'm the courtyard for the banquet, and the bed without my springs.

What am I?

A hall of many minerals holds groups of would be kings
The kingdom of poor animals see them all as godly things
But they're devils when we're vegetables, first he hunts and then he sings
I'm the courtyard for the banquet, and the bed without my springs.

What am I?

Ugh, a lion's den.