Things that annoy you...


I was going to make a funny reply to Captain's tape deboggle

But I'm annoyed at Google images! Damn if it isn't hard to find a photo that I can easily insert into a post these days. Yes...that's what I'm annoyed about

That IS annoying! (Remember my annoyance at Google images removing the "view image" button a while back? Well, right after that, the button reappeared!)

Hey Rules, I think you invented a new word: "deboggle"...

a situation where tape won't stick where you want it; tape gets stuck to itself while trying to unroll it and then when you try to unstick it from itself it just keeps getting more stuck to itself to the point where you have to throw that piece away and start over; when you realize they've replaced duct tape with some cheap plastic cellophane-like tape that won't stick to anything (when old duct tape stuck to almost everything)!

Actually, I looked up "deboggle" and it is a word means an argument or disagreement! While "debacle" is a sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco.

English characters using overtly American phrases. They're currently showing Space 1999 again in the UK and I see bits and pieces. Recently an English character said "Boy are we glad to see you" and it sounded so unnatural.
Would never have thought of this as an Americanism, but, then, I’ve lived here a very long time.

I remember back in the day in London when suddenly men, chaps, fellows, etc. were all suddenly “guys”.

I was going to make a funny reply to Captain's tape deboggle

But I'm annoyed at Google images! Damn if it isn't hard to find a photo that I can easily insert into a post these days. Yes...that's what I'm annoyed about

I detest the way Pinterest has a “lock” on so many photos In so many different areas & I don’t know why this is. You can’t copy the damn thing unless you join Pinterest.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Would never have thought of this as an Americanism, but, then, I’ve lived here a very long time.

I remember back in the day in London when suddenly men, chaps, fellows, etc. were all suddenly “guys”.
And women are "guys" too now .

Richard Ayoade makes me laugh when he's doing The Crystal Maze – he could have an all female team on the show and he'll (mock-pedantically) refer to them as "fellas", justifying it by saying "I use the term fellas in an ungendered way" .

People who say something along the lines of "Anything is great" when asked what they want for Christmas.

Especially when "people" is my boss and I've drawn his name for Secret Santa. We were supposed to put our names on the slips and write down 4 or 5 items we would like so that the other person isn't left guessing. He ****ing wrote "anything is great." He's the one person I was hoping not to get because I don't particularly like him. I don't want to spend any money on him as it is and now I have to come up with ideas without any guidance too.

Mother****er, you're one of 16 people I gotta shop for. I ain't got the time or the patience for this s***.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
People who say something along the lines of "Anything is great" when asked what they want for Christmas.

Especially when "people" is my boss and I've drawn his name for Secret Santa. We were supposed to put our names on the slips and write down 4 or 5 items we would like so that the other person isn't left guessing. He ****ing wrote "anything is great." He's the one person I was hoping not to get because I don't particularly like him. I don't want to spend any money on him as it is and now I have to come up with ideas without any guidance too.

Mother****er, you're one of 16 people I gotta shop for. I ain't got the time or the patience for this s***.

Just get him something that you know he won't like. It will serve him right for writing "anything is great".
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Give him a generic gift card unless you can quickly wrap up some stool samples.
This is perfectly acceptable.

Or do what a friend of mine did and just go to the equivalent of a Pound shop and get random things to the value of the limit. Completely freaked the guy out who got it all.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Here's one — ineffective contrast in typography.

The intent in this poster is to produce a typographic contrast, so as to emphasize the word DEEP. Fair enough. But DEEP is only a fraction bolder that WATER, so arguably the desired effect is barely achieved. Making DEEP bolder would be more dramatic, complement the imagery, and would give a distinct separation between the two words (given that there is no space between them to start with).

⬆️ Didn’t even notice the difference in typography. Actually didn’t even notice the wee sailor in yellow until just now.

Shipping delays.

Ordered some prescription pet food for the clinic's patients on Monday. Usually we get our orders next day as long as we call them in before 11:00 a.m.. Monday's order is still not here. I just called the company to see what's up and they said that there have been some delays due to weather and the holiday season and the order should arrive tomorrow.

I get that couriers are overloaded with packages right now, but this order is shipping from a warehouse in a town about 90 mins away. A typically one day shipment taking three days to arrive over such a short distance is ridiculous.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Shipping delays.

Ordered some prescription pet food for the clinic's patients on Monday. Usually we get our orders next day as long as we call them in before 11:00 a.m.. Monday's order is still not here. I just called the company to see what's up and they said that there have been some delays due to weather and the holiday season and the order should arrive tomorrow.

I get that couriers are overloaded with packages right now, but this order is shipping from a warehouse in a town about 90 mins away. A typically one day shipment taking three days to arrive over such a short distance is ridiculous.
Yeah. That's frustrating. I had a UPS pkg that was 2 hours away get rerouted to 3 different states with several delays. So odd. UPS has actually delayed 3 shipments in a week. Never happened so frequent for me. Granted none of my shipments are medical so it's not the same, still annoying tho.

Nitpicking, people who nitpick annoy me. Oh and UPS, those guys are the worst. I always go with USPS or FedEx.
The delayed order was shipped FedEx. Everything we’ve ordered that’s been shipped UPS has arrived on time so far.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The delayed order was shipped FedEx. Everything we’ve ordered that’s been shipped UPS has arrived on time so far.
You've been lucky with UPS. Once they delivered an expensive package to the wrong address. I had to talk to the driver who said he would go to the wrong house the next day and attempt to pick up the package...I've never been more irate than that phone call. I told him no way, he needed to go to the house immediately and get my package back. Luckily he did because I chewed him out so bad, and chewing out people on the phone is not in my personality, but I knew if the package was opened the people would keep it, it was a digital SLR camera. I've hated UPS ever since!

Two-faced people where their public and private stances are different.