
Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Another cliche I noticed, is whenever I see a movie having to do with the President, White house, etc, they always have to play martial style music.

Don’t think I’ve posted this before, but a ridiculous thing one sees in tv & movies is: Someone is fast asleep. Their partner wakes them up with a loaded tray for breakfast. OJ, coffee, waffles, a fruit bowl, eggs, bacon, etc. The person wakes up & is thrilled to eat a huge meal first thing in the a.m. without washing their hands first or brushing their teeth. Tray is wobbling all over the bed, but nothing spills.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Surely someone must have posted this before, but it’s so absurd in car chases when both sides are firing at each other that, somehow, even with thousands of rounds of ammo fired, neither of the drivers is hit. Ludicrous.

Yeah. Would it be a death sentence to the movie to cast an average or below average looking actress?

I'm curious who you would consider an average or below average looking actress?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Hmm it's hard to think of one since Hollywood keeps making well known actors or stars, out of the above average looking ones. I can't think of any at the moment.

I'm curious who you would consider an average or below average looking actress?
I would suggest Rita Tushingham.

She was pretty when young and also pretty when older.
Maybe. Didn’t think she was attractive in A Taste of Honey or Zhivago. Definitely “average-looking” IMO.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Maybe. Didn’t think she was attractive in A Taste of Honey or Zhivago. Definitely “average-looking” IMO.
It's a good thing one of us guys didn't say that about any actress or we'd be accused of face shaming.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well I guess an example of an actress who is average looking is the Asian teen in the movie Donnie Darko who was always picked on by others. If they had got an actress like say... Ziyi Zhang to play the role, and tried to make her look average, it just wouldn't be believable.

It's a good thing one of us guys didn't say that about any actress or we'd be accused of face shaming.
I don’t see why. That would mean none of the women here could make a remark about an average-looking guy.

Besides, @ironpony started all this.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don’t see why. That would mean none of the women here could make a remark about an average-looking guy.

Besides, @ironpony started all this.
I didn't mean you personally, I mean in general. In fact when I seen Ironpony's question I though, 'now that's a question I won't touch with a 10 foot poll'.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Husband and wife have something to tell each other.. The husband (with bad news) tries to break it to the wife, but she interrupts and says "Me first" and goes on to say some good news, usually something like "I'm pregnant"... After a few seconds, she asks:

"So what did you wanna ask me, hun?"

"Uh, just what we're having for dinner"

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Or in prison movies, whenever a fight breaks out between two prisoners, the other prisoners become so amazed by it and cheer and yell, like it's the greatest thing they have ever seen in their lives... as if maximum security inmates have never seen a fight before.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Whenever there is a movie dealing with Ireland, there is always a character that has to be named Paddy.

Streets are always wet at night.

Go to a bar and just order a "beer."

There is an 85% chance that any convenience of liquor store you enter is about to get robbed.

Never ever enter a street while having a conversation, especially an argument, because the bus-kill trope is always lurking.

Heroes have scars that are aesthetically pleasing. Villains have scars that are physically disfiguring.

Don't worry about five against one, the bad guys will politely wait for you take them out one by one.

You don't need to pay attention to conceit of the 3rd act, because a side character will very clearly remind everyone of what you're trying to do and why it matters. "If we don't shut down that reactor in the next eight minutes, everyone in Happy Town dies!"

3rd Act Werewolves -- Life is simple. Problems are not complicated. They're werewolves. You just need a silver-bullet and everything will be fine.Find the one thing you need to do, usually involving violence, blowing something up, and everything will be fine.

Car chases are fun. They destroy property (cardboard boxes and large panes being carried by two people), but people almost never get hit (although there will usually be a baby carriage put at risk). The length of the car chase does not alter the odds of being caught, just like in real life.

Bad guys think they're strong because they're not restrained by morality. Good guys are strong because they have friends (or "family" if you're part of a driving gang).

Submarines engage in dogfights under water and must use active sonar to ping everything. Cliches in submarine films deserve a thread of their own (e.g., torpedoes passing each other, depth charges make lights explode, the submarine WILL sink uncontrollably, people WILL stare at gauges, someone will explain to a newb how water pressure crushes things).

Fighter pilots and space pilots MUST take off their face masks to talk, especially in combat, because you know that's when you totally don't need to have everything buttoned up.

Protagonists in historical movies will always just happen to have the same moral sensibilities as the audience no matter how great the anachronism.

Whenever there is a movie dealing with Ireland, there is always a character that has to be named Paddy.
And if it’s English, there has to be a character named Nigel.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Streets are always wet at night.

Go to a bar and just order a "beer."

There is an 85% chance that any convenience of liquor store you enter is about to get robbed.

Never ever enter a street while having a conversation, especially an argument, because the bus-kill trope is always lurking.

Heroes have scars that are aesthetically pleasing. Villains have scars that are physically disfiguring.

Don't worry about five against one, the bad guys will politely wait for you take them out one by one.

You don't need to pay attention to conceit of the 3rd act, because a side character will very clearly remind everyone of what you're trying to do and why it matters. "If we don't shut down that reactor in the next eight minutes, everyone in Happy Town dies!"

3rd Act Werewolves -- Life is simple. Problems are not complicated. They're werewolves. You just need a silver-bullet and everything will be fine.Find the one thing you need to do, usually involving violence, blowing something up, and everything will be fine.

Car chases are fun. They destroy property (cardboard boxes and large panes being carried by two people), but people almost never get hit (although there will usually be a baby carriage put at risk). The length of the car chase does not alter the odds of being caught, just like in real life.

Bad guys think they're strong because they're not restrained by morality. Good guys are strong because they have friends (or "family" if you're part of a driving gang).

Submarines engage in dogfights under water and must use active sonar to ping everything. Cliches in submarine films deserve a thread of their own (e.g., torpedoes passing each other, depth charges make lights explode, the submarine WILL sink uncontrollably, people WILL stare at gauges, someone will explain to a newb how water pressure crushes things).

Fighter pilots and space pilots MUST take off their face masks to talk, especially in combat, because you know that's when you totally don't need to have everything buttoned up.

Protagonists in historical movies will always just happen to have the same moral sensibilities as the audience no matter how great the anachronism.
awesome list of movie cliches, I enjoyed reading it. BTW I love submarine movies and have been watching a ton of them. We even have a Submarine thread here

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Heck, yes, here in America. Canadians don’t do this, eh?
I got to try anchovy American style pizza sometime then .

Oh okay, well what do I know about sex, I guess I just thought it was generalizing, but maybe genders are generalized in sex .

Another cliche I picked up on, and the movie Freaky recently did this too, is whenever you have a high school movie, about a nerdy girl unnattractive girl that the guys don't want, they always have to higher a goodlooking and sexy attress to play her, and try to make her look unattractive.
Well I was watching the movie Superbad, and I noticed how in this movie and Sex Drive (2008), you have teenage guys who get goodlooking girls, who seem to be actually average looking. Unless Johan Hill and Clark Duke are handsome to most women? But if not, maybe Hollywood is more gutsy at being able to cast a hot male actor in a role, compared to women then for teen movies?