The Last Dance (MJ Documentary)


Anyone getting into this? This thing has become an event without any live sports on right now. I've played and watched basketball my whole life. Played through college (in hindsight probably a poor choice I am only a 5'11 white guy lol). Anyways I am going be 33 next month. So the 97-98 Bulls I was 10 going on 11, this is right up my alley. I remember basically nothing from MJ's first 3-peat but I was fully on the ride for the 2nd one. I was born in Orlando, I'm a die hard Magic fan, grew up going to Shaq and Penny games. I remember growing up going to games at the old O'rena, place use to rock. Anyways their 94-95 run to the Finals was probably my first true sports memory and the first team I ever rooted for. That team was the only team to beat Jordan's Bulls in his 6 titles in 8 year run (he took one year off to play baseball). Gave Jordan basically his worst moment in the 90s

Anyways watched the first two episodes of 10 last Sunday. Off to a pretty good start. I was too young to realize and I don't think even older people realized how crazy the turmoil was during those 3-peats, especially the last one. Sports media was hitting a boom in the 90s but wasn't what it is today. We would know every detail about this today. The GM Krause wanted to break the thing up multiple times but especially prior to 97-98. Sounds like MJ would have kept going with the Bulls but Krause forced his hand to retire in 98. Crazy. Also when you see Krause Space Jam villain makes alot more sense.

I just remember pulling hard against Jordan in his last 2 Finals vs the Jazz because I was sick of him winning. However now there has been a whole generation of kids who never saw Jordan lace em up. LeBron and Kobe were these kids guys. I think this is going be eye opening to alot of these kids just how damn good MJ was. Kobe was basically MJ lite and LeBron as good as he is just isn't Jordan. LeBron may be the most gifted athlete to ever grace the Earth. To be 6'9 250 and move like that, Jesus. But MJ just had a different mentality that is coming to light in this documentary. I have no doubt LeBron may have gotten Jordan once or twice just because he is a freak athlete but MJ would rip out his own mother's heart to win, Bron just doesn't have that kinda mean streak in him. He may think so, but not to MJ's level (or even Kobe or Bird's level really).

Anyways just curious if anyone's watching this. Or have any thoughts on MJ. Cheers!
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Yea loved the first 2 episodes, I was SUPER pissed when I found out it's a 2 episodes per week thing though. I've advised friends to not watch it for a month.

It's super interesting to watch stuff like this that's from my time but also it all took place when I was a teenager so I don't know much about it. I'm in the UK and Basketball was never a huge thing for me but I used to play the old NBA games and would always go Chicago Bulls with Jordan, Rodman and Pippen.

It's got real juicy elements, tension between the office and the stars. How do you handle the problem of aging and declining stars who also happen to be reigning champions, it's a tremendously difficult problem.

The Scottie Pippen stuff is sheer stupidity, You've got a guy who is anywhere from the 2nd to 5th best player in the NBA outside the top 100 in terms of wages, stupidity by Pippen to sign a lengthy contract for sure but disgraceful of the owner not to recognize his value and right that wrong, as far as I can tell out of tight fisted petty stubbornness. Should Pippen have behaved the way he did, probably not but you can understand his frustration.

Can't wait for the rest of it!

Yea loved the first 2 episodes, I was SUPER pissed when I found out it's a 2 episodes per week thing though. I've advised friends to not watch it for a month.

It's super interesting to watch stuff like this that's from my time but also it all took place when I was a teenager so I don't know much about it. I'm in the UK and Basketball was never a huge thing for me but I used to play the old NBA games and would always go Chicago Bulls with Jordan, Rodman and Pippen.

It's got real juicy elements, tension between the office and the stars. How do you handle the problem of aging and declining stars who also happen to be reigning champions, it's a tremendously difficult problem.

The Scottie Pippen stuff is sheer stupidity, You've got a guy who is anywhere from the 2nd to 5th best player in the NBA outside the top 100 in terms of wages, stupidity by Pippen to sign a lengthy contract for sure but disgraceful of the owner not to recognize his value and right that wrong, as far as I can tell out of tight fisted petty stubbornness. Should Pippen have behaved the way he did, probably not but you can understand his frustration.

Can't wait for the rest of it!
Interesting. There is such an untapped potential of talent in the UK I think. Are there a lot of parks with hoops, or just hoops up in general in the UK? I'd imagine not, because you guys would be producing a lot more hoopers if so. All you need is a ball and shoes to get good. That's why we produce so many great players, there is a hoop literally everywhere here. I always thought it would be cool to go over there and coach some kids, probably so many diamonds in the rough there.

Well the Pippen stuff is completely over blown in it I believe. It's hard to believe he wasn't even in the top 100 in terms of salary during their run. But he actually made about 20 million more in his career than MJ. Pippen's problem was signing such a long contract. But if the owner is to be believed he told him not to sign it but if he did to not come and renegotiate which he also told MJ. So it's on Scottie and his agent really. MJ really only got paid the last two years of his run with the Bulls because he signed a long contract as well. But all of this is because the NBA took off through television in the 90s thanks to Bird and Magic in the 80s and MJ in the 90s. Once MJ got paid and if you remember Kevin Garnett did as well it produced the lockout shorten season in 99.

Now the contracts and endorsements are ludicrously large. It's because Magic and Bird saved the game and brought it to national attention then MJ took it global. All these players have those 3 to thank for the gold mine that is the NBA now.

I'll leave you with one last thing. Bring back the God damn Sonics.

Ummm. You guys watched it right? I didn't. Then again, I know Pippen had 2 people he took care of in wheelchairs, grew up in poverty, wasn't recruited by any college and then got leveraged. We've all been leveraged before, right? Pretty sure nothing close to that, especially when all you want is security.

I'll leave you with one last thing. Bring back the *** **** Sonics.

It'll never be the same as the days of the greatest NBA Jam squad.

The #40 doc is the one we need next.

Kemp was the most electric player I've ever seen. Forget Dominique. The force, the quickness, that micro fade. MJ was always the coolest, but you were the man if you had that sweet, home white, barred up #40oz.

Sonics were always my West team. Some BS they got stolen. Went out to Seattle in October and picked up some gear ha. It's criminal they are not in the league. Seattle Supersonics is still the best name in sports. Hopefully sometime in the next 5 years they come back. I heard Garnett is interested in bringing them back and I'm sure Durant will be when he is done as well.

I wish Balmer would wise up and realize the Clips are never going be a thing in LA and move them to Seattle

Balmer is a great example of male ego. They are gonna build a basketball palace on the site of the old Forum, in an attempt to still be the team nobody cares about in LA. The best they can hope for is to be the Mets or Jets and they will never get anywhere close to that.

Balmer is a great example of male ego. They are gonna build a basketball palace on the site of the old Forum, in an attempt to still be the team nobody cares about in LA. The best they can hope for is to be the Mets or Jets and they will never get anywhere close to that.

I get wanting to be in the LA market. It's huge and glitzy. But the Clips will never ever over take the Lakers in that market. Balmer is from Seattle, he would be a hero bringing them back. Seattle already has a massive fan base and history. Seattle is probably the biggest market without an NBA team right now. I think most Clips fans would even agree on moving them up there lol.

The boat already looks out to sea on them moving into the old Forum and staying in LA. But everyone knows Seattle got robbed of the Sonics. It needs to be set right soon. The easiest path and most common sense one would be to move the Clips up there. Expansion isn't on the horizon, especially after this season, losing money over China and the CoronaVirus. I don't see another team moving there anytime soon, unless it's the Suns, which would also be a shame. But I'd bet they would opt for Vegas before Seattle. That might be the only saving grace, I'm sure the NBA is eager to get a franchise in Vegas soon. If they expand there they would need another team to make it even amount of teams.

We will see. It's been 12 years now. If it doesn't happen by 20 years out I doubt it ever happens.

I'll start binging this after ep 9..
And about the Sonics, I used to love watching Payton/Kemp
I was like a pig in mud with these two episodes tonight. 7 and 8. The end of 7 was one of the most powerful, inspirational speech/edits I've seen in awhile. Makes MJ who he is. It's posted online, but only like a minute of it, doesn't do the whole end justice to me. it's about the last 2:15 and they only show like a minute.

Then episode 8 was about my Magic beating MJ in the playoffs in 95. Then him smacking us back in 96 in the East Finals . But then in the Finals it features my West team Seattle...Payton and Kemp. Nostalgia right into the veins on both fronts. Didn't realize how close I was to a Sonics-Magic Finals. Of course I'd pull for the Magic but one team I wouldn't mind losing to would be the Sonics. Such a damn travesty they are extinct. Hopefully they get them back within the decade otherwise they may always be doomed. Anyways I'll show you how much this episode rocks to me lol.

My knowledge of basketball basically was limited to Space Jam, a movie I enjoyed as a kid and while everyone knows Jordan, Magic, Shaq, Kobe and now James (I am a LFC fan and James is a part owner of sorts) I didn't know much about basketball.

But I like a good sports documentary and my friend here kept insisting I watch this. And I did and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I loved how they have portrayed the story, jumping back and forth between those years. It makes so much more sense.

I can understand Michael Jordan's nature. Most elite sportsman are similar to him.. you know your Ronaldos, Tendulkars, Schumachers, etc. Just absolute obsession to be the best.

Of the others, I understood where Krause came from, even though they desperately tried to paint him into a villain, until the final episode where they offer him some credit.

Also, I still might not go and watch basketball, cause the game doesn't do it for me, but if anyone asks me about my favourite basketball players then I am gonna quickly say Steve Kerr and Reggie Miller, both such likeable blokes.

Also, someone needs to make a movie on Dennis Rodman. What a fascinating character. I looked up and there is one on him, but it doesn't sound great.

I finally got around to watching the first two episodes awhile back and I should have probably watched it sooner. After listening to every sports’taker dissect every episode when it came out, it didn’t hit me like I thought it would.

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MJ said "I didn't prevent Isiah Thomas" and then a few weeks later, Jack MacCallum showed exactly that in audio form... The media didn't do their jobs, even after. They know where the money is.