Make your confession to your fellow MoFos


I got only a few minutes into Taxi Driver before stopping it due to the score. I do not expect to ever revisit it.

I've never enjoyed Harvey Keitel in any role I've seen him in.

I dislike (most) westerns and refuse to watch John Wayne just on principle.
This is precisely why you should watch The Cowboys (1972) which stars John Wayne.
I dislike most westerns also, but I like this movie... any more info would be spoiler territory.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
This is precisely why you should watch The Cowboys (1972) which stars John Wayne.
I dislike most westerns also, but I like this movie... any more info would be spoiler territory.

I'm assuming The Dutchess drops a stick of dynamite and doesn't recover in time? Tempting...

I'm assuming The Dutchess drops a stick of dynamite and doesn't recover in time? Tempting...
Not exactly, but I will tell you that Bruce Dern claims he received hate mail for decades after the movie.

Also it's a coming of age movie and a revenge movie (if that tells you anything).

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm currently watching all of John Wayne's movies, except for his early B westerns that he made in the 1930s. First thing I've learned is that he made a lot of movies! And a lot were not westerns. I also learned he isn't always playing 'The Duke' in all of his films.

This is precisely why you should watch The Cowboys (1972) which stars John Wayne.
I dislike most westerns also, but I like this movie... any more info would be spoiler territory.
Ah yes, the Executive Decision of John Wayne movies.

I like John Wayne a lot (as an actor and screen presence, not as a person necessarily), and think he's a better actor than he's often given credit for. The Searchers, Rio Bravo, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance have him seemingly not doing anything different but pulling off some very different characters beautifully. That's not nothing.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Getting off the John Wayne topic, and back to confessions:

I like reading the forum more than posting to it.

And on a similar subject, I like watching movies, but I hate writing reviews.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I dont like old movies, movies before 67 dont have any desire to watch them and i dont feel bad >:[]

And bom bom bom Never sat and watched any star wars only seen bits and pieces

I forgot the opening line.
Here we go, I have a few.

I bought the Criterion edition of The Rules of the Game (1939) because by it's incredible reputation I was sure to love it. I hated it.

I just don't get what the big deal is about The Godfather films. I definitely don't hate them, I just can't understand why they're the greatest films ever made.

I think Citizen Kane has dated poorly.

I think Buster Keaton was far far funnier and a better filmmaker than Charles Chaplin.

I love The Blair Witch Project, and like Titanic.

There you go. Reputation ruined before I even got going here.....

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I dont like old movies, movies before 67 dont have any desire to watch them and i dont feel bad >:[]

I'm the opposite. I love watching old movies, and I rarely watch recent movies. (I don't think I've seen any of the movies that were nominated for this year's Oscars.)

I'm the opposite. I love watching old movies, and I rarely watch recent movies. (I don't think I've seen any of the movies that were nominated for this year's Oscars.)

yea people really like them i just have a hard time relating. i dont think my type of films start taking off untilthe 70s

Ah yes, the Executive Decision of John Wayne movies.
Favorite comment of the week!

Executive Decision (1996) is another great film. I call it one of the most nearly flawless action thrillers of the 20th century.

Favorite comment of the week!

Executive Decision (1996) is another great film. I call it one of the most nearly flawless action thrillers of the 20th century.
Yep. It's a surprisingly lean and tense thriller. And it doesn't hurt that
WARNING: spoilers below
Steven Seagal gets literally sucked out of the movie early on.

The last time I watched a movie was 53 days ago.
Wow, that’s a long time.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I'm currently watching all of John Wayne's movies, except for his early B westerns that he made in the 1930s. First thing I've learned is that he made a lot of movies! And a lot were not westerns. I also learned he isn't always playing 'The Duke' in all of his films.
The best is when the Duke plays Genghis Khan. Kind of hilarious.