Best Picture Hall of Fame Part 2


The trick is not minding
Going back over what’s ineligible, I saw you mentioned The Godfather, but I didn’t see it amongst any of the winners in any past HOF.
Unless I missed it somewhere?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Going back over what’s ineligible, I saw you mentioned The Godfather, but I didn’t see it amongst any of the winners in any past HOF.
Unless I missed it somewhere?
I guess I am wrong, but it's been nominated at least 2-3 times including the last best picture one.

The trick is not minding
Going back over what’s ineligible, I saw you mentioned The Godfather, but I didn’t see it amongst any of the winners in any past HOF.
Unless I missed it somewhere?
I guess I am wrong, but it's been nominated at least 2-3 times including the last best picture one.
Understood. It wouldn’t have changed my nominee regardless.
Are we still looking For one more person?
Anyone ask Comsicrunaway?

Anyone ask Comsicrunaway?
I won't be joining this one for the same reason I didn't join the last one; there's an awful lot of Best Picture winners that I either didn't like, or just have little to no interest in seeing. Thanks for thinking about me though!

I also want to catch up on the major 2019 films I haven't seen yet before the deadline for the Film Awards, but I haven't managed to watch anything since the thread opened. I should really work on that before the Film Noir HoF gets up and running haha.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I kinda thought The Godfather had won some HoF, but nope. I checked and here's the stats:

19th HoF
#2 The Godfather

Best Picture HoF
# 4 The Godfather

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
If we can't get another one, does anyone object to me randomly picking one from a decade not represented? 8 just feels like a good number to me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
If we can't get another one, does anyone object to me randomly picking one from a decade not represented? 8 just feels like a good number to me.
Why don't we beg someone to join first (@menition thing)? Maybe get a new member or someone who's never been in an Hof. I think if we give it a couple of days another person or two will join.

The trick is not minding
If we can't get another one, does anyone object to me randomly picking one from a decade not represented? 8 just feels like a good number to me.
Why don't we beg someone to join first (@menition thing)? Maybe get a new member or someone who's never been in an Hof. I think if we give it a couple of days another person or two will join.
I’m fine with just 7. But it’s up to you guys of course.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm fine with 7 too. Besides I'm wanting to do the Film Noir which I've put on the backburner for this HoF. However if more people want to join that's a plus, so I hope they do

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
There's also the possibility of someone joining AFTER the nominations are revealed. So that may get us the #8, or even #9.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

If we can't get another one, does anyone object to me randomly picking one from a decade not represented? 8 just feels like a good number to me.

What decades have been represented?

The trick is not minding
If we can't get another one, does anyone object to me randomly picking one from a decade not represented? 8 just feels like a good number to me.

What decades have been represented?
I’ve been wondering the same thing. I’m curious what is represented.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
That gives up too much. A reveal on Sunday...
And so it was written: God did rest on the seventh day, for He was dying to know The Reveal and did not want to miss any of it.
Here sayeth the Lord



2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Here are the 7! I will update the front page and add pictures after the ceremony!

American Beauty
The Departed
The King's Speech