25th Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
I watched it at 12X speed and got done in 15 minutes...
Themroc (1972)

When someone nominates something like this what are we supposed to do. It's an arthouse film...it's very on the nose it's a complete waste of time.It's not worth a review because what do you have to review. It's a gimmick and a terrible story.
I don't feel I should count your Themroc review if you watched it at 12x. It's not fair to ueno_station54 to count that review.

So this is what I'm doing as fair: I'm not counting your ballot vote for Themroc. I will calculate your ballot so that your 'no vote' doesn't hurt Themroc's chances in the overall scoring (the rest of your ballot is counted as normally done).

We've done this before when someone couldn't find a movie to watch, but I never thought I'd have to do it because someone posted they watched it at 12x.

So this is what I'm doing: I'm not counting your ballot vote for Themroc. I will calculate your ballot so that your 'no vote' doesn't hurt Themroc's chances in the overall scoring.
I assume this is in the event that Siddon doesn't agree to watch the film again at regular speed and update the review.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I assume this is in the event that Siddon doesn't agree to watch the film again at regular speed and update the review.
Yes, you're correct...and thanks for mentioning that. So if Siddon watches the film at normal speed then all is as usually.

Is there a chance easy-breezy may be subjective here?

According to IMDB the movie has a made up language the audience can’t understand, incest, and cannibalism
The made up language thing isn't really accurate, there is just no dialogue. It's more akin to a silent film. The other things I wouldn't say are terribly challenging to the viewer as they make sense in context and aren't presented like graphically or anything.

Let the night air cool you off
Yeah, so assuming the 12x speed thing isn't a joke, it's disrespectful to the person who nominated the film and the process we all agree to participate in when we sign up for these things. I know some people have qualms about certain people or topics or whatever, but you should be aware when you sign up you may have to watch something that is challenging in some way. I get it if life gets in the way, but if you don't take the time to watch the film nominated as intended, this little game we play no longer has rules that matter. If I just decide that the Long Goodbye would be better if I played it backwards, I don't think that would be acceptable either. If you don't want to bite the bullet on some of these sh*tty films, don't sign up. It's a breath of fresh air when somebody nominates something as unique as Themroc, even if it sucks. I don't know, I've never seen it, but you should at least assume that the person who nominated it thinks it belongs in the hall of fame as much as you think the film you nominated belongs. That said, the obvious winner should be Vertigo.

The made up language thing isn't really accurate, there is just no dialogue.
From what I saw so far, I'd say it's more like occasional bouts of gibberish and screaming. But yeah, it certainly doesn't have a made up language that people speak to each other, and the signs around town are all in actual French, not indiscernible symbols.

If I just decide that the Long Goodbye would be better if I played it backwards, I don't think that would be acceptable either.
I know this was just said to make a point, but there are a couple instances where watching a film backwards could be helpful or insightful. Memento or any other film that doesn't play out chronologically comes to mind. Obviously I'd still recommend watching these films in their intended order first, but for subsequent viewings, backwards isn't always a terrible idea.

I totally agree with what you're saying though, especially this:
[...] if you don't take the time to watch the film nominated as intended, this little game we play no longer has rules that matter.

I don't feel I should count your Themroc review if you watched it at 12x. It's not fair to ueno_station54 to count that review.

So this is what I'm doing as fair: I'm not counting your ballot vote for Themroc. I will calculate your ballot so that your 'no vote' doesn't hurt Themroc's chances in the overall scoring (the rest of your ballot is counted as normally done).

We've done this before when someone couldn't find a movie to watch, but I never thought I'd have to do it because someone posted they watched it at 12x.

If someone would kindly explain what a joke is to Citizen_Rules that would be great

Let the night air cool you off
I know this was just said to make a point, but there are a couple instances where watching a film backwards could be helpful or insightful. Memento or any other film that doesn't play out chronologically comes to mind. Obviously I'd still recommend watching these films in their intended order first, but for subsequent viewings, backwards isn't always a terrible idea.
Probably not on your first time viewing though

If someone would kindly explain what a joke is to Citizen_Rules that would be great
So it was just a joke after all? I wasn't sure when I saw it first, but after reading what you wrote under it, I did think you were probably being serious.

For future reference, it's probably best to avoid jokes about not watching the nominations.

Yeah, so assuming the 12x speed thing isn't a joke, it's disrespectful to the person who nominated the film and the process we all agree to participate in when we sign up for these things.


I will not be lectured about respect from someone who signed up for a Hall and stopped after two reviews and didn't even bother to have the respect to say they weren't going to finish.

You are one of the reasons I will never spend the time running one of these Halls again.

I mean really how dare you, who do you think you are, it was a joke and you are a hypocrite

Let the night air cool you off

I will not be lectured about respect from someone who signed up for a Hall and stopped after two reviews and didn't even bother to have the respect to say they weren't going to finish.

You are one of the reasons I will never spend the time running one of these Halls again.

I mean really how dare you, who do you think you are, it was a joke and you are a hypocrite
fair enough

Let the night air cool you off

I will not be lectured about respect from someone who signed up for a Hall and stopped after two reviews and didn't even bother to have the respect to say they weren't going to finish.

You are one of the reasons I will never spend the time running one of these Halls again.

I mean really how dare you, who do you think you are, it was a joke and you are a hypocrite
I don't really remember what was going on during that one, but I remember the situation not being great the whole time. You kept trying to push that hall of fame through, when it just wasn't happening. I for some reason felt I should participate. I don't remember why I didn't communicate better in that thread, so I regret that. That said, you got, what, one or two ballots from that? I should have done better, but it seems like you didn't read the room well with that whole thing. I'm glad you were joking, but if you actually would have done that, it would have been disrespectful. And I probably am a hypocrite, so good call on that.

Let the night air cool you off

I will not be lectured about respect from someone who signed up for a Hall and stopped after two reviews and didn't even bother to have the respect to say they weren't going to finish.

You are one of the reasons I will never spend the time running one of these Halls again.

I mean really how dare you, who do you think you are, it was a joke and you are a hypocrite
Also your joke would have been even better if you just also called the person who nominated Themroc a piece of sh*t and not included an emoji to let people know you were joking. That would have been hilarious.

Trouble with a capital "T"
If someone would kindly explain what a joke is to Citizen_Rules that would be great
There was no indication that your 12x comment in your review was a joke. Before you even watched it you wrote this:
Themroc - Is this a joke? You know if you wanted to do a french comedy...Etaix or Tati would have been a better
Sounds like you had issues about watching Themroc before even seeing it.

You did previously admit to altering your own voting ballot as a host, to change the outcome of the HoF results, based on the other members votes. So there's no reason why I shouldn't take your review at face value.

A rather long back and forth convo, but for anyone interested they should at least read some of the post to get an idea of what was being said.


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I’m going to back Siddon a bit here.

We are accusing him of not taking Thermroc seriously enough but this movie was a blind nomination that multiple people have already said is pretty unwatchable. Sorry, I am going to watch it, but it smacks of being a troll nom, and troll noms are what will probably drive me back out of the halls.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I’m going to back Siddon a bit here.

We are accusing him of not taking Thermroc seriously enough but this movie was a blind nomination that multiple people have already said is pretty unwatchable. Sorry, I am going to watch it, but it smacks of being a troll nom, and troll noms are what will probably drive me back out of the halls.
Siddon wasn't accused of not taking Themroc seriously, he was accused of not watching by means of viewing the film at 12x and being done and over with it in 15 minutes.

But that's moot, as he now said he did watch all of it and his comments were meant to be a joke.

I am going to watch it, but it smacks of being a troll nom, and troll noms are what will probably drive me back out of the halls.
While it's not a great choice for a General HoF, I don't think it's an intentional troll pick. I don't know Ueno's taste well since I haven't interacted with them very much, but based on what they nominated for the Asian HoF, I think odd films are just their jam.

If this was coming from someone with a history of trolling (Guap is really the only one who comes to mind, and I didn't experience the majority of his supposed antics so this is mainly hearsay), then maybe I'd think otherwise.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Siddon wasn't accused of not taking Themroc seriously, he was accused of not watching by means of viewing the film at 12x and being done and over with it in 15 minutes.

But that's moot, as he now said he did watch all of it and his comments were meant to be a joke.
I see, you got me in a technicality