🌟 Star Trek, TOS 🌟


Great video, @Mesmerized! I love McCoy saying, "A teddy beat?" and the delighted look on his face until Spock described the "teddy bear."

And @lenslady, like you I loved the moment when Kirk asked if there was anyone on the ship who resembled Satan and Spock got rather huffy.

Over the years, I've loved comedians who've confessed to loving the original Trek. Comedians such as Jason Alexander, Kevin Pollak, and Dana Carvey. Carvey was on The Tonight Show, I believe, and he marveled at how Captain Kirk was able to talk a computer to death. He described it as such:
Nomad: I am Nomad. I destroy imperfection.
Kirk: But you...Nomad...are imperfection.
Nomad: Huh? (sound of explosion)

Pollak, IMO, does the best Shatner impersonation. Here's a video I used to have on video tape that I got at a Trek Convention. Thank goodness for YouTube:

"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

I've seen Kevin Pollack do Shatner before, but I never saw this clip where he does the crew as various celebrities!

I just feel like there was one missed joke: when he was doing Kirk talking to Spock (who now had the voice of Christopher Lloyd) he should have asked, "Why do you remind me of a Klingon I once killed?"

Trouble with a capital "T"
There's a good read in the link below, it's about Captain Kirk and his alleged womanizing. BTW, Captain Steel you didn't write this did you?
In Defense of (the Original) James T. Kirk

And for those who are too lazy to go and read here's an excerpt:
in word and deed, the Kirk of the original series was, essentially, a modern, mature Horatio Hornblower: an adventurer and military man, yes, but primarily a diplomat responsible for representing his people far away from home. His role as diplomat applied at every level of the drama, really. In the Freudian trinity that was Kirk/Spock/McCoy, Kirk was tasked most weeks with balancing McCoy’s passion and Spock’s logic. Yes, I am aware which portion of the psyche that would make him and, no, I’m not going to say it.

...on the original series, it was excuse enough for women to constantly throw themselves at Shat. After all, it was the ‘60s and an adventure show and that’s just what guest stars did. There’s simply no denying that the good captain had game. But was he really such a player? Kirk (shrewd diplomat that he was,) very often parlayed female affection into vital information or aid, which was, well, using them. But he didn’t often actually bed them to get it, because of network censors and the fact that his mama didn’t raise him that way. If anything, Captain Kirk was a big ol’ space tease. If he were a woman, we’d probably call him empowered.

Alright, alright, there was Marlena Moreau, but what happens in the Mirror Universe stays in the Mirror Universe, amirite? And then there was Miramanee, but he made an honest space-Indian priestess of her and the less that is said about the specifics of the third season, the better.

Kirk also knew long before the phrase “sexual harassment” entered the vernacular not to fool around with women under his command, no matter how much they might want his sweet, sweet captain’s seat...

On those rare occasions when he did express real interest in a woman, she was usually an intelligent, independent, well-rounded character like Edith Keeler, Janet Wallace or Carol Marcus. He was also repeatedly shown to be on good terms with exes, so it’s hard to imagine he was anything less than a gentleman. Well, okay, Janice Lester killed a bunch of people and briefly snatched his body, but who doesn’t have that one ex from Hell? And again: third season...

There's a good read in the link below, it's about Captain Kirk and his alleged womanizing. BTW, Captain Steel you didn't write this did you?
In Defense of (the Original) James T. Kirk

And for those who are too lazy to go and read here's an excerpt:
Wow, Rules! What a great article.

He even talked about my Freudian model (well... it's not that difficult a concept to observe, so I'm not surprised others have written about it. It was really kind of obvious).

But no, he's not me, but he sure sounds like me! I really like that there are other people out there who do NOT appreciate the whole "splinter continuity" concept that totally takes away the one-of-a-kind aspect or our beloved characters.

He has a good point that the ST reboot is really more like caricatures of the actual characters (the public's idea of Kirk from people who never really followed the show) - it's like someone's version of "if I created Star Trek here's how it would be" rather than an homage to, continuation of or prequel for the original. In other words, it's Abrams' mustache on the Mona Lisa!

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
it's like someone's version of "if I created Star Trek here's how it would be" rather than an homage to, continuation of or prequel for the original.
In regards to the original (where no prequel or sequel would ever match in excellence), Gene Roddenberry originally pitched his "Wagon Train to the stars" (as he called it) to CBS. The CBS executives asked Gene many questions about his ideas about space travel; but as it turned out, they were only using Roddenberry's ideas for their own purposes. In the end, they told Gene they weren't interested in Star Trek. Some time later, CBS aired their own Sci-Fi show, Lost in Space.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Over the years, I've loved comedians who've confessed to loving the original Trek. Comedians such as Jason Alexander, Kevin Pollak, and Dana Carvey. Carvey was on The Tonight Show, I believe, and he marveled at how Captain Kirk was able to talk a computer to death. He described it as such:
Nomad: I am Nomad. I destroy imperfection.
Kirk: But you...Nomad...are imperfection.
Nomad: Huh? (sound of explosion)

Pollak, IMO, does the best Shatner impersonation. Here's a video I used to have on video tape that I got at a Trek Convention. Thank goodness for YouTube:

I love Kevin Pollak. He's probably the best impressionist in the business today.

Have you heard the original version of Kevin Pollak's "Star Trek V: In Search of Cash" from the album "Star Trek Comedy - The Unofficial Album"? Most of it is pretty much the same, but the ending is much better.

It starts at about the 6:00 mark in this video:

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

@gbgoodies Yeah, I love Pollak's impressions and his acting also. Now that you've posted it, this is the version of the routine by Pollak I used to have on VHS. The Woody Allen/Bill Murray/Rodney Dangerfield bits brought it all back to me. Oh, my Star fleeting memory (did you see what I did there? ).

Here's the original Star Trek Parody sketch done in the very first season of Saturday Night Live (what are they in, like Season 97 now?). It's a bit dated after seeing lots of other parody takes on ST but it's still nice to see it when SNL was at its best (first five seasons, IMHO). They don't produce a ton of laughs here but it's still amusing to see them take on the "alien" Nielsen ratings and I think Chevy Chase does the best especially towards the end. A nice memory anyway:

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Has anyone downloaded the app called Star Trek Fleet Command? I'm just wondering what it's about. For some reason I couldn't find it in the app store, but I'm seeing commercials about it.

By the way, Star Trek comes on tonight at 10pm EST on MeTV.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Has anyone downloaded the app called Star Trek Fleet Command? I'm just wondering what it's about. For some reason I couldn't find it in the app store, but I'm seeing commercials about it.

By the way, Star Trek comes on tonight at 10pm EST on MeTV.

I didn't download the Star Trek Fleet Command app, but I took a quick look in the Google Play store, and it's there. I searched "Star Trek" in the app store, and it was the first app listed at the top of the results page.

But I read a couple of the reviews, and at least one person said that it's a "cash cow", and another person said it's "very glitchy".

That was a fun clip from SNL @dadgumblah. John B was the best of the SNL crew in miming the original cast members. He even looked like Kirk.
I had the biggest laugh when Chevy/Spock kept unsuccessfully trying the Vulcan ' nerve pinch'
The SNL skit may not have been 'guffaw' funny, but I sure was smiling all the way through. Captured the spirit of the show.
And what a clever irony in the remark about the network showing no signs of intelligent life - here we are 5O years after TOS was cancelled- and we're still enjoying the show! Not to mention how it's lived on thru conventions, spin offs , movies, etc. 😀

Thanks @lenslady! That was pretty much my favorite part too, with the "nerve pinch" and Elliott Gould thinking Spock/Chevy was wondering what kind of material his suit was. I also really liked when Chevy was acting all logical and suddenly started crying and saying, "I have a contract! I have a contract!"

In later years, when Dana Carvey was on the show and Shatner was the host, they had the infamous, "Get a Life" skit set at a convention, then "The Restaurant Enterprise" skit where they turned the Enterprise naturally into a restaurant. The guy who played Sulu in the original sketch I posted also played him in the one I've just mentioned and he had noticeably gained weight and Shatner commented on it, then Carvey came in as Khan and commented on Sulu's weight also, and this in the middle of a revenge tirade. I would have posted it but YouTube doesn't have it and I think the only place I think you can see it is Hulu's website (with a subscription naturally). If someone's got Hulu, can you post the ones I've mentioned?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Thanks @lenslady! That was pretty much my favorite part too, with the "nerve pinch" and Elliott Gould thinking Spock/Chevy was wondering what kind of material his suit was. I also really liked when Chevy was acting all logical and suddenly started crying and saying, "I have a contract! I have a contract!"

In later years, when Dana Carvey was on the show and Shatner was the host, they had the infamous, "Get a Life" skit set at a convention, then "The Restaurant Enterprise" skit where they turned the Enterprise naturally into a restaurant. The guy who played Sulu in the original sketch I posted also played him in the one I've just mentioned and he had noticeably gained weight and Shatner commented on it, then Carvey came in as Khan and commented on Sulu's weight also, and this in the middle of a revenge tirade. I would have posted it but YouTube doesn't have it and I think the only place I think you can see it is Hulu's website (with a subscription naturally). If someone's got Hulu, can you post the ones I've mentioned?

I found "The Restaurant Enterprise" video through someone's blog, but I don't think it will embed here because it's not on YouTube. Here's the link:


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
In later years, when Dana Carvey was on the show and Shatner was the host, they had the infamous, "Get a Life" skit set at a convention, then "The Restaurant Enterprise" skit where they turned the Enterprise naturally into a restaurant. The guy who played Sulu in the original sketch I posted also played him in the one I've just mentioned and he had noticeably gained weight and Shatner commented on it, then Carvey came in as Khan and commented on Sulu's weight also, and this in the middle of a revenge tirade. I would have posted it but YouTube doesn't have it and I think the only place I think you can see it is Hulu's website (with a subscription naturally). If someone's got Hulu, can you post the ones I've mentioned?
I found "The Restaurant Enterprise" video through someone's blog, but I don't think it will embed here because it's not on YouTube. Here's the link:


At around the 1:15 mark, did Spock call Dr. McCoy "Captain"?

At around the 1:15 mark, did Spock call Dr. McCoy "Captain"?

I don't know---you were right, it didn't post here. Thanks for trying anyway. I've got the Best of Dana Carvey on SNL on DVD and haven't checked it out in a long time. Maybe that skit is on there.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I don't know---you were right, it didn't post here. Thanks for trying anyway. I've got the Best of Dana Carvey on SNL on DVD and haven't checked it out in a long time. Maybe that skit is on there.

You should be able to watch it if you click on the link above. It will open in a new window. (If it doesn't start playing automatically, just click on the word "Flash" to use the Flash Player to play it.)

You should be able to watch it if you click on the link above. It will open in a new window. (If it doesn't start playing automatically, just click on the word "Flash" to use the Flash Player to play it.)
Thanks for the tip, gbg. I didn't know to click on the word "Flash"!
I can say that I'd never seen that skit before.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Thanks for the tip, gbg. I didn't know to click on the word "Flash"!
I can say that I'd never seen that skit before.

You're welcome. I only knew to click on the word "Flash" because there's a game I play that uses Flash, so I have to click on "Flash" for that game too.

I hadn't seen that skit before either, but I stopped watching SNL when Chevy Chase left.

Eh, my computer won't let me download the Flash. I dunno. No biggie.

On another subject, I've always loved Spock's mind melds and nerve pinches. Here's a compilation of nerve pinches with some song I've never heard before:

Heh heh heh.

I get a kick out of these ' hand picked' ( sorry couldn't help it ) clips @dadgumblah.

Btw I didn't remember the ep where our good Dr. McCoy got pinched . Anyone can remind me of which one that was in ?

And speaking of the Doc: Do you take requests ? Maybe sonething along the line of "I' m a doctor not a bricklayer....spaceship pilot" . ....and so on?