Oldboy: DVD Menu Music


I recently watched the DVD for Oldboy, and I'm trying to find out the title of the song playing on the main menu. It also played one time during the movie, though I forgot when. It wasn't an instrumental piece like The Last Waltz, it was more of an electronic/techno beat.

If someone knows, I'd love to know what it is.

I am half agony, half hope.
Maybe Starsailor: Bring My Love

If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise.

Johann von Goethe

No, that's not it. It didn't have words in it. I'm starting to think it was in the soundtrack, but I maybe I didn't listen to the song all the way through.

Any other suggestions?

I am half agony, half hope.
The rest of the music is from the soundtrack. The most popular instrumental pieces from the movie are "Last Waltz" and "Cries and Whispers".

It was more of an electronic/techno beat, it wasn't an instrumental piece like The Last Waltz. I'll edit my OP to include more detail.

Anyone else have any ideas?

The Oldboy soundtrack I think you are looking for is called "Look Who's Talking"
The "techno" starts 50 seconds in.