The Denim Record

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The Little Things (2021)

When watching a film, “why?” is often one of the first thoughts that comes to my mind. Why was this made, why are these characters in this story? The only answer I can come up with is it was for Rami Malek to try and be intense, Jared Leto “acting” like he’s creepy and Denzel battling his demons once again.

Why this movie didn’t turn out better is due to it not being very interesting.

So I was walking through the Del Perro shopping street the other day because I wanted to treat myself after successfully completing the Cayo Perico Heist, when I saw this:

So I was walking through the Del Perro shopping street the other day because I wanted to treat myself after successfully completing the Cayo Perico Heist, when I saw this:

ahh GTA 5 vibes lol use to play that game alot then stopped playing it cause it takes up my whole hard drive lol

ahh GTA 5 vibes lol use to play that game alot then stopped playing it cause it takes up my whole hard drive lol
lol, it takes up even more now, the game has lots of new content, still very up to date and entertaining to play, and Kenny Loggins is still on the radio..

lol, it takes up even more now, the game has lots of new content, still very up to date and entertaining to play, and Kenny Loggins is still on the radio..
i know right lucky i have it on my xbox 360 lol.
ahh missed his radio lol

So I was walking through the Del Perro shopping street the other day because I wanted to treat myself after successfully completing the Cayo Perico Heist, when I saw this:

On the blower with the legal team right meow. This blatant exploitation of a brand I’ve nurtured and developed will not stand.

John Connor you are a true hero. Don’t think your beak’s not gonna get wet from this. Well done.

On the blower with the legal team right meow. This blatant exploitation of a brand I’ve nurtured and developed will not stand.

John Connor you are a true hero. Don’t think your beak’s not gonna get wet from this. Well done.


Oliver Stone's anti-Vietnam film is a brutal portrayal of class division in a blender of human atrocity.

Platoon (1986)

The list of faces involved runs the gamut. Mr. Tiger Blood, Jake Taylor, the Green Goblin, the Candyman, the voice of all those U.S. Navy commercials, Johnny "Drama", Edward Scissorhands, Ghost Dog, and Dr. Cox to name a few. Shellshocked was how I felt trying to allow these characters to be in a movie made 30 years ago, as opposed to all the stuff I associate them with in the mental.

Sheer brutality permeates the essence of this film. Violence, death, rape and wrath smother this world and leave little hope that anything less can survive. Stone's depiction of combat and the aftermath goes to a dark place in humanity.

Class portrayal is a broad stroke of those having no choice in being there and those of privilege who were careless enough to be there. No matter what the situation, that division will always be present and it manifests itself in many forms.

Everyone knows about the great roles in this film, but I need to address the one that stuck out to me. John C. McGinley's every scene appeared like he just left Studio 54, if its doors would have been open at the time. Of all the great performances, his was a sore thumb that left me wondering why Stone had portrayed him in that manner.

He isn't to be outdone by Charlie Sheen, but I blame the script for Sheen's character's issues. Insert a middle-class underachiever who chooses to go where so many of lesser means would give all to avoid. Lost, weak, and out-of-touch at the beginning goes to tip of the spear commando in the matter of minutes. Whatever the symbolism of this was, it flew over my head. One doesn't go from scared to brave that quick unless there is a major psychotic break.

Platoon is a raw, gritty, possibly realistic portrayal of war and how it affects the different classes of people it consumes.

one of my favorite war movies of all time

Godzilla v. Kong 2021

I watched it. Not really gonna spend anymore time thinking about it. Seems like a decade or so of this “disappointing blockbuster formula” reappearing and I don’t think its going away.

Godzilla v. Kong 2021

I watched it. Not really gonna spend anymore time thinking about it. Seems like a decade or so of this “disappointing blockbuster formula” reappearing and I don’t think its going away.
well glad i havent watched it yet

Mortal Kombat (2021)

Perfectly fine as long as your expectations are in line. If you have no connection to the game(s), you aren’t missing anything.

Wraith of Man 2021

From the guy known for witty dialogue, comes a movie full of bad dialogue from people who don’t seem to be in the same movie.

It’s really jarring seeing some of these guys (Josh Hartnett) try and force this stuff off the page. Guy Ritchie must have hit his head after the The Gentlemen .

Welcome to the human race...
It's not good, but I'd still take it over the trash fire that is The Gentlemen.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

It's not good, but I'd still take it over the trash fire that is The Gentlemen.
I don’t remember The Gentlemen having all the scene-breaking parts. Every Josh Hartnett line is a prime example.

Cruella 2021

Going to see A Quiet Place 2 was never on my radar. That leaves the other movie released that weekend as the only choice. I watched no trailers, read no reviews and went in completely blind. It probably didn’t matter, I’m sure you can cut a great trailer out of it.

All I could think about was how much money got thrown at this. The music licensing alone would make James Gunn say, “That’s a bit much.” I realize this movie wasn’t made for me, so what difference does it make.

Army of the Dead 2021

Shi👀ing on Zack Snyder seems to always be en vogue, unless you are in the select part of the DC crowd. With his latest zombie film, Snyder makes a quality escape from the everyday, with plenty of his standard visual flair.

It could have been shortened, it could have done without the forced emotional exposition, but so what. Show me all the great zombie movies out there without issues. The only gripe I had was the insufferable banshee shrieking.

People like their indie band that nobody else knows about, until everyone likes them and now it’s not cool. ZS films are mainstream garbage. Feels like those are the people that are trashing this. It’s kinda like my opinion, nobody really cares what you think.

In the Heights 2021

A barkeep told me that you have work your way into IPAs. I’m guessing the same logic applies to musicals.

F9 2021(?)

An insane person keeps doing the same thing over and over, expecting something to change. These don’t really work for me, no matter how much I want to love a big- budget action movie. The cars were maybe never the star after the first one, but I miss that car nerd part. I need a dose of Wes Anderson, stat!

No Sudden Move 2021

In all fairness, I watched this on my phone while lying on my side in bed. Maybe, it should get credit for the fact that I didn’t fall asleep in my leisured state.

Good movie for characters, quips and facial expressions. Not so much the other stuff. There was never an emotional connection with me and the film. Left me feeling like I was eavesdropping on a bunch of NPCs in a 1950s GTA game.

My attention doesn’t do well with separating all the names and what they do and affiliations. Leaves me feeling like I’m being dragged along by the nose.

The Green Knight (2021)

“Willow is a big inspiration
on this film.”
David Lowery

After all the fanfare preceding this, The Green Knight left me as unsatisfied as a lady with an inexperienced lover. While epic and grand, I was never pulled into the tale like a child devouring a storybook. A film that measures less than the sum of its parts, while every part is of the highest quality.

To quote Simon Abrams of The Wrap, "while there’s a lot of commendable chutzpah and curious longing baked into The Green Knight, the movie’s never as compelling as it is unusual."

King Arthur and the tales of his knights were my first literary love affair. Excalibur and Morgan le Fay intrigued me to no end. One can assume they are present here and I took a small joy from that, even if this interpretation is playing with a different set of rules.