

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
'Red states' got love em, OMG...I just read where the Republican governor of Georgia sued the mayor of Atlanta, because the governor is upset that Atlanta has mandatory mask wearing. Almost without exception it's the Red states and the right wingers who refuse to wear mask and are obstructionists.

Something about the city taking measures beyond what the state level declared to be enough.

I don't know, but this seems like a stunt to me. I'm not sure how a city (though, Atlanta is huge) wearing masks harms the state other than on some weird political branding kind of level.

I have no idea. I only heard the headline on NPR driving home yesterday so I may be way off on assumption. I can't really see a reasonable reason for it though.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

You ready? You look ready.
At the very least wearing a bandanna or something. I get why people don’t want to wear a mask. But geez, it’s so much easier to navigate the world when you’re not walking around with a dunce hat on.

Something is better than nothing.

Most of my family (except mom) lives in the Florida panhandle. My cousins are all in an uproar over masks, posting FB arguments and announcing local Piggly Wiggly grocery stores are NOT mandating masks, so to shop there instead. =\

How hard is it really?
It’s not hard at all. The thought of being in the ICU strapped down so that I can’t rip out a ventilator is enough to make me wear a mask.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

So happy trump is back doing briefings. I've missed them muchly. Yesterday he almost told us to wear masks! Progress...?
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

You ready? You look ready.
So happy trump is back doing briefings. I've missed them muchly. Yesterday he almost told us to wear masks! Progress...?
he had to fight for that time slot. I heard he beat out a goat and two chickens. Tough business

he had to fight for that time slot. I heard he beat out a goat and two chickens. Tough business

He actually said it out loud today. He said to wear a mask. I heard him. Its almost as if one of his supremacist buddies finally got in his ear and told him: "Hey man, u ever wanna start having kk... I mean maga rallies again. We gotta start wearing these here masks."

Did you all hear that the Mayor of Kansas City is requiring everyone to wear a mask and social distance due to the increase of cases but he... yeah he got his picture taken with some women at the Lake of the Ozarks... no social distancing and no mask. .he said they continue to ask him for the group picture.. if he was really for wearing a mask and social distancing.. he would have continued with a "NO"... all I can say.. practice what you preach!

In the media, he said he would self-quarantine for 14 days or until the test came back negative. no he didnt.. he was on the news, speaking at the city hall.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Did you all hear that the Mayor of Kansas City is requiring everyone to wear a mask and social distance due to the increase of cases but he... yeah he got his picture taken with some women at the Lake of the Ozarks... no social distancing and no mask. ...
See that's bad for a couple reasons, the worst reason is it can cause people who believe the pandemic is a hoax to become convinced their right. People might conclude that if Covid was really dangerous the Mayor wouldn't have been taking chances...thereforth it's all fake. OF COURSE it's all very real! But there's so many people who don't believe it or believe it's no worse than the flu.

Remember the game show host Chuck Woolery? He had been posting on Twitter that Covid was all a lie, now guess what? His son caught Covid.

Chuck Woolery Who Claimed 'Everyone Is Lying' About COVID-19 Deactivates Twitter After Son Contracts It

See that's bad for a couple reasons, the worst reason is it can cause people who believe the pandemic is a hoax to become convinced their right. People might conclude that if Covid was really dangerous the Mayor wouldn't have been taking chances...thereforth it's all fake. OF COURSE it's all very real! But there's so many people who don't believe it or believe it's no worse than the flu.

Remember the game show host Chuck Woolery? He had been posting on Twitter that Covid was all a lie, now guess what? His son caught Covid.

Chuck Woolery Who Claimed 'Everyone Is Lying' About COVID-19 Deactivates Twitter After Son Contracts It
Very good point.

And that same point (the very apparent contradictions and hypocrisy) was obvious over the last 2 months as Democrat mayors and governors attempted to enact many rules for the populace to follow (to allegedly mitigate the spread of virus) then dropped it all completely when it came to protests and riots - they gave absolute impunity to anyone protesting or rioting when it came to "safe at home" orders, social distancing and masks.

Not only was impunity granted for not following Covid guidelines, but impunity was given for crimes of all sorts: vandalism, arson, looting, assault, rape, and even murder as police were forbidden to intervene, stop violence or make arrests in various Democrat-run cities.

But although much of the violence still continues at this time, these same politicians are again threatening law-abiding citizens with fines and imprisonment for not following Covid guidelines while still exempting criminals from real and serious crimes (no less not following Covid guidelines - the protesters and violent criminals who seem to follow in their wake wherever they go or are embedded among them are STILL exempt from any and all Covid guidelines).

Then there were the various politicians with the "rules for thee but not for me" attitude who, after placing draconian rules and regulations on the citizenry, were caught breaking them as they were seen, recorded or photographed out partying, trying to take boats out when boating was forbidden for others, getting facials, haircuts and Botox treatments at salons, taking close-up photos with people without masks on and enjoying the many formerly public spaces that they closed off to others.

This is just crazy. So we can't have a national mask mandate cuz... freedom? But schools are being forced to open cuz... freedom?

How do you parents feel about sending your kids back to school?

Today's the day, 6 months into the pandemic, that masks are mandatory inside shops.

I wore a mask just now. Like a good boy.

It made things worse.
Every time I breathe out, my breath goes in every direction... and my glasses steam up.

Masks are useless.

If anything, they make things worse.

The UK Government are ret*rded know-nothings.

Rant over.

Today's the day, 6 months into the pandemic, that masks are mandatory inside shops.

I wore a mask just now. Like a good boy.

It made things worse.
Every time I breathe out, my breath goes in every direction... and my glasses steam up.

Masks are useless.

If anything, they make things worse.

The UK Government are ret*rded know-nothings.

Rant over.
Dont be that guy.

You're confusing discomfort for uselessness.

If the mask leaks, it doesn't work.

I'm not on about comfort... I'm on about how they don't actually work.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
"Muh Freedom won't be taken away wearing no darned mask, don't be a sheep" USA#1!

I'm seeing a new Karen video daily, almost always some 45+ year old woman having a mask meltdown on a plane or in a store.

I've been wearing a mask for 12 hour shifts for 2 weeks now, yea it sucks but it does help.

Karen, all your being asked to do is wear a ****ing mask for 20 mins in a shop.

You ready? You look ready.
I'm taking solace in the fact that I kinda expected our government to bungle this mess. Like it's comforting to know that the US Government is as inept as I expected. There's something to be said for consistently ****ing up.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Trouble with a capital "T"
"Muh Freedom won't be taken away wearing no darned mask, don't be a sheep" USA#1!

I'm seeing a new Karen video daily, almost always some 45+ year old woman having a mask meltdown on a plane or in a store.

I've been wearing a mask for 12 hour shifts for 2 weeks now, yea it sucks but it does help.

Karen, all your being asked to do is wear a ****ing mask for 20 mins in a shop.
It's mostly younger people that I see not wearing a mask in my area. I named them Mary as in typhoid Mary.

Am sick of folks bitching about masks. It's a law that we gotta wear clothes. Don't see any karens bitching about that. Masks don't do anything? Really? Educate yourself. You the problem man, good job! If masks do nothing then explain Japan to me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...I wore a mask just now. Like a good boy. It made things worse.

Every time I breathe out, my breath goes in every direction... and my glasses steam up...
Maybe cut back on eating beans? Oh wait, you said your glasses

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Maybe cut back on eating beans? Oh wait, you said your glasses
Did you say beans?

Here's a funny Coronavirus reddit post I read yesterday. The comments were a laugh riot.

TIFU by demanding that my girlfriend show me where she buried our beans in the woods, causing her to break up with me.

I admit I posted a version of this on the relationship subreddit the other day, but they closed it with no explanation, I assume because they just decided it was fake. I can see how they might think that, but this is a true thing that happened and is happening, and now there is more to it because I actually got broken up with over it.

With all that is going on, we had stocked up on supplies, including some canned goods. I ordered a few weeks ago 30 cans of beans. 10 are black beans, 10 are kidney beans, and 10 are pink beans. Also, I ordered 15 cans of chickpeas. I thought this is a reasonable amount of beans and chickpeas to have every now and then and would last for quite some time.

However earlier this week I opened the cabinet because I wanted to make a vegetarian chili using two cans of beans, but all of the beans were gone. What the hell?

I asked my girlfriend and she told me she buried all of the beans in the woods.

At first I thought she was joking, but she explained, no, she had buried the beans in the woods. WTF?

I asked her to explain and she told me she was afraid that "if things get bad" we might have to worry about "looters or whatever" and that the beans would be in danger of being stolen. I said I thought this was completely ridiculous and unlikely. She became angry at me and said she "is protecting our beans."

According to her logic, the beans are safely buried in the woods behind our apartment complex, and if we ever need some beans she will go to the "stash" and dig up a can or two, but would prefer if we save them all for "if things get worse".

I said why only bury the beans, why not bury our more valuable items? She said the canned food was most valuable for long-term means, and that since we get fresh food in our online grocery deliveries, it would make sense to continue to stockpile beans. She intends to go bury more beans in the woods every week.

This was too insane for me and I got very upset. I demanded to know where the beans were buried, and she refused to tell me. She said if I knew she was afraid I'd dig them up, I said damn right I would. She said "I will never jeopardize the beans."

The following day I tried to put my foot down, and I'm not usually a foot downer but there are rare issues where compromise is out of the question, and I foolishly decided this was one of those issues. I demanded to know where the beans were buried and I told her if she was going to bury beans I paid for in the woods that I would move out. We fought about it and I kept insisting.

In hindsight I should have just let it go and created my own hidden stash of beans in the apartment, and given her time to maybe cool down about this bean burying scenario, but I blew it all out of proportion. Yeah it's weird to bury beans in the woods but why did I have to press it? What's the harm at the end of the day? In the grand scheme of things? But I kept demanding her to take me to the beans, or at least draw a map or something, and finally she BROKE UP WITH ME. Over the beans. I have lost the love of my life because I couldn't let the damn beans go. I am in disbelief. She moved out. Not only am I heartbroken but I am now paying full rent instead of 50% which is a huge financial issue for me.

TLR - I kept demanding that my girlfriend show me where she buried the beans in the woods and she got so angry at me that she ended our relationship and moved out. My heart is shattered and my finances are jeopardized because of a bean hoard.