Help Me Find Good Movies


Registered User
I've been havin some trouble lately finding movies my style so ill just post my list of all time favorites and see if anyone can find anything similar

Donnie Darko--Butterfly Effect--Garden State--Eternal Sunshine
Hildalgo--Clerks--Deadman--Death To Smoochy--Vannila Sky
Monkey Bone--Edward Sisscor Hands--Bartelby--Basquiat
Fight Club

There probally other great movies i like that dont come to mind right now but if someone can get my tast that would be great, thnx

Looks like u like a lot of cult films.

OK, try these films:
U liked Clerks, try some of Kevin Smith's other films- Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (although Jay and SB is very dense, but worth it if u like Jay and SB).
Dead Man On Campus
Run Lola Run
Anita and Me
Very Bad Things
Slap Her, She's French
American Psycho
I'm not wearing any pants...

Dunhill.'s Avatar
Extra Mild
An Affair of Love
The Age of Innocence
Alien Trilogy
All about my mother
All about Eve
American Splendor
…And Justice for all
Angela’s Ashes
Anne Frank Remembered
Aparajito (The Unvanquished)
Apu Sansar (The World of Apu)
Au Revoir
Autumn Tale (Conte d’automne)
The Barbarian Invasions
The Blair Witch Project
Bloody Angels
Blue (Three Colors)
Blue Velvet
Bonnie & Clyde
Boyfriends & Girlfriends (French)
Breaking the waves
The Bridge on the river kwai
Bridget Jones Diary
Bully Bulworth
Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid
Capturing the Friedman’s
The Celebration (Festen)
Ciao Professore!
The Cider House Rules
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Courage Under Fire
Cries & Whispers
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Cry, The Beloved Country
The Crying Game
The City of Lost Children
Dancer in the dark
Dances with wolves
Das Boot
Dark City
Dead Again Dead Man Walking
The Deep End
Diabolique (1955)
Dirty Pretty Things
Do the Right Thing
Dr. Strangelove
The Dream life of Angels
8 Women
Enchanted April
End of the Affair
The Endurance
The English Patient
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
Far From Heaven
Farewell my Concubine
Fiddler on the Roof
A Fish Called Wanda
The Fog of War
The 400 Blows
42 up
From Russia with Love
Gas Food Lodging
Gone with the Wind
The Grey Zone
He loves me, he loves me not
Heavenly Creatures
The Hidden Fortress
High Noon
High Society
Hilary & Jackie
Hoop Dreams
The Horse Whisperer
House of Sand & Fog
The Hustler
I, Robot
The Ice Storm
An Ideal Husband
In the Bedroom
In the Company of Men
In the name of the Father
The Incredibles
The Insider
Insomnia (1997)
The Interview
Intolerable Cruelty
The Iron Giant
It’s a wonderful life
Japanese Story
Jean De Florette
Jerry MaGuire
The Journey of August King
King Kong (1933)
Kissing Jessica Stein
The Lady Killers (2004)
The Last Days
Lawrence of Arabia
Leaving Las Vegas
Les Miserable (1995)
Lovers of the Artic Circle
Lone Star
Land & Freedom

These are good movies from A - L. Watch them and go with god!

U copied and pasted those, didn't u? <_<

Dunhill.'s Avatar
Extra Mild
Of course. Did you think i would go out of my way to write that?
I didnt get that from anyones website btw. That's a list of good films i have on my comp.

Registered User
Thnx chef, ill check those out. And Dunhill, u must be insane to think im gonna track all those movies down

Do u have this many films, or do u just keep a list of good films...?

Registered User
Do u mean me or Dun?

Originally Posted by Sieg11
Help Me Find Good Movies
Originally Posted by Sieg11
And Dunhill, u must be insane to think im gonna track all those movies down
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

HellboyUnleashed's Avatar
May The Forks be With Us
You may not like it but one of my Favorite movies that I haven't had any friends not like was The Freshman. Great comedy and Marlon Brando is perfect in it and I reccomend it, but I would read what the little thing where ever says on it. It's the summary. I don't know the official word for it.
"An Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
-Ben Kingsley, GHANDI

"Snozberries taste like snozberries"

You like wierd crap that doesn't make sense? I suggest Alice. It's stop motion with live footage, wierd, just wierd. I would also suggest A Clockwork Orange, again kind of a wierd movie that was very well made.

Actually, go to and look up a couple of movies you really liked, based on style, content, whatever. When you do that, if you do, there's a list of what other people bought along with that movie and suggestions to other movies related to the one you're currently viewing. Or, you'll eventually find someone making posts about movies here that has the same style you do, then you guys can be friends and make-out or something, maybe knit a sweater, I don't care. Just go to a locally owned video rental place and don't ever stop renting. You return one and get another, it's a vicious cycle, but you know, sacrafices have to be made.

There's a couple pieces of advice in thur', it's cause I rock.
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

Oi To The World!
Originally Posted by Sieg11
I've been havin some trouble lately finding movies my style so ill just post my list of all time favorites and see if anyone can find anything similar

Donnie Darko--Butterfly Effect--Garden State--Eternal Sunshine
Hildalgo--Clerks--Deadman--Death To Smoochy--Vannila Sky
Monkey Bone--Edward Sisscor Hands--Bartelby--Basquiat
Fight Club

There probally other great movies i like that dont come to mind right now but if someone can get my tast that would be great, thnx
Hi There!

Ever heard of The Music Of Chance? I have never met a person yet who has seen it, but it is a quirky little 1993 film starring James Spader and M. Emmett Walsh. If offbeat is your thing, you might enjoy it. Here's a link from in case you'd like to know a little more about it:

Another film that you might like is Down By Law. It's a Jim Jarmusch film, and I understand it is hard to get ahold of, but if you can get it, it is well worth seeing. The synopsis and cast info is here:


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Viscuoa's Avatar
Movie Explorer
Originally Posted by Sieg11
I've been havin some trouble lately finding movies my style so ill just post my list of all time favorites and see if anyone can find anything similar

Donnie Darko--Butterfly Effect--Garden State--Eternal Sunshine
Hildalgo--Clerks--Deadman--Death To Smoochy--Vannila Sky
Monkey Bone--Edward Sisscor Hands--Bartelby--Basquiat
Fight Club

There probally other great movies i like that dont come to mind right now but if someone can get my tast that would be great, thnx
Hmm, perhaps you might like movies such as Requiem for a Dream, Equilibrium, Waking Life, The Stunt Man, Se7en, Fallen, Mulholland Dr., The Professional, Trainspotting, The Unusual Suspects, Memento, Identity, Insomnia

Originally Posted by Viscuoa
The Unusual Suspects

I'm guessing you meant "The Usual Suspects".

Viscuoa's Avatar
Movie Explorer
^^^ yeah hahahaha...and I own that movie too =P

It's not hard to search for good movies. Stop being lazy.

Do you know my poetry?
I'm not going to make a long list, in fact I'm only going to recommend one film in which I just viewed which was just a masterful film.

Bande ŕ part (d. Jean-Luc Godard - 1964)

Godard is a genius. Seeing this film was the best film experience I had in a while, "The Madison" sequence has instantly been added to my list of the best film scenes of all time. Also to everyone else, if you haven't seen this wonderful piece of work, go out and see it, now!

Originally Posted by Sieg11
Donnie Darko--Butterfly Effect--Eternal Sunshine--Vannila Sky--Fight Club
going by those, i dont know why you havent seen Memento yet.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Originally Posted by Sieg11
I've been havin some trouble lately finding movies my style so ill just post my list of all time favorites and see if anyone can find anything similar

Donnie Darko--Butterfly Effect--Garden State--Eternal Sunshine
Hildalgo--Clerks--Deadman--Death To Smoochy--Vannila Sky
Monkey Bone--Edward Sisscor Hands--Bartelby--Basquiat
Fight Club

There probally other great movies i like that dont come to mind right now but if someone can get my tast that would be great, thnx
Your tastes are a lot different from mine, but I'll try to help.

Jacob's Ladder


Bite the Bullet

Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai

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Ed Wood