Classic Comedy Hall of Fame


The era that this will cover is 1914-1951, this will be for feature length films. If participation is low I may ask for 2nd noms which would be a pity because this is a vibrant and rich period of time in history and a huge blindspot with our Hall of Fames. My hope is to break this genre down into 3 to 4 periods of time.

April-June, June-August, August-October, October-December and if we need overlap than it will happen but I'm hoping to have this whole thing complete by January 1st next year


The Nominee's

Sherlock Jr (1924) Disqualified

Monkey Business(1931)

Trouble in Paradise (1932) Disqualified

Duck Soup (1933

It's a Gift (1934)

Top Hat (1935)

Modern Times (1936)

Nothing Sacred (1937)

True Confession (1937)

His Girl Friday (1940)

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) DISQUALIFIED

Harvey (1950)

The Lavender Hill Mob (1951) DISQUALIFIED

Yes! Fun, I will definitely join, not too familiar with classic comedy right now either.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
oh, HELL YES!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

While I might join in for later decades, I'm not overly familiar with many comedies from this era, and the few I do really like have been nominated in previous HoFs. I know the only stipulation is that the film can't have won, but I'd rather nominate something that hasn't already been discussed.

Thanks for the 'nearly but not quite' mention but I'm concentrating on my own monthly themes this year and anyway in HOFs there's almost bound to be stuff nominated that just won't be available to me without venturing into territory I prefer to stay away from so I'll just peruse from the wings like I normally do.

Hopefully you get enough interest.

Trouble with a capital "T"
While I think doing some type of Decades Comedy Hof is interesting, as it allows us to see how comedy and attitudes have changed over the last 100 years, I'm not keen on this format. I don't want to join 4 comedy Hofs, so I'm passing on this as it is.

Now if Siddon can be flexible, then I'd join if this was done like this:

Each member picks only 1 comedy nom as usual, but they choose from one of these decades (20s,30s,40s,50s,60s,70s,80s,90,2000s,2010s). Once a decade has been chosen by someone it then can't be chose by the next person. If there were 10 people, then there would only be 10 movies, and each decade would be represented. If more than 10 people joined they could choose a second movie from any of the decades once all the decades had one movie represented. That way you get the decades thing, with a good representation of different styles of comedy from different eras. And people can choose which decade and movie they want, and there's only one comedy Hof and so no need of a four part Hof.

^^I like that idea a lot, and I’m fine with doing either.

Weird is relative.
^ Yeah, I find myself without much free time as well... I'll keep an eye on what's happening with this HOF though, if I can think of something to nominate I'll join.
And yeah, @Citizen Rules idea sounds good too.

I'm interested (Even though you spelt my username wrong ) but obviously the more participation the better. Not much of a Hall of Fame if there's only four of us.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
We can also just nominate two films, it's not any of these comedies are Gone with the Wind length.
that could work too. I'll get a second one in later on this evening.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm interested (Even though you spelt my username wrong ) but obviously the more participation the better. Not much of a Hall of Fame if there's only four of us.
If you join, I'll join to make it 5 If an HOF has a really low number of members like only 2,3,4 then it's not worth the time for me to do the photoshop stuff for the HOF Archives thread. That is why I didn't record the results of the Virgin HOF, as there were only 4 members.

So to help out I'll join, even though he misspelled my name too