VHS comedy era comedy Hall of fame III (1977-1989)


Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm done here on this thread for now. Talking to Siddon is like talking to a brick wall. He won't answer if he altered his ballot to effect the outcome in the other HoFs he hosted, even though he readily admitted to it here.

This is the kind of thing that will ruin HoFs. HoFs are about trust and when a host decides he can alter the outcome of an HoF to suit himself, then it's a sad day.

I'll wait to hear from edarsenal and gbgoodies as to what their votes are.

You just can't play fair can you? First you screw over the other members by altering your ballot as host, so that the outcome of the HoF will be what you want it to be, you admitted to that in this thread. Then you refuse to answer questions about if you've done this before. Then you yourself put the question up to the members if your ballot should be considered legit or not, and now you want to vote too? No way, that's not fair at all, it's you who's practices are in question, so you don't get to vote.

Wow....what an ego on you, I can't play fair. You are the only one that wants to throw my ballot out. Your issue isn't that I broke ties your issue is I don't do things your way because in your mind the only fair way is your way. You just make up the rules as you go along. I've answered your question, you don't like it oh well tell it to your therapist. If I wanted my nomination to win, I would have given it 14 points I gave it 13 that kinda destroys your argument.

Also why wouldn't I include myself in the group...their are seven of us.

You obviously feel like your opinion and vote matters more than anyone elses. I think they call that irony.

I'm done here on this thread for now. Talking to Siddon is like talking to a brick wall. He won't answer if he altered his ballot to effect the outcome in the other HoFs he hosted, even though he readily admitted to it here.

This is the kind of thing that will ruin HoFs. HoFs are about trust and when a host decides he can alter the outcome of an HoF to suit himself, then it's a sad day.

I'll wait to hear from edarsenal and gbgoodies as to what their votes are.

Seems to me that you can't accept the outcome so you are altering the rules and walking away, seems like this is a pattern for you.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...But I'll post two sets of results if you want...one with my ballot and one without, and you guys can decide which winner you want.
@edarsenal @gbgoodies Please read the last few pages of this thread, starting here https://www.movieforums.com/communit...05#post2061805

...and then decide if Siddon's ballot should count in the voting process or not. You can also vote to abstain. I will post the final results on the HoF Archive thread based on the majority vote of us six members.

The trick is not minding
Gbgoodies won’t be back on until at least 1 more week, and it’s possible it could be up to 3 weeks. She had surgery on her cataracts.
It maybe best to count her as an abstain.

The trick is not minding
I’m working mostly from memory here, and Siddon can correct me since he has my ballot. I may have a few flipped here or there in terms of placement. Pretty sure I’ve remembered them correctly. 10 and 11 might be flipped however.
My ballot with my nominations are as follows:

1. Annie Hall
2. The Princess Bride
3. After Hours (my pick)
4. Parenthood
5 who framed Roger Rabbit?
6. Back to the Future
7. A Fish Called Wanda
8. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
9. Planes Trains, and Automobiles
10. When Harry Met Sally
11. The Blues Brothers
12. Broadcast News
13. Real Genius (my pick)
14. The Jerk.

I mentioned do enjoyed all but 2, how ever I actually meant 3.
I really did enjoy the rest however.
Correcting my earlier post, I felt 1-6 were all strong contenders who could win any future comedy HOF. 7-9 are also great, but not quite in the same tier as the first 6, 10 and 11 were also enjoyable. Surprisingly so, in fact. The last 3....not so much. Sorry to those who nominated them.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Real Genius was your pick, Wow! I thought for sure that was GBGoodies I know she loves that movie. It looks like my nom The Jerk and yours, Real Genius was the bombs of the HoF

The trick is not minding
Real Genius was your pick, Wow! I thought for sure that was GBGoodies I know she loves that movie. It looks like my nom The Jerk and yours, Real Genius was the bombs of the HoF
Yeah, I seemed to remembered enjoying it when I was younger but it didn’t age that well 20 years later. Also, I have a more critical eye towards films these days.
I struggled thinking of a second film to pick for this, and it should t have been that hard. After hours was a no brainer for me, but I tried to go with a less obvious pick, And I learned that I should just go with what I know I’ll enjoy.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah, I seemed to remembered enjoying it when I was younger but it didn’t age that well 20 years later. Also, I have a more critical eye towards films these days.
I struggled thinking of a second film to pick for this, and it should t have been that hard. After hours was a no brainer for me, but I tried to go with a less obvious pick, And I learned that I should just go with what I know I’ll enjoy.
My wife didn't like The Jerk either, so perhaps my fondness of it is mainly from nostalgia...I had seen it at the theater first run and then many times since. I think if a person watches the same comedy over and over it becomes almost a different movie in their head. Oh well I liked The Jerk

The trick is not minding
Yeah, I seemed to remembered enjoying it when I was younger but it didn’t age that well 20 years later. Also, I have a more critical eye towards films these days.
I struggled thinking of a second film to pick for this, and it should t have been that hard. After hours was a no brainer for me, but I tried to go with a less obvious pick, And I learned that I should just go with what I know I’ll enjoy.
My wife didn't like The Jerk either, so perhaps my fondness of it is mainly from nostalgia...I had seen it at the theater first run and then many times since. I think if a person watches the same comedy over and over it becomes almost a different movie in their head. Oh well I liked The Jerk
As long as you liked it.
It’s like After hours for me. It didn’t seem to be well liked here, but that’s fine. Everyone has their own taste.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
So. . .

It's been a day or two and I have seriously thought this out. Read the debates and considered both arguments.

All of us, who has, and continue to be Hosts, know the stress, and time involved in doing such. We all have agreed that each Host has the right to alter or try new things when taking on the responsibility. Some of us run a tight ship to ensure a smooth and enjoyable HoF for all. Some of us are quite relaxed to allow a more free flow, allowing those on the fence ample time to join in or simply observe. As well as for those of us that run very, very late in finishing. Giving our procrastinating @sses extensions to finish up.
This helps these HoFs to grow and to continue forward in every positive way in varying styles while still adhering to a basic understanding and agreement to simple protocols. Each of us making it known in our opening thread our preferences on how we'd like to run said Hall of Fame.

The issue here is whether or not that key position which is a position of trust, has been less than bias in the final voting. And why.

I do know that mistrust; The re-occurring belief that the process was hampered with, was what made the Song Tournaments go spiraling down. That belief killed participation for a lot of us - including myself. So Citizen Rules has a valid concern here. There has been an unspoken understanding that Hosts wait to look at ballots until after they have voted. That their vote is as uninformed as the participants.
It's a trust thing.

Now, as stated before, a Host does have the right to conduct their HoFs as they deem fitting.
Normally expressed in the opening thread, or at some point in the thread so that the participants are aware of such. So, the fault lies that Siddon did not inform us his preference when it came to addressing ties and a wish to eliminate them when he Hosts.
Could it have been handled better? Well, hindsight is -- well, spilled milk. It is what it is and we address, discuss and move forward.

Breaking this down to actual Intent.

From what I have read, Siddon's reasoning is simply to keep ties out of the vote. A basic preference.
But, unfortunately, one that raises concerns of other manipulations and thereby the basic "trust" of the position. A valid concern.

For me, if there was a more nefarious scenario, I don't think Siddon would have spent time finding the appropriate gif and posting in the thread regarding such. He would have kept quiet, and continued to manipulate behind the scenes.
So I do believe that Siddon simply dislikes ties and plays tie-breaker. And tie-breaker only.
Therefore, it may be a good idea for further HoFs that Siddon hosts, and hopefully he continues to, that expresses such in the opening post. And we, as participants, knowing that, can accept and join or decide otherwise. (Just a simple suggestion from a simple man)

In the end, we ALL want these HoFs to run better and continue to be threads of enjoyment with the only strife being in the more passionate debates regarding any given movie. Which is why we discuss these things and find a solution that works for all involved, if at all possible.

I, myself, cannot simply vote Yes. This is a matter of trust and keeping things above board and open to everyone involved and to those who enjoy reading from the sidelines.
But I also cannot vote No when the final mistake is not informing participants of a dislike of ties and an attempt to remove them. A preference that could have been expressed previously and I am unable to to fully cast a negative vote against an oversight of the Host expressing their personal wishes regarding their Hall of Fame.

So, in the end, i find that I do have to Abstain. For all the reasons above.

Thank you all for allowing me to blather on.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
Thanks Ed
And with Ed's abstaining vote the majority has decided that Siddon's ballot stays in and I have just now entered that information on the HoF Archive thread.

I hope you guys appreciate that I needed to follow some guidelines. I ask myself one thing in a situation like this, What would Picard do?

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

I have been keeping note of everyone's nomination; I am missing @ahwell's and thereby, due to elimination, get gbg's. I would guess Broadcast and Annie was yours, ahwell?

A Fish Called Wanda (Hey Frederick)
After Hours (Wyldesyde19)
Annie Hall
Back to the Future (Citizen Rules)
Blues Brothers (My Nomination)
Broadcast News
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (My Nomination)
Parenthood (Hey Frederick)
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (Siddon)
Princess Bride (Siddon)
Real Genius (Wyldesyde19)
The Jerk (Citizen Rules)
When Harry Met Sally
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I think my only correct guess was CR and Back to the Future.
Everyone else was like a magic trick: NO idea until shown how it's done and then it makes sense. A great example of that is: I would not have guessed Siddon nominating Princess Bride since I thoroughly believed it to be gbg. Though, AFTER the reveal it made perfect sense.
Also, it's a great spread in choices by Wylde who went with After Hours and Real Genius. Quite the spectrum.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
My wife didn't like The Jerk either, so perhaps my fondness of it is mainly from nostalgia...I had seen it at the theater first run and then many times since. I think if a person watches the same comedy over and over it becomes almost a different movie in their head. Oh well I liked The Jerk
I know what you mean. That familiarity creating a comfort zone like an old, worn blanket you've had for forever.


and, CR, in regards to liking The Jerk anyway:


I have been keeping note of everyone's nomination; I am missing @ahwell's and thereby, due to elimination, get gbg's. I would guess Broadcast and Annie was yours, ahwell?

A Fish Called Wanda (Hey Frederick)
After Hours (Wyldesyde19)
Annie Hall
Back to the Future (Citizen Rules)
Blues Brothers (My Nomination)
Broadcast News
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (My Nomination)
Parenthood (Hey Frederick)
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (Siddon)
Princess Bride (Siddon)
Real Genius (Wyldesyde19)
The Jerk (Citizen Rules)
When Harry Met Sally
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Yes, I think I said it in the thread earlier, my too were Annie Hall and Broadcast News. I think it's the lowest I've ever ranked my own nom, as I had Broadcast News at #7.
Lists and Projects

The trick is not minding

I have been keeping note of everyone's nomination; I am missing @ahwell's and thereby, due to elimination, get gbg's. I would guess Broadcast and Annie was yours, ahwell?

A Fish Called Wanda (Hey Frederick)
After Hours (Wyldesyde19)
Annie Hall
Back to the Future (Citizen Rules)
Blues Brothers (My Nomination)
Broadcast News
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (My Nomination)
Parenthood (Hey Frederick)
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (Siddon)
Princess Bride (Siddon)
Real Genius (Wyldesyde19)
The Jerk (Citizen Rules)
When Harry Met Sally
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Yes, I think I said it in the thread earlier, my too were Annie Hall and Broadcast News. I think it's the lowest I've ever ranked my own nom, as I had Broadcast News at #7.
Annie Hall was a great choice, and was my #1 pick.


I have been keeping note of everyone's nomination; I am missing @ahwell's and thereby, due to elimination, get gbg's. I would guess Broadcast and Annie was yours, ahwell?

A Fish Called Wanda (Hey Frederick)
After Hours (Wyldesyde19)
Annie Hall
Back to the Future (Citizen Rules)
Blues Brothers (My Nomination)
Broadcast News
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (My Nomination)
Parenthood (Hey Frederick)
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (Siddon)
Princess Bride (Siddon)
Real Genius (Wyldesyde19)
The Jerk (Citizen Rules)
When Harry Met Sally
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Yes, I think I said it in the thread earlier, my too were Annie Hall and Broadcast News. I think it's the lowest I've ever ranked my own nom, as I had Broadcast News at #7.
Annie Hall was a great choice, and was my #1 pick.
Glad you liked it! It’s one of my all time favorites.

The trick is not minding

I have been keeping note of everyone's nomination; I am missing @ahwell's and thereby, due to elimination, get gbg's. I would guess Broadcast and Annie was yours, ahwell?

A Fish Called Wanda (Hey Frederick)
After Hours (Wyldesyde19)
Annie Hall
Back to the Future (Citizen Rules)
Blues Brothers (My Nomination)
Broadcast News
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (My Nomination)
Parenthood (Hey Frederick)
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (Siddon)
Princess Bride (Siddon)
Real Genius (Wyldesyde19)
The Jerk (Citizen Rules)
When Harry Met Sally
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Yes, I think I said it in the thread earlier, my too were Annie Hall and Broadcast News. I think it's the lowest I've ever ranked my own nom, as I had Broadcast News at #7.
Annie Hall was a great choice, and was my #1 pick.
Glad you liked it! It’s one of my all time favorites.
Same! I’ve always enjoyed it when I’ve seen it, which is quite a few times, and it probably would rank it as his best along with Stardust memories and The Purple Rose of Cairo. I’d have to rewatch Stardust Memories again to be sure.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Yes, I think I said it in the thread earlier, my too were Annie Hall and Broadcast News. I think it's the lowest I've ever ranked my own nom, as I had Broadcast News at #7.
I could have sworn you did as well, but missed it, so I'd rather double-check.

And I've done that, scored my own very low. It happens.