Movie 20 Questions


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
We only have two questions left, so I suggest someone ask a real placed question that might then lead to a correct answer.

Maybe this will help (what we know):
1964 American Romantic comedy
Reviewed by Giddeon

Not: The Pink Panther, A Shot in the Dark, Kiss Me Stupid, Dr. Strangelove, Send Me No Flowers

Not a film with: Peter Sellers, Jerry Lewis, Jack Lemmon

Not directed by Billy Wilder

Did not win an Oscar

Director's other movies did win Oscars

Never nominated in an HoF here at MoFo
Thanks for the summary, Citizen

Is it Dear Heart?

It's a 1964 rom-com movie without Peter Sellers, Jerry Lewis and/or Jack Lemmon. It didn't win any Oscars, but the director, Delbert Mann, won an Oscar for Best Director for the 1955 movie Marty.

I don't know if Gideon has ever reviewed it, but it wouldn't surprise me to find it in Gideon's review thread, and I don't think it was ever nominated in a HoF here on MoFo.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Is it Dear Heart?

It's a 1964 rom-com movie without Peter Sellers, Jerry Lewis and/or Jack Lemmon. It didn't win any Oscars, but the director, Delbert Mann, won an Oscar for Best Director for the 1955 movie Marty.

I don't know if Gideon has ever reviewed it, but it wouldn't surprise me to find it in Gideon's review thread, and I don't think it was ever nominated in a HoF here on MoFo.
I just checked and the search here at MoFo didn't turn up any results for "Dear Heart" in Gideon's review thread. But who knows maybe he reviewed it anyway.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I just checked and the search here at MoFo didn't turn up any results for "Dear Heart" in Gideon's review thread. But who knows maybe he reviewed it anyway.

Thanks for the info. If I'm right, maybe Gideon will give us the link to the review. (If I'm wrong, I think it was a good guess anyway because it matched most of the other criteria. )

For some reason, the questions were pretty screwy for this round. There wasn't much to narrow down to the movie. It was mostly just a bunch of random guesses, but very few questions of any substance.

No, it is not Dear Heart and that was the last question, so here is the answer:

Since no one guessed it, I will be starting a new game:

I'm thinking of a melodrama released during the 1940's

You have 20 questions

Trouble with a capital "T"
Here's what we know:
A melodrama, released during the 1940's
Won an Oscar
Did Not win for: Best Picture, any of the four acting, Best Director, for music, story or screenplay

Did it win an Oscar for Best Cinematography?