🌟 Star Trek, TOS 🌟


Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
That's interesting - not that I ever gave it much thought, but I always just assumed that disfigured Captain Pike was Jeffrey Hunter with make-up!
After the first pilot episode, The Cage, Hunter's wife shows up at the studio declaring that her husband wanted nothing more to do with Star Trek fearing it would ruin his career as a movie actor.

I didn't know a diiferent actor played the disfigured Pike either. So I guess Hunter, via his wife; joins the Pete Best hall -of -near- miss-almost - famous ; that coulda been a contender. Just out of curiosity , just when did Hunter and the missus get a divorce?

Interesting tidbits one can pick up here. I still can't wrap my mind around the info that Shatner was living in his car. Maybe he lived in motels and drove to them in his car??? So he listed his address on his tax records as Chevrolet?

At any rate, just a couple of quick notes re: actresses that gbgoodies posted :

It's amazing what a sympathetic role Joan Collins played, so unlike the vixen she played for so many years later. I think that is my favorite romantic TOS ep, and she certainly was my favorite Kirk partner.

I also was glad to be reminded of the Terri Garr ep, which certainly was one that played true to her later characters. That was a real fun ep too.

A Canadian, James Doohan had performed on many radio shows there and often told of using various dialects while auditioning for the role of the Enterprise's engineer. He said he recommended the Scottish one.

@Mesmerized This is indeed one of the most fun threads to ever appear on MoFo.

I'm a long-time Trek fan and TOS is certainly my favorite, although I either loved or liked the others, Discovery not included. I don't usually just take peoples' word for things on movies or shows I want to see, but I didn't want to see the new series anyway. So the photon torpedoes aimed at the new show doesn't bother me for many reasons, just a few being: the already mentioned backward retconned Klingons; the fact that I've never paid to see a Trek television series in my life and I won't start with the streaming CBS network; I don't like that the powers-that-be behind the series are spending oodles of money to change things (Klingons, ship sizes, technology, etc.) just because it will look cool onscreen. Just a few reasons.

My favorite Trek ladies are:
Mariette Hartley All Our Yesterdays

Emily Banks Shore Leave

Leslie Parrish Who Mourns for Adonais?

Sherry Jackson What Are Little Girls Made Of?

Marianna Hill Dagger of the Mind

I've got to go season-to-season on my favorite episode picks. And they are (with various lines included here and there)

The Enemy Within ("I want to live! I want to live!")
Balance of Terror
Return of the Archons ("Going to Festival, are ya?")
Space Speed ("Each of you in turn will go in there...and die while the others watch!")
A Taste of Armageddon ("Pardon me, but there is a multi-legged creature crawling on your shoulder.")
This Side of Paradise ("You're an overgrown jackrabbit, an elf with a hyperactive thyroid!")
The Devil in the Dark ("I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer!")
The City on the Edge of Forever ("The unfortunate accident he had as a child. He caught his head in a mechanical... rice picker...")

Amok Time (T'Pau: "Live long and prosper, Spock."
Spock: "I shall do neither: I've killed my captain and my friend.")
Mirror, Mirror (Capt. Kirk: "I'm not sure, but I think we've been insulted."
Dr. McCoy: "I'm sure.")
I, Mudd (The Two Alices: "Why should we leave you?"
Captain Kirk: "Because... we don't like you.")
Journey to Babel
The Trouble with Tribbles ("Before they went into warp, I transported the whole kit 'n' caboodle into their engine room, where they'll be no tribble at all.")
A Piece of the Action (Bela Oxmyx: "Nobody helps nobody but himself."
Spock: "Sir, you are employing a double negative.")
Bread and Circuses (Dr. McCoy: "I'm trying to thank you, you pointed-eared hobgoblin!")

The Enterprise Incident ("I was unprepared for his attack. I instinctively used the Vulcan death-grip.")
Spectre of the Gun
Day of the Dove (Captain Kirk: "We must talk to Kang, bury the hatchet."
Mr. Spock: "An appropriate choice of terms, Captain.")
All Our Yesterdays: (Dr. McCoy: "I'm the doctor around here.
Mr. Spock: "And known as the worst patient in the entire crew of the Enterprise.")

I must go to bed! I'll check back later.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

That's interesting - not that I ever gave it much thought, but I always just assumed that disfigured Captain Pike was Jeffrey Hunter with make-up!
I know – I assumed the same but never mind, I still feel like I'm watching him.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Interesting tidbits one can pick up here. I still can't wrap my mind around the info that Shatner was living in his car. Maybe he lived in motels and drove to them in his car??? So he listed his address on his tax records as Chevrolet?
William Shatner wrote about his brief homelessness in his book, Star Trek Movie Memories .

I always thought Worf's "explanation" "We do not discuss it with outsiders." on DS9 concerning the TOS look of Klingons was good enough and very funny, just dealing with it with a bit of humor. I watched all of ST: Enterprise but I didn't remember them explaining why the Klingons had different appearances. Thanks for that @Citizen Rules!
@Captain Steel, that's a hilarious story about the "Atoz Cart."

How about a trivia question?
In the episode All Our Yesterdays, what is the funny meaning behind the name of Mr. Atoz?

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Captain Steel, that's a hilarious story about the "Atoz Cart."

How about a trivia question?
In the episode All Our Yesterdays, why is the funny meaning behind the name of Mr. Atoz?
Mr. Atoz (Ian Wolfe) is the librarian. So his name is literally Mr. A to Z

I see Ian Wolfe now and then in really old movies and either me or my wife will excitedly say, 'there's Mr Atoz.'

Mr. Atoz (Ian Wolfe) is the librarian. So his name is literally Mr. A to Z

I see Ian Wolfe now and then in really old movies and either me or my wife will excitedly say, 'there's Mr Atoz.'
LOL! I think I learned that before (about his name) but had forgotten. That's great!

And yeah... Ian Wolfe... the more I got into old movies, the more I saw him - he was in a LOT of movies! He had a long career.
Same with Elisha Cook, Jr. - he played Kirk's lawyer in "Court Martial." He was in a ton of movies & TV shows - some great ones too!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I also was glad to be reminded of the Terri Garr ep, which certainly was one that played true to her later characters. That was a real fun ep too.

Did you know that the episode with Teri Garr, ("Assignment: Earth"), was supposed to be a pilot episode for a spin-off series starring Robert Lansing as Gary Seven, Teri Garr as Roberta Lincoln, and Barbara Babcock as Isis?
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I also was glad to be reminded of the Terri Garr ep, which certainly was one that played true to her later characters. That was a real fun ep too.

Did you know that the episode with Teri Garr, ("Assignment: Earth"), was supposed to be a pilot episode for a spin-off series starring Robert Lansing as Gary Seven, Teri Garr as Roberta Lincoln, and Barbara Babcock as Isis?

Didn't know that gb. "Fascinating" as our Mr. Spock would say

Might have been a fun series , but I guess it didn't get picked up?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Didn't know that gb. "Fascinating" as our Mr. Spock would say

Might have been a fun series , but I guess it didn't get picked up?

No, according to Roddenberry, NBC didn't pick it up, and if they had decided to pick it up, they could have changed the cast, against his wishes.

So many faces.....so few names .

Well even though I recognize a number of faces I can only come up with one actor and one character

Frank Gorshin - in half blackface

Harry Mudd. Bottom row second from left

Then my answers become increasingly vague, like the guy far right, 2nd row who turned out to be a child who was using the crew as playthings .

Good challenge @gbgoodies - let's see how the other Trekkies do with it.

Well, going from left to right, top to bottom:
The guy who played Doc Holliday in Spectre of the Gun (don't know his name)
That hot chick who was in that episode (I'm sure Kirk hit on her and probably kissed her).
The Tholian Web episode
Don't recognize him off-hand
2nd row:
William Windom in The Doomsday Machine
William Campbell in The Trouble With Tribbles
Center Picture: I believe it's the episode Charlie X but I'm probably wrong.
@lenslady already answered, Frank Gorshin in Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
William Campbell (again) in The Squire of Gothos
3rd Row:
Guy and episode right on the tip of my brain but I can't remember!
Lady I don't recognize
Joanne Linville in The Enterprise Incident
Portmaster Stone in Court Martial (I don't remember if Portmaster was his title or first name)
4th Row:
Jeffrey Hunter in The Cage and/or The Menagerie Parts I and II
Also as @lenslady said Harry Mudd (Roger C. Carmel)---I think from his uniform it's from I, Mudd but not sure
Have no idea
Stonn (can't remember the actor's name although I know it was stated earlier in this thread) from Amok Time

Pretty darn good @dadgumblah.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
How many characters, actors, and/or episodes can you name from this picture.
(NOTE: I found this picture on the internet.)

I'm terrible with names, but starting at the top and going left to right,

Spectre of the Gun
The Mark of Gideon
The Tholian Web
The Menagerie pt. 1
This Side of Paradise
The Doomsday Machine
The Trouble With Tribbles
The Man Trap
Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
The Squire of Gothos
Whom Gods Destroy
By Any Other Name
The Enterprise Incident
Court Martial
The Cage
I, Mudd
Balance of Terror
Mudd's Women
Amok Time

Did you know that the episode with Teri Garr, ("Assignment: Earth"), was supposed to be a pilot episode for a spin-off series starring Robert Lansing as Gary Seven, Teri Garr as Roberta Lincoln, and Barbara Babcock as Isis?
I did know that.
It would have been part of the secret agent phase of the late 60's: you had Man from UNCLE, Girl from UNCLE, The Avengers, The Saint, I Spy, Get Smart, Mission Impossible.

Although there were hints that Gary Seven wasn't just a regular guy with some kind of top secret job - little clues were dropped that maybe he was an alien, time traveler, or had some mystic qualities (what with his cat). Kind of the secret agent phase meets the magic / fantasy phase (Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie, etc. where Teri Garr would have been the straight woman ala Darren Stevens or Major Nelson.)