Things that annoy you...


The entitled douche canoe in this car.

That and sand in my underwear.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

The entitled douche canoe in this car.
Why don’t you like him?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

People not being able to die with dignity as they'd wished and forced to live with no hope of recovery.

(BTW, I don't want to have a discussion about euthanasia or right to die, it's just something really annoying me atm)
5-time MoFo Award winner.

People who I don't really know that think it's okay to give me a nickname. If I introduce myself by a particular name, that's the name you're allowed to call me.
Im the same as you about what name to call me.

If I dont know the person, dont call me Liz or Beth.. because I told you my name is Elizabeth. Only people I have gotten to know can call me by my nickname.

People who think that working at a vet clinic means playing with puppies and kittens all day.

Yeah, no. Playing with cute animals is a tiny fraction of a percent of the job. The rest is cleaning, getting information about what's going on with the pet, cleaning, answering questions, cleaning, restraining animals (who are sometimes trying to bite or scratch you), cleaning, assisting the doctor with surgery, cleaning, filling medications, cleaning, answering phones, cleaning, filling out paperwork... oh, and did I mention cleaning? And when I say "cleaning," I mean disinfecting EVERYTHING after every use - because this is a medical facility and we have to minimize the chances of pathogens spreading to healthy patients - and it often also means cleaning up feces, urine, blood, vomit, mucus, and whatever other bodily fluid the patients leave.

And NO, dear new employee, we do not have a janitor. We ARE the janitors. Cleaning is like 90% of the job, so get used to it and quit complaining or quit the job altogether so we can hire someone who has a realistic idea of what the job entails.

People who I don't really know that think it's okay to give me a nickname. If I introduce myself by a particular name, that's the name you're allowed to call me.
So tell us, Vickster, what name do you tell people to call you?
P.S. Really liked your last post about working (cleaning) at the clinic!

So tell us, Vickster, what name do you tell people to call you?
I introduce myself as Victoria. I also accept Tory as a nickname. Those are the options if I know you/have met you in real life.

"Vicky," on the other hand, is only permitted if you are someone I know online, because I can't expect people to not call me Vicky when my username is Miss Vicky. Still hate it, though.

Hopping mad Sunday at 6 a.m., when a landscaping truck came to work next door at a pre-school with 2 leaf blowers. Illegal in Connecticut to start this kind of work earlier than 9 a.m. on Sunday. The noise was horrendous on our quiet street & it woke up everyone.

I ran next door & got them to stop. The guy was belligerent & said he wanted to work “before the kids arrived”. Pre-school is closed Sundays!

They left right away &, hopefully, will not try to break the law here in Connecticut next time.

Why is it so annoying when someone at a restaurant, at a table near yours, gets on their cell phone and starts talking loudly?

It's not annoying when they're there with another person and the two are talking to each other, yet the cell phone conversation seems annoying.

At one restaurant the annoyance level was raised as four people all together at one table each got on their cell phones simultaneously and, instead of talking with each other, were having four different cell phone conversations. Why was that so annoying, but if they'd just been talking to each other at an acceptable volume, they wouldn't have seemed annoying at all?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I introduce myself as Victoria. I also accept Tory as a nickname. Those are the options if I know you/have met you in real life.

"Vicky," on the other hand, is only permitted if you are someone I know online, because I can't expect people to not call me Vicky when my username is Miss Vicky. Still hate it, though.
You would probably strangle me then. I have a habit of spontaneously inventing names for friends and strangers. Guy I work with is named Andrew. First thing I ask was if I could call him Andy-Roo. Or Annie. Or Roo Bear. =\ Just kinda comes out before I realize.

Steel beat me to it though
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Why is it so annoying when someone at a restaurant, at a table near yours, gets on their cell phone and starts talking loudly?

It's not annoying when they're there with another person and the two are talking to each other, yet the cell phone conversation seems annoying.

At one restaurant the annoyance level was raised as four people all together at one table each got on their cell phones simultaneously and, instead of talking with each other, were having four different cell phone conversations. Why was that so annoying, but if they'd just been talking to each other at an acceptable volume, they wouldn't have seemed annoying at all?
Kinda with you on that question. I've noticed I also get annoyed when people use a phone when a normal face to face conversation would have been totally overlooked. It's like there's a weird awareness of two people speaking to each other so there is a natural flow. One person speaks, another responds. With a phone, you only get the initial statement but no reply. It is disconnected by whatever we've come to associate as normal in public conversation and background noise. So maybe that draws attention to it all? Idunno.

People on the phone in airplanes are so much worse though hahaha. My boss does that. A lot. We all think he does it on purpose though, for attention. Without fail, as soon as he takes his seat on the airplane he pulls out his phone to call someone at the office. Then starts barking orders about some random project that no one is even working on. All loud enough so that anyone within a 4-row range can hear him being boss.


People who use regular nylon collars on their dogs and leave them loose enough that they can slip over the dogs' heads. This is so dangerous. I couldn't tell you the number of times dogs have gotten loose because of this - the owner shows up and tries to come through the door, the dog refuses to come in and the collar slips off. If the owner's lucky, the dog freezes. If they're unlucky, it bolts across the parking lot or into the nearby neighborhood where traffic isn't too bad. If they're really unlucky, it bolts onto the busy main road just a few feet from our door. Thankfully I've yet to see one of our patients get hit by a car this way, but there have been a number of close calls.

Please, people, either tighten those collars or use a martingale or other type of collar that won't easily slip off.

You would probably strangle me then. I have a habit of spontaneously inventing names for friends and strangers. Guy I work with is named Andrew. First thing I ask was if I could call him Andy-Roo. Or Annie. Or Roo Bear. =\ Just kinda comes out before I realize.
If you ask and respect my answer of "no," that's fine. If you ask, I tell you no, and you do it anyway, that's a problem.

People who use regular nylon collars on their dogs and leave them loose enough that they can slip over the dogs' heads. This is so dangerous. I couldn't tell you the number of times dogs have gotten loose because of this - the owner shows up and tries to come through the door, the dog refuses to come in and the collar slips off. If the owner's lucky, the dog freezes. If they're unlucky, it bolts across the parking lot or into the nearby neighborhood where traffic isn't too bad. If they're really unlucky, it bolts onto the busy main road just a few feet from our door. Thankfully I've yet to see one of our patients get hit by a car this way, but there have been a number of close calls.

Please, people, either tighten those collars or use a martingale or other type of collar that won't easily slip off.

If you ask and respect my answer of "no," that's fine. If you ask, I tell you no, and you do it anyway, that's a problem.
Hi Vicky. I walk my neighbor's dog and they put him in a harness.

I find it increases the opposition response (that response you see in guys during a bar fight when they're friends are holding them back - they struggle to get at their adversary, whereas when they're let go, they tend to not want to fight anymore.) This was something Caesar Milan ("The Dog Whisperer") used to say about harnesses too.

A couple times this dog has slipped his harness while taking him out for his walk - this has only happened when he is "red-lining" (going completely berserk over another dog.)

The weird thing is he only wants to fight others dogs if they are on a leash and he is on a leash, if the other dog is off-leash, this dog becomes timid, or if he gets off-leash (as I described him slipping his harness) he usually then runs and hides behind my legs!

Any advice?

People on the phone in airplanes are so much worse though hahaha. My boss does that. A lot. We all think he does it on purpose though, for attention. Without fail, as soon as he takes his seat on the airplane he pulls out his phone to call someone at the office. Then starts barking orders about some random project that no one is even working on. All loud enough so that anyone within a 4-row range can hear him being boss.
We all know people like this. Sounds like a tool, but he’s only insecure.

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
The one thing that really annoyed me back in middle school was this kid who insisted on calling me Carlos even though that's not my name.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm not annoyed, I'm happy...That probably annoys some of you, ha!

That's because you don't live in New York. Sometimes it feels like everything that happens around here is annoying.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That's because you don't live in New York. Sometimes it feels like everything that happens around here is annoying.
You couldn't pay me enough to live there, or any big city. I don't even like going into the nearby town which has so much traffic it's grid locked.