Pixar Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
Thanks for the support
I guess that makes me the goodwill ambassador of the Hofs...I think more people will join, as this is a popular genre, we just got to get them to notice the thread, hence me bumping it. By the time you start you'll probably have 10 members, maybe even more and that's the usual size for an HoF.

Oh and we have to persuade @rauldc14 to join too He's always a good guy to have around.

Thanks for the support
I guess that makes me the goodwill ambassador of the Hofs...I think more people will join, as this is a popular genre, we just got to get them to notice the thread, hence me bumping it. By the time you start you'll probably have 10 members, maybe even more and that's the usual size for an HoF.

Oh and we have to persuade @rauldc14 to join too He's always a good guy to have around.
rauldc14 joined! And yes, hopefully more people will join, although I’m pleased we already have seven.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Even if it ends at 7 that's really not shabby.
Yeah 7 is decent. There's been smaller HoFs and sometimes the small ones are the funniest. There's still time to join so a few more people joining would be great

Well, we're up to eight now, with about a week left to nominate.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Well, we're up to eight now, with about a week left to nominate.
Cool, Siddon joined. The more the merrier

I messaged 4 people who've never been in an HoF but are solid members. So far no takers though.

A couple days left. @John-Connor nominated something, but hasn't responded to my PM (it was already taken). So... maybe nine people? I'm good with that.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
8 or 9 is a pretty solid number for a specialty HoF. Definitely a good turn out
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

All right, no one has nominated for a while, so the nominations are on the first post. I will post deadlines as soon as I can.

Deadline is:

April 1, 2019 when all lists need to be sent in. Remember to check in once every ten days to stay in.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yahoo! Some good noms in this HoF...And luckily my library has them all, only for some reason there's 14 request for Monster University

I've seen a few of these Pixars, but it's been a long time! So I'm glad for a reason to get me to rewatch these....This should be fun


I've now watched Up four or five times, I can't remember. It never grows old, a really magical and beautiful film. Yes, the opening scene is a jewel, but the rest of it is great as well. This is one of Pixar's best movies, and I expect either this, Toy Story, or Ratatouille will win it, and deservingly. I also really loved the symbolism Pixar puts in their film, to attract adults as well (the airmchairs, Ellie's book, Charles Muntz and his foil with Carl). This is some really complex and innovative plot work going on, with great character foils, plot structure, and nearly everything else.


Trouble with a capital "T"
Was that your review if so wow that was fast! or were you just reminiscing? Cool either way.

I've seen Up, but I don't remember a thing about it, so I'm looking forward to a revisit.

Phew, nobody nominated Brave. That's a relief. Obviously I've seen all of these.

BTW, if any American participants are interested, I have an extra copy of A Bug's Life on DVD. It's used and has the remnants of a sticker on the disc but is in good condition. I just don't need it because I've replaced it with blu-ray.

Was that your review if so wow that was fast! or were you just reminiscing? Cool either way.

I've seen Up, but I don't remember a thing about it, so I'm looking forward to a revisit.
Yes it was my review, the only nomination I feel I've seen recently enough that I can review it without watching it again.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yes it was my review, the only nomination I feel I've seen recently enough that I can review it without watching it again.
I'll probably get to my first watch/review this coming week.

I'll probably get to my first watch/review this coming week.
Looking forward to it.

It'll be interesting to see how these rank in relation to their places on the MoFo Top 100 Animated Films Countdown. Coco and Monsters University were released afterwards, but here's how the others ranked:

#1 Toy Story
#2 Up
#6 Finding Nemo
#8 Ratatouille
#11 The Incredibles
#98 A Bug's Life

Also, I've been trying to get @JayDee to join, so we might have a late entry.

* * *

And my usual personal reference list:

Watched: 8/8
Deadline: May 1st

A Bug's Life (John Lasseter and Andrew Stanton, 1998)
Nominated by edarsenal
Review: March 2, 2019 /

Coco (Lee Unkrich and Adrian Molina, 2017)
Nominated by Nathaniel
Review: March 3, 2019 /

Finding Nemo (Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich, 2003)
Nominated by rauldc14
Review: March 3, 2019 /

The Incredibles (Brad Bird, 2004)
Nominated by Yam12
Review: March 5, 2019 /

Monsters University (Dan Scanlon, 2013)
Nominated by Siddon
Review: March 5, 2019 /

Ratatouille (Brad Bird and Jan Pinkava, 2007)
Nominated by Citizen Rules
Review: March 7, 2019 /

Toy Story (John Lasseter, 1995)
Nominated by ahwell
Review: March 7, 2019 /

Up (Pete Docter and Bob Peterson, 2009)
Nominated by Me
Review: March 14, 2019 /

A Bug's Life (John Lasseter and Andrew Stanton, 1998)

Date Watched: 3/2/19
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: Pixar Hall of Fame, nominated by edarsenal
Rewatch: Yes

As much as I love Pixar, A Bug's Life is not a film that I've ever held in particularly high esteem - though I think part of that may be that I sometimes have trouble differentiating my memory of it from that of other (inferior) ant themed animated films. Tonight's rewatch hasn't changed the film's standing in my list of favorite films from the studio, but I do feel like I've come away with a better appreciation for it. Although it doesn't quite hit the emotional highs that some of Pixar's later offerings achieve, it is quite the charmer and offers plenty of laughs.

It also features a really great voice cast, with Kevin Spacey really shining as villain Hopper, and Denis Leary and the late Joe Ranft bringing the laughs as Francis and Heimlich respectively. It's been quite some time since I last watched this and I have to say I was actually quite surprised by the quality of the animation. Of course, by the standards of Pixar's later work, it is a bit rough but even now - more than 20 years later - it outshines the recent offerings of many other animation studios with its brilliant colors, varying textures, and attention to detail.

Overall not what I'd class among Pixar's best, but still a quality film and one that very much hinted at the greatness that was to come.
