Where do you get your movies?


I download videos on torrents, because there is not enough money for all the licenses that you want to watch. Yes, it's not very good, but what can you do?

The Adventure Starts Here!
I still buy DVDs that I know are hard to find through streaming services. Most of those include things like Mel Brooks's or Gene Wilder's lesser movies. I end up putting them on my Amazon wishlist and then just wait for them to either hit a decent price somehow or for me to give up and just decide I'm going to buy it.

Other than that, I'll still buy box sets of TV series that I want to make sure I have access to: Game of Thrones, Six Feet Under, Deadwood, the entire Monty Python TV series from the '70s, Fawlty Towers, Firefly, Outlander, Weird Al's Saturday morning TV show. Still saving up for the box set of Breaking Bad and The Sopranos.

Beyond that, I buy favorite movies that I love watching over and over. (To be fair, I typically rewatch these things in the background while I'm working once I have memorized the whole thing. ) Those include anything from Wonder Boys to As Good As It Gets to Arsenic and Old Lace to Broadcast News to The Big Chill to Deathtrap to Gone With the Wind to... well, you get the idea.

Anything that doesn't give me that worried vibe that I might not have access to it in the future, I stream through either Prime, Netflix, Hulu, IMDbTV, Tubi, or our current Xfinity subscription.

I certainly can't say I lack access to entertainment.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Beyond that, I buy favorite movies that I love watching over and over. (To be fair, I typically rewatch these things in the background while I'm working once I have memorized the whole thing. ) Those include anything from Wonder Boys to As Good As It Gets to Arsenic and Old Lace to Broadcast News to The Big Chill to Deathtrap to Gone With the Wind to... well, you get the idea.

Arsenic and Old Lace and The Big Chill are two of my favorite movies too, and they have endless rewatchability. Deathtrap is another great movie, but it doesn't have as much rewatchability as the other two movies.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Still saving up for the box set of Breaking Bad and The Sopranos.
My Sopranos box set is a prized possession. I LOVE box sets. Just bought The Breaking Bad box set even though I already own the entire thing on Prime video. (Which makes no sense, I know.) The box set is costing me $58, which sounds reasonable to me.

Almost finished my box set of The Shield for the 3rd time. Great show if you haven’t seen it.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

The Adventure Starts Here!
My Sopranos box set is a prized possession. I LOVE box sets. Just bought The Breaking Bad box set even though I already own the entire thing on Prime video. (Which makes no sense, I know.) The box set is costing me $58, which sounds reasonable to me.

Almost finished my box set of The Shield for the 3rd time. Great show if you haven’t seen it.
That's definitely a good price. When the show first ended, they had this cool boxed set that came in a container that looked like a 55-gallon steel drum (only smaller, duh). That one cost a fortune. Now I can't find it anywhere. I might have to pull the trigger on a full regular set if the price is that good now.

The most fun boxed set I have is the entire 1,200+ episodes of the original Dark Shadows TV series from the 1960s–1970s. Amazon had it on sale for half price and I snagged it. It was still pricey but not prohibitive if you're a fan. I'm somewhere around episode 800 at the moment. The "box" is a huge coffin, with hinges and everything. There are at least 10 episodes on a disc... and about 6 or 7 discs in each of those boxes:

The most fun boxed set I have is the entire 1,200+ episodes of the original Dark Shadows TV series from the 1960s–1970s.
Never heard of it. Briefly, what is it about?

Another box set I own is SATC. Love this show.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Never heard of it. Briefly, what is it about?

Another box set I own is SATC. Love this show.
Oh, wow, how can I begin to explain the wonder that is the old soap opera that was Dark Shadows? Honestly, I just can't. It was terrible. It was cheesy. It was poorly acted and written. It wasn't even edited because it was a daily soap opera.

But it had vampires and witches and werewolves... when other soap operas were boring housewife shows with dumb love triangles and doctors and lawyers.

And it had the first appearance of the Mike Pence fly...many, many times.

Just bought The Breaking Bad box set even though I already own the entire thing on Prime video. (Which makes no sense, I know.) The box set is costing me $58, which sounds reasonable to me.
Returning the darn thing. Knew there were no English subtitles, but they said there was closed captioning. There isn’t.

In my Good News thread I discuss how v. easy Amazon makes returns now. Could not be any easier.

Thanks for Dark Shadows brief. Think I’ll pass.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Returning the darn thing. Knew there were no English subtitles, but they said there was closed captioning. There isn’t.

In my Good News thread I discuss how v. easy Amazon makes returns now. Could not be any easier.

Thanks for Dark Shadows brief. Think I’ll pass.
Oooh, can you provide a link to the edition you're returning? I want to make sure I don't purchase that one then. I've become enamored of closed captioning for everything since I started using it with Outlander due to the thick accents.

Oooh, can you provide a link to the edition you're returning? I want to make sure I don't purchase that one then. I've become enamored of closed captioning for everything since I started using it with Outlander due to the thick accents.
I won’t watch anything without subtitles or closed captioning. I started this with The Wire. As you can see, it clearly says CC.

Here’s the link. https://www.amazon.com/Breaking-Bad-.../dp/B00I9MS86O

Trouble with a capital "T"
Returning the darn thing. Knew there were no English subtitles, but they said there was closed captioning. There isn’t.
Could it be your DVD/Blu Ray player doesn't pick up on the subs on certain disc? Did you read any of the reviews of the set you bought and did anyone else mention no subs? Just a thought.

Could it be your DVD/Blu Ray player doesn't pick up on the subs on certain disc? Did you read any of the reviews of the set you bought and did anyone else mention no subs? Just a thought.
I got subtitles on the box set. But they were not offered in English.

I never have a problem picking up subs or CC. I don’t watch anything without them.

Doesn’t matter since I have the entire thing in prime video that I already watched & paid for. Just thought a box set would be nice to have.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Could it be your DVD/Blu Ray player doesn't pick up on the subs on certain disc? Did you read any of the reviews of the set you bought and did anyone else mention no subs? Just a thought.
If you look at the reviews on Amazon, you'll see a tidy handful of people saying they had various sorts of playback issues with the discs in this set. Not a HUGE amount but enough that it certainly could be the discs. I also briefly wondered if it were some sort of setting on Stirchley's machine but then realized Stirchley likes to use CC all time and would probably know how to use that function.

Trouble with a capital "T"
If you look at the reviews on Amazon, you'll see a tidy handful of people saying they had various sorts of playback issues with the discs in this set. Not a HUGE amount but enough that it certainly could be the discs. I also briefly wondered if it were some sort of setting on Stirchley's machine but then realized Stirchley likes to use CC all time and would probably know how to use that function.
I wonder if the set might have been bootleg? Not that Stirch would've knowingly bought that. But I read once that the amount of authentic looking but bootlegged movie & TV DVDS/Blu rays being sold was huge. And that included big places like Amazon, Ebay, Best Buy, etc. I once bought a sealed Star Trek Next Generation DVD set from Amazon and it looked authentic to me, but geez it had all sorts of pixel artifacts and stuttering in some of the disc. I ended up buying another set of the same thing, this time Blu ray. I still don't know for sure if it was bootleg but I think it might have been.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I wonder if the set might have been bootleg? Not that Stirch would've knowingly bought that. But I read once that the amount of authentic looking but bootlegged movie & TV DVDS/Blu rays being sold was huge. And that included big places like Amazon, Ebay, Best Buy, etc. I once bought a sealed Star Trek Next Generation DVD set from Amazon and it looked authentic to me, but geez it had all sorts of pixel artifacts and stuttering in some of the disc. I ended up buying another set of the same thing, this time Blu ray. I still don't know for sure if it was bootleg but I think it might have been.
Yikes, that sucks! These seem to also be part of Amazon Prime, and it's labeled as an Amazon's Choice product. So I'm guessing that it's not bootleg. But certainly there could have been a bad batch duplicated, with various issues.