Are today's audience too sensitive when it comes to sexual aggression?


Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
What I mean is, when you watch older movies, the sexual scenarios are more aggressive compared to today. In Thunderball (1965) for example, James Bond seduces a woman by blackmailing her into ratting her out to her boss, unless his silence comes with a price. He then kisses her and she is turned on and kisses back. She gives into the blackmail but in a turned on sort of way.

In Lady in Cement (1968) Raquel Welsh sees Frank Sinatra and smiles at him and as a pick up line, says "Well should I scream rape now, or wait and phone in a complaint". But you never hear a woman say that as a pick up line to a guy in a movie nowadays.

It seems that audiences have just become too prudish, when it comes to sexual seduction and they only want politically correct sex seduction, which really takes the fun and passion out of it really.

Don't get me wrong, sex crimes in real life are horrible but if a person is seduced by sexual aggression and wants it, in a movie, than is it so bad then, to portray it that way, and not have to have it be considered to be such a terrible statement towards real life crimes?

Why do audiences only want politically correct seductions in movies nowadays, or at least that is what audiences think they want?

Personally I don't wanna see any sex in movies, it can be mentioned, but any sex scenes makes me reach for the remote.
Much prefer a movie to have a strong storyline instead of flashing the flesh, I enjoyed Titanic but again the sex scene was off putting.

They're certainly more sensitive. Insofar as it's just "I don't care to see this," fair enough. If it's extended into some kind of suggestion, as a general principle, that a category of awful things that happen in real life should not be depicted, then that's another thing entirely. If it happens in real life it has to be at least potentially okay to depict artistically.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh sorry, maybe I mis-implied, but what I meant was, is not showing actual sex, but audiences are sensitive when it comes to characters even being sexually aggressive in personality more so nowadays, compared to before.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...It seems that audiences have just become too prudish, when it comes to sexual seduction and they only want politically correct sex seduction, which really takes the fun and passion out of it really....
Why do audiences only want politically correct seductions in movies nowadays, or at least that is what audiences think they want?
I don't think today's audiences are more prudish about sexual seduction. I think the term is snowflaking. By that I mean film makers are overly concerned about offending a small percentage of their audience if they do something sexually that's deemed socially unpopular (like the seduction scenes in your two film examples). The film maker doesn't want a back lash from social media which then could derail their film if it wasn't completed...and if the film was in release it could hurt ticket sales.

Personally I don't wanna see any sex in movies, it can be mentioned, but any sex scenes makes me reach for the remote.
Much prefer a movie to have a strong storyline instead of flashing the flesh, I enjoyed Titanic but again the sex scene was off putting.
There was sex in Titanic? I don't remember that scene, it must not have been too graphic as I've watched Titanic a number of times and can't recall it. Was there any nudity, hopefully it wasn't DiCaprio in his birthdays suit! Oh we're not talking about the Barbara Stanwyck film are we

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh okay, but would a seduction scene in a movie that is done in a non-PC way actually hurt sales before the movie is released? Cause no one is going to know the naughty scenario from the movie accept for the cast and crew, and they sign NDAs to prevent them from talking about the movie, so how would it get on social media, before the movie's release?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Oh okay, but would a seduction scene in a movie that is done in a non-PC way actually hurt sales before the movie is released? Cause no one is going to know the naughty scenario from the movie accept for the cast and crew, and they sign NDAs to prevent them from talking about the movie, so how would it get on social media, before the movie's release?
Stuff leaks out about pre production movies. I suppose if security is tight and no one talks then it might not leak, but of course after the film is out, if there was a scene like this:
In Lady in Cement (1968) Raquel Welsh sees Frank Sinatra and smiles at him and as a pick up line, says "Well should I scream rape now, or wait and phone in a complaint".

There might very well be cries that the film maker (especially if he was male) was making fun of women and rape.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh okay, but that's just it though with today's audience. How do you have a woman be naughty like that without thinking the filmmaker is making some sort of political statement against women?

...It seems that audiences have just become too prudish, when it comes to sexual seduction and they only want politically correct sex seduction, which really takes the fun and passion out of it really....
Why do audiences only want politically correct seductions in movies nowadays, or at least that is what audiences think they want?
I don't think today's audiences are more prudish about sexual seduction. I think the term is snowflaking. By that I mean film makers are overly concerned about offending a small percentage of their audience if they do something sexually that's deemed socially unpopular (like the seduction scenes in your two film examples). The film maker doesn't want a back lash from social media which then could derail their film if it wasn't completed...and if the film was in release it could hurt ticket sales.

Personally I don't wanna see any sex in movies, it can be mentioned, but any sex scenes makes me reach for the remote.
Much prefer a movie to have a strong storyline instead of flashing the flesh, I enjoyed Titanic but again the sex scene was off putting.
There was sex in Titanic? I don't remember that scene, it must not have been too graphic as I've watched Titanic a number of times and can't recall it. Was there any nudity, hopefully it wasn't DiCaprio in his birthdays suit! Oh we're not talking about the Barbara Stanwyck film are we
Lol!😀 The 1997 remake, Kate Winslett got her baps out, then her and DeCaprio had a romp in the car while in the ships hold. Not my thing in a movie, I would prefer to keep the story of Titanic on track.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Lol!😀 The 1997 remake, Kate Winslett got her baps out, then her and DeCaprio had a romp in the car while in the ships hold. Not my thing in a movie, I would prefer to keep the story of Titanic on track.
Oh yeah, now I remember the vintage car scene. Did you like the romance part of the movie?

In Lady in Cement (1968) Raquel Welsh sees Frank Sinatra and smiles at him and as a pick up line, says "Well should I scream rape now, or wait and phone in a complaint". But you never hear a woman say that as a pick up line to a guy in a movie nowadays.
Thank goodness for that. What woman would say such a dumb thing to a man?

Kate Winslett got her baps out
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women are more important today and they don't like aggressive scenes of sex . in the past maybe their opinion was less important .

Lol!😀 The 1997 remake, Kate Winslett got her baps out, then her and DeCaprio had a romp in the car while in the ships hold. Not my thing in a movie, I would prefer to keep the story of Titanic on track.
Oh yeah, now I remember the vintage car scene. Did you like the romance part of the movie?
No not really, I found it irrelevant as it didn't happen at the time.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Thank goodness for that. What woman would say such a dumb thing to a man?

Well I had an ex-girlfriend who would say lines like that to me, so is it so bad for a women to say naughty lines, even if they are immature?

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
women are more important today and they don't like aggressive scenes of sex . in the past maybe their opinion was less important .
I don't think there was really much a gender related narrative back then. I think they just, I don't know, told a story.
Movies are PC today because audiences are asking them to be PC, aggressive seduction is marketed to women directly. It's wrong to exploit a woman's body so now men walk around without shirts and talk to women about how powerful and independent they are and as a woman, I really don't care what's in the movie as long as it's necessary for the story.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well as far as body exploitation goes, I mean a movie can do that to a man too if it wants, like it did with Daniel Craig coming out of the beach in Casino Royale.

No not really, I found it irrelevant as it didn't happen at the time.
Have you seen the British film about the Titanic, A Night To Remember?

A Night To Remember review by Citizen Rules
Yes, it was on TV recently here!

Sorry to go a little off topic, but....

Lol!😀 The 1997 remake, Kate Winslett got her baps out, then her and DeCaprio had a romp in the car while in the ships hold. Not my thing in a movie, I would prefer to keep the story of Titanic on track.
But the story of the remake of Titanic isn't about the ship. It's about Rose and Jack and the ship is merely the setting.

British slang for breasts.

No not really, I found it irrelevant as it didn't happen at the time.
Apart from the ship leaving, sinking and a few events, much of what you seen in the film didn't happen.
5-time MoFo Award winner.