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Another great series is This Country. On its third season and still going strong.

Isn't that ending this week @MonnoM?

Just a quick heads up for those in the UK iPlayer is a great place to while away some time and they've put quite a few series on which you might catch up on/like to try.

Also, it's the last week of The Yorkshire Ripper Files: A Very British Crime Story. It's there till Friday 10pm and I think it's well worth a look if true crime is an interest. Not the usual look at the case.

With Missbehaviour supposed to be in the cinemas now, check out the documentary about the source. Miss World 1970: Beauty Queens & Bedlam.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Isn't that ending this week @MonnoM?

Damn it! I wasn't aware it was officially ending this season. Well, it had a great run. Looking forward to what they have going next.

The Dead Lands - Season 1 (2020)

A sanitized version of the movie with the same title. Oh, and to be more trendy there's zombies now too. Waka is watered-down so much from the film that he's unrecognizable (in the film there's a reason why he's feared and considered a monster but none of that history exists in the series). Mehe's writing feels to be meant for a child but still, she's acted by a twentyish woman. Barely above bad and even that may be due to me just liking fantasy (and barbarian films).


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The truth is in here
@Citizen Rules

Laverne & Shirley - The Diner

After Lenny's grandfather dies, he inherits a diner which he's decided to run together with Squiggy. To their chagrin, it doesn't turn out as well as they hoped. Tired of their stale jobs at the brewery, Shirley and Laverne take over the diner instead. But can they handle the stress that comes with it?

If you want a really laugh-packed half hour this is as good as it gets. Right away I'm amused by Lenny and Squiggy's odd idea of running a business, such as changing the name from Lazlo's Place to DEAD Lazlo's Place as if that really is necessary, and running a dog race track just beside it. And when they hand over their business to the girls, they sure have a unique way of "shaking on it". Michael McKean and David Lander's body movements as they shake manically is hysterical.

The comedy gets ramped up even more when Laverne & Shirley take over the place. When they try way too hard to impress their first customer (such as Carmine singing loudly and dancing on top of a table), he gets annoyed and leaces. Then after changing the formula a bit more customers start showing up, resulting in overworked stress instead. Laverne constantly calling Shirley Betty, spilling pancake batter all over the grill, Shirley getting harrassed by all the annoying customers and just trying not to trip while wading in the sea of hungry consumers is pure comedic gold. I never get tired of seeing them in situations where they're driven insane by all the frustrations they have to deal with.

In the end, the girls are beaten down and disgruntled over having to go back to bottlecapping. Frank cheers them up by saying they will find something else to get passionate about. And indeed, just a little bit later their entire lifestyle would completely change...

At the tail end of season 5, the show delivered one of its most iconic episodes, one of the many demonstrations of how despite the crazy mayhem Laverne and Shirley may get into, they will always be there for each other as a team.

On a different note, this is so far my favorite season of the show.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Laverne & Shirley - The Diner
I loved reading your review! It made me laugh to think back about this episode which I think was one of the best they did. I wish that when they moved to California and worked in a toy store, that instead they worked in this diner. I don't know why but Laverne and Shirley..ummm I mean Betty were perfect fits as waitress. I'm really wanting to dust off my L&S dvds and rewatch this show, I love it so!

Re-watch of an excellent Hulu 10-parter.

How the inability to work together by the FBI & the CIA greatly contributed to the terrorist attacks on 9/11. Some would even argue that this inability to work together actually caused 9/11.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Just finished Death in Paradise Season 9.
My Favorite Films

I watched all of Seinfeld this year and absolutely loved it. Absolutely incredible comedy and really my type of humour. Before I started I had hardly heard anything about it or seen any clips, I think it's really underseen/underappreciated here in the UK, especially by my age group anyway.

This 4-part mini-series on Netflix is amazingly good. Different from anything I have ever seen.

Home Before Dark (2020)

A sort of a whodunnit on Apple TV focusing on the adventures of a nine-year-old wannabe journalist. I think it would have been better if they'd squeezed the season on eight episodes instead of the ten we got but otherwise, it's pretty entertaining. Especially the characters are all well written. Brooklyn Prince (of The Florida Project fame) is just great in the lead managing both the super-smart and vulnerable kid perfectly.

Frontera Verde is a Colombian thriller with supernatural elements (kind of reminds me of the French Zone Blanche). It largely happens in the Amazonian jungle and looks absolutely marvelous (I have no idea about the budget but it's one the best looking Netflix shows I've seen). Good acting, interesting plot and well worth of a binge.

Stupid political rant for those interested  

Prohibition, a Ken Burns document of its titular subject. I liked it a lot (though, I usually tend to like Burns' stuff) and its approximately five-hour length felt just right. A good reminder of how banning the things you don't like doesn't solve anything and morals can't be changed through legislation. Sadly the ones who need this reminder are too busy trying to replicate the same errors.

Fauda Season 3. This is one of the best shows currently running. Good characters, gritty, suspenseful, and quality action. I can't wait for the fourth season.

I really should take a look at this show. I keep considering it.

A couple of show's I've seen that were really good, that I don't think I talked about yet.

The Last Kingdom

This show is surprisingly good. It's about the early days of England when the Saxons were raided by vikings and the land was in turmoil during it's early development. George R. R. Martin, the author of the A Song of Ice and Fire series said he stopped watching Game of Thrones, and doesn't have time for it anymore, but he said he loves The Last Kingdom. I think it's way better than Game of Thrones. The only thing that bothers me about The Last Kingdom is the lipstick and eye shadow on the male lead. The make-up is a little much. But everything else about the show is awesome. It has solid acting, intense violence, complex characters, and plenty of political intrigue.

I Am Not Okay with This

Very intense emotionally charged drama involving the complexities of confused sexuality, the awkwardness of adolescence, and the hardships of broken homes.

Friday Night Dinner
Just finished the 6th season. Here's to another show that never lost its quality. Truly top-notch, always hilarious. I swear if this turns out to be the final season I'll be most disappointed.

I'm starting to see a pattern...

The only thing that bothers me about The Last Kingdom is the lipstick and eye shadow on the male lead. The make-up is a little much.
That does sound strange.